Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cutie Pinks

 Pinks playing Lego

At my Youth group thing we have ranks. Each person have to wear a scarf which represent which ranks they are in.

The ranks are :
Pink (6-7 years old)
Green (8-10 years old)
Blue (11-12 years old)
Yellow (13-16 years old)
Red (Apprentice teacher)
Red with yellow strips (Teacher)
There are also higher ranks.


I am in red so I help the teachers teach.

I taught the pink group. We played games such as Dog and the bone, Duck duck goose, Cat and Mouse, Statue, pass the ball, get to know each other games and other games. They are so cutteee and adorable. I can't believe how much energy they have. Kind of remind me of my past when I was a pink. I was so hyper back then and still is now sometimes LOL.

 Playing the Statue game.

Went to Sunny Bank for Dinner with my Family and my cousin. :) Ate at Little Hong Kong. The food was alright.

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