Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Will Anderson

Ate Nando's with Hoa and Pumba then later on we went to the Brisbane Power house all the way in New farm with Mymy for Brisbane Comedy Festival. Went to Will Anderson show and it was so funny man. We cracked up so much. The moments he walked in he talks about the four empty seats and joke around about it :L He is so good man like he just say stuff right on the spot without having to think alot. That hour and a half, we laughed non-stop ! He even talked with the audience and made jokes about them on the spot. Such a funny night it was. So hilarious ! I hope he die tonight (Inside joke) He swears alot though. 

So there was a lamp and a boy rubbed it then a Genie appeared and grant him only one wish. He said he wanted to become Batman so the Genie killed his parents LOOOOOOL

Oh yeh, my grandpa came back and this time I wasn't kicked out of my room :)

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