Saturday, March 3, 2012

I Can't Be Without You

Happy Birthday Mandeee !!
Forgot to post yesterday so I will tell you what I did.

Yesterday I went to Mande's Eight-teen Birthday Party. It was so fun. It may had look like I was crying when I was cooking but I wasn't crying okay LOL. My eyes were dying. IHATEYOU SMOKE ! We were split into 4 teams and played games. It was good. Murder in the Dark was fun ! I hid in the box and no one found me hehehe. I love being skinny  ! Played cards game, other games and drank some alchy.

Got home and showered then I couldn't sleep til like 4 cause of all that energy drinks, alcohol and coke cola. I am really bad with stuff that makes you stay up :/

Today I went to Work. Met Sandy, Thy and Huy out there in the morning. Went and bought Alcohol for them since they aren't 18 yet. Underage drinkers haha. Chilled with Tony in the afternoon and we just talked about how boring life is LOL.

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