Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Fantastic Baby

At tafe while we were given time to study. My group of friends just talked about scary shit and what would happened if that and that happened. So funny man ! We cracked up so much. The exam was easy as. Leon and I finished it in like 15 minutes and left. It was meant to be a two hours exam LOL. Called Hoa to picked us up and Went to Sunnybank. Poor Toan, he was still doing the exam and had to stay back to do the resit exam anyways. 

Chilled at the plazza and went around window shopping. Walked over to Market square and had Kadoya. CHICKEN CURRY ! On the way home we spotted Kevin Le walking home so we picked him up. Hoa dropped Kevin and I off and I chilled at Kevin's for awhile. Just caught up with stuff that we haven't. I love talking to him ! 

Went home and was about to have dinner then Mymy told me to come jog with her, Thang and Vi. Got to the lake and the four of us jogged one lap. Thang and Vi was so dead after a lap so they went home. Mymy and I continued our second lap. It was so dark and hard to see. I can barely see people until they are really close up to me. My legs was dying half way around the second lap but I kept on going and made it without stopping. Mission Accomplished !

 Went back to Thang's to chilled. Then Mymy and I chilled on top of her car outside while we were waiting for Thang's manager to come pick him up. I didn't even get bitten by mozzies much cause I am a tank kient. Jokes, I was probs just too stinky of sweat and they didn't wanna come near me.

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