Saturday, March 31, 2012


Work today was okayish. Spent heaps of time with Tony like usual. Went over to Hannah's to give her a screen protector but then Tony needed the bathroom. He didn't pee there. He actually took a shit LOL. Lots of people were here. Mostly 2dn peeps. After  work, I went over to Kevin le's to lend him a ps2 controller. Just talked and chill. Trolled Randy hard when he called me :L

Friday, March 30, 2012

Baddest Love

Today was a really really boring day for me. I didn't do anything at all cept watch movies all day. Tried on my Tidus cosplay and I still need to fix a few things but other than that it was quite good. I was meant to
  1. Clean my room like a boss
  2. Clean my wardrode like a bitch
  3. Do my assignments to get OP1 again
  4. Trim my hair to be sexy
  5. Make cheese cake for me tummy
None of that happened :L I was just too lazy all day. Did some chores then I was either on my bed or on my chair watching. 

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Went to Spotlight with Hoa to get our farbics. We were hungry so we got Hungry Jacks then went over to Randy's to eat it there LOL. He needed to go to bunnings so we went there and bought his stuff. Went back to Randy's to build his comp and play Naruto. Randy is such a noob at his own games.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is It Love

So umm I finished my two hours exam in 12 minutes :) Did it like a boss. Leon and I got a lift from Hoa. Dropped Leon off then went over to Randy's to rape him jokes. We just came over to build his computer and grab some free food. 

At night, I had a maccas run. Got free food. Reason why I went LOL.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Went for a jog at Fl after Tafe. couldn't handle two laps this time. I was just too tired for it. Chilled at Thang's for abit.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Love On Top

Tafe today went really fast. I think it was the adrenaline rush that I got. Needa to finish four assignments. I finished the last one just in time :) This is what happens when procrastination kicks in.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Last night I attempted an allnight while I was tipsy and it wasn't a good idea. Got most of my oral presentation done but there were heaps of mistake. Went to youth to teach the kids then I heard the news that they postponed my oral til next week so I allnighted last night for nothing. The kids had to do a skit so I helped them with it and try to make it abit funny. Took a very good nap afterward but sadly I got woken up by people spooning me and doing other things to me.

Ain't No Fun

Work today was really boring. Went and bought Alcohol and Goon for 2dn. Went overs to Tai and Played four kings. We also brought Mega Death Chilli sauce. We played two rounds. I had to draw the last king on the second round and took on the Chilli sauce and the King GOON CUP. FCKEN GOON ! I HATE YOU ! On the way home we stopped for maccas. Alex and I went in to pee but their didn't let us in so we just went to the closest tree. While pee'ing. A van High beamed us. Why would their wanna see our huge cock?

Gotta stay up tonight to do my oral for tomorrow. Haven't started yet :(

Friday, March 23, 2012

Love Dust

OMG what have I been doing all day? I was meant to do so much work today but I procrastinate and did basically nothing all day. Looks like we have a fun night tomorrow :( I was so bored today and I still didn't wanna do work. Gotta stop procrastinating !

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Drove to Goodna to visit my grandma. I love driving on the high way <3 Spent like the whole day watching anime when I was meant to do my oral. Hopefully I won't procrastinate tomorrow..... Gotta do work tomorrow. That's a must do.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Will Anderson

Ate Nando's with Hoa and Pumba then later on we went to the Brisbane Power house all the way in New farm with Mymy for Brisbane Comedy Festival. Went to Will Anderson show and it was so funny man. We cracked up so much. The moments he walked in he talks about the four empty seats and joke around about it :L He is so good man like he just say stuff right on the spot without having to think alot. That hour and a half, we laughed non-stop ! He even talked with the audience and made jokes about them on the spot. Such a funny night it was. So hilarious ! I hope he die tonight (Inside joke) He swears alot though. 

So there was a lamp and a boy rubbed it then a Genie appeared and grant him only one wish. He said he wanted to become Batman so the Genie killed his parents LOOOOOOL

Oh yeh, my grandpa came back and this time I wasn't kicked out of my room :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

We are in love

Nothing cool happened today cept for the fact that we went back to Inala for lunch then back to Tafe. Met Linda at inala but she had to catch her bus so we didn't say much.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Took the bus home today. Didn't know Lian fei also takes the bus to the city. Talked with her for during the trip. Had to bus it to Sunny Bank then transfer to another bus to get to City then transfer again to Inala. Got there and met Phillp. Haven't seen him since primary school. Caught up with him for a little bit since he needed to go home. I miss him so much. Ate by myself.... FOREVER ALONE *inserts FA.JPG* Had Takoyaki, Sushi and KFC :L I was so hungry. Such a pig I was. Walked around shopping and got myself three four gb's USB for Dicksmith with my gift card.

 Had another adventure everywhere around the city. Walked around the botanic garden and there was a possum there. Played with it LOL. Chased it around the garden. There were so many birds sleeping onto of the trees. It was so dark and hard to see. Good thing I didn't get rape. Bus'd it home with Mande. Walked home alone and I didn't get rape again :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mature Love

Went to Yum cha after Youth then home to take a nap. Went to eat at church with Mymy and Td. Ate then we were about to go pick up Linda so we can head to Mt Cootha for Thickshakes but then we had to go pick up a Drunk Thang. Was gonna drive him home but he didn't let us drive him home. So hard to get him to put seat belts on so we gave up doing that. Brought him to Cootha with us. And he was loud and crap. Vomited alot. Even half way during the Highway. We had to stop and let him off to do his business. Thickshakes was so gooooood ! Td and I took care of him like a baus.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Teddy Bear

Thuan and his cousin came to Inala so Tony and I took like the longest break. 5 hours LOL We just sat down and chilled for 5 hours. Caught up with Thuan so much. Huy was out there for abit. Teased Tracy like always since she was working today.Went around shopping with Tony and Thuan then chilling again


Went around everywhere with my dad helping him then afterward I head to South Bank with Vinh and met up with Kiet & Tai. Watched 21 Jump Street and it was quite good. The movie didn't die out at anypoint :) Funny as crap ! Bus'ed it back to Inala then Vinh and I walked around everywhere just to kill time until 6ish.

 Hoa picked us up at his place in his new civil then off to pick up Brandan then on our way to Sunnybank. Met the others two cars at Shell before we got to SB. Decided to go eat Tobaki but then we changed our mind to Buffet Garden. Got there and we didn't want to eat it LOL so we went and ate hot pot. Afterward headed to Super8 but then we sat around and chill there until there is a table free.

We didn't wanna wait anymore which means we decided to head to another place. Headed to Vinh's to have a game night. Played Taboo. It was fun ! Split ourselves into three groups. QUT, SbiT and others. I was in others with Tony, Brandan and Hieu. We were winning at the start but sadly in the end we came 2nd. It was so funny though. GOOD NIGHT I HAD.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Start Again

Thanks for the gifts !
Went to Inala and got a needle then helped mummy with a few things. I went driving today and it was quite fun and chillaxing until the heavy rain fell down and started making me nervous.. Drove my mum to work then drove around Acacia Ridge. Went back out to Inala to get something for my mum then ate with Mande, Tony, David, Vinh and Hieu. We just gossip about our daily lives. Saw Hoc there aswell.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Please don't say

Having a nice cup of tea~
The shit we do at Tafe when we get bored LOL. There were two dummies in the class so we had a play with it. It was heavy as. Weigh just like an average person.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

On the floor

My tummy feels funny :/

Monday, March 12, 2012


I need to stop spending money ! No more money in my wallet for this week :(

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Safe and Sound

My youth group had a picnic for the Kids today. Played heaps of games with them at the park. BBQ for them since we are awesome. Cleaned up afterward then Td, Pumba, mymy, Thang, Vi and I headed to Sunnybank for desserts. Went back to Mymy's to chilled since Thang had to go home. The five of us just chilled and talk about random crap.

 Drove Vi home then went to Chompers for heaps of food. Brought the food over to Mymy's Sister place. Ate and chilled there for awhile. I was really really tired throughout the whole day. Dunno why man but after Sunnybank I just lost all my energy and hyperness.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sangeki no Shinsou

 Work today was better than yesterday. Tony was out there :) Went shopping around Inala with him to kill time ! Updated my iPhone and I loss some data but good thing I backed it up before I did it. Just gotta transfer music and stuff over. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cruel Fairy Tale

Work today was so BORING ! Time went by so slow since there wasn't much customer :( Went to my youth special church then ate at Inala since Tuannie was shouting us :D Drove around and followed Phap's car to where ever he went but sadly he went home afterward. 

So Hoa and I decided to drive to SB to Neilson's birthday. Got there and it was quite chillaxed. The magic candles were cool as. We drove Anthony to Randy's place and camped there til Tony dropped Randy off. Chill outside his place since he didn't want us to go in and rape his stuff. Drove Randy and Anthony around thier neighborhood for fun.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Girlfriend Auditions

Walked to Inala and met Kim there. Went to Centrelink and met Sang LOL. Hop on the bus to city and met John. Met so many people that I didn't know I would meet. Caught up alot with John. Went and meet up with Hannah then we went around shopping. Ate KFC then went back to looking for Tony's present. Bought him a Nerf Gun, barbie doll and a Miley Cyrus Card which plays a song when you open it.

Went into EB's to check a game for Neilson and look for cool game. Got to the PC section and an old random lady started talking with us. She was like "the section over here has cheaper games and most of the games nowdays, you can get off the internet. Then she asked us, what kind of game we were looking for. We told her we were getting a gift for a friend. She started to told us what game would be good for him LOL. She talked heaps and I couldn't ignore her so I just followed along until I said that I am gonna check the ps3 section LOL. She was nice though but so random.

Went around shopping then we headed to the book store to chill and read books until Mande came. I mostly read Pokemon LOL Pokemon <3 Mande came but we were still reading LOL. Went around city then we got Neilson Assassin's Creed Revelations game.

Hannah and I hop off at Inala. Was chilling there while we were waiting for Tony to come. Met David and Daniel out there. I hid the Nerf gun in David's store and when tony came, we gave him the barbie doll. Should have seen his face. It was so sad that he got a barbie doll .... until we took the Nerf gun out and he was so HAPPY :)

Walked Hannah home then she invited me in. Played Xbox then chilled with her. Just talked about heaps of shit for hours LOL. Mostly about Anime, Drama and games.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fantastic Baby

At tafe while we were given time to study. My group of friends just talked about scary shit and what would happened if that and that happened. So funny man ! We cracked up so much. The exam was easy as. Leon and I finished it in like 15 minutes and left. It was meant to be a two hours exam LOL. Called Hoa to picked us up and Went to Sunnybank. Poor Toan, he was still doing the exam and had to stay back to do the resit exam anyways. 

Chilled at the plazza and went around window shopping. Walked over to Market square and had Kadoya. CHICKEN CURRY ! On the way home we spotted Kevin Le walking home so we picked him up. Hoa dropped Kevin and I off and I chilled at Kevin's for awhile. Just caught up with stuff that we haven't. I love talking to him ! 

Went home and was about to have dinner then Mymy told me to come jog with her, Thang and Vi. Got to the lake and the four of us jogged one lap. Thang and Vi was so dead after a lap so they went home. Mymy and I continued our second lap. It was so dark and hard to see. I can barely see people until they are really close up to me. My legs was dying half way around the second lap but I kept on going and made it without stopping. Mission Accomplished !

 Went back to Thang's to chilled. Then Mymy and I chilled on top of her car outside while we were waiting for Thang's manager to come pick him up. I didn't even get bitten by mozzies much cause I am a tank kient. Jokes, I was probs just too stinky of sweat and they didn't wanna come near me.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Only I didn't know

So ummm I just found out I have an exam tomorrow LOL. To study or not study, that is the question. I am too tired and lazy to study so here I am. Staying up to review over some notes. Haven't stayed up to study like this ever since the Maths C exam. Good ol' times

Monday, March 5, 2012


 Rise Fairyteomato and become my knight ! I will now grant you the power of Fairytail !
Fairyteomato (Name of my new Fairy Tail school bag) have arrived to replace Pumato (Name of my old Red Puma school bag) of his duties. Pumato is quite old and ugly now so I will let him retire since she had been with me for four years, carrying my text books and food. Fairyteomato is so beautiful and strong. Hopefully our adventures and journeys will be an awesome one.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ice Flower

After Youth we had a meeting which was so boring like always. Found out I have to do an oral in two weeks but I am so lazy atm so I will do it some other time. I am still procrastinating like always. Afterward, Some of the youth teachers and I went to Inala to eat.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

I Can't Be Without You

Happy Birthday Mandeee !!
Forgot to post yesterday so I will tell you what I did.

Yesterday I went to Mande's Eight-teen Birthday Party. It was so fun. It may had look like I was crying when I was cooking but I wasn't crying okay LOL. My eyes were dying. IHATEYOU SMOKE ! We were split into 4 teams and played games. It was good. Murder in the Dark was fun ! I hid in the box and no one found me hehehe. I love being skinny  ! Played cards game, other games and drank some alchy.

Got home and showered then I couldn't sleep til like 4 cause of all that energy drinks, alcohol and coke cola. I am really bad with stuff that makes you stay up :/

Today I went to Work. Met Sandy, Thy and Huy out there in the morning. Went and bought Alcohol for them since they aren't 18 yet. Underage drinkers haha. Chilled with Tony in the afternoon and we just talked about how boring life is LOL.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cool and Calm

Well I went to city today to complete a mission. Mission was completed successfully. Met so many Uni/Tafe kids there. I wish I went to Sbit/Uni. It's so fun to hang around with everyone and you get to eat like whatever you want compared to the Tafe I go to. Just stuck at Acacia Ridge :( Went to QUT and It was quite amazing. A good adventure indeed. The canteen there is big. So many buildings and blocks. So many people aswell. I walked like everywhere today haha. Legs are aching abit.