Saturday, June 30, 2012

No Distance

Worked today was actually quite good. Chilled and ate with Inala Kings + Hieu LOL Deep fried ice creeeam ! YUM ! Then Tony, Hieu and I played cards and we had punishment :L Was meant to do 110 push up LOL. Took 3 of my cousins out to Sunnybank to watch Ted. It was funny as LOL I want my teddy bear to be alive ! Ate then funhouse. Spent like $60ish on them. sighh I wish I have more money to take them out. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

There is no sun

Stayed home and Watched Claymore all day. At night, I went to Indooroopilly and watched Snow White and the Huntsman with Denis, Hannah, Oscar and Tram. Watched in Vmax and the seating are so much comfortable then normal one. And Snow white was one of the best movie I have seen. lol jokes, Almost fell asleep.We headed back to Oscar's so Tram and him can get change and ready for clubbing ! Dropped Hannah off then off to get alchy ! Picked Kt up then headed over to Tony's for pre-drinks. Just us six taking down a bottle and a half of Jim Beam. Found out that Jim Beam and orangle juice makes goon LOL. 

Cabbed it all the way to the Valley then went to Family. YAY CLUBBING TIME ! Met Thy and Sandy at the line up. DANCE DANCE DANCE ! Took the ABC shot since I was getting close to sober when we got there. Fck man ! The ABC shot is so strong ! More dance ! There wasn't much people at Klub Kandy since the weather was quite crappy but ohwell. Cabbed it back to Tony's since we were so tired at like four. 

Spent most of my day sleeping and ended up finishing Claymore. Time to find another anime to watch ! Holidays have been so fast and yet, I have been pretty much doing nothing. Been home in the day time for a whole week of holidays already. Really need to find something to do.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I don't love her that way

Yet another boring day at home. All I did was watch all day. I really need to find something fun to do in this crappy weather. 

Feel So Close

^My GF
Stayed home and watched RM most of the day. Did some chores now and then. Went and play Badminton with Tony, Denis and Hieu. It was fun ! :) Met some other peeps there and played with them. Then Cas afterward but I didn't play, just watched. Had Midnight Maccas run afterward since we were hungry pigs.  

Monday, June 25, 2012


Hope my holidays will be fun.
I have been sleeping in quite alot now days since I am staying up quite late but oh well. Love sleeping in, in this cold weather. Woke up and helped Grandparents with their new house then I searched through my old boxes of toys and wow. So many Pokemon&Digimon toys. I am keeping some for decorations :D It brings back good old memories :) I still haven't cleaned my room. If I am not doing anything tomorrow, then that's my goal - To clean my room. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


 You lived such a sad life when you were small :( Good talk though.
 Saturday -23/06/2012
Went to Youth Dinner at Andy's and we had Lau. I was so hyper when we were hunting for fire wood at the park. Ate then chilled. Did my oral presentation then we all gathered to watch the performance of our LBM night awhile back. It was good LOL. Gathered around and made a camp fire with roasted Chicken and corns. Had a fire competition on which group can make the best camp fire :L

Sunday -24/06/2012
Celebrated Grandpa 77th Birthday at my place. Just ate and had more Lau LOL. Just chilling with my cousins for most of the time then we took out the game logos quiz on my phone and then the parents helped us LOL. Family Logos quiz gathering !! :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

One more night

Went and helped grandparents moved into their house. Still fixing up a few things and gotta carry heaps of shit it. It's slowly progressing so that's good. More room for my family now ! YAY ! Other than that, I didn't clean my room :( I was hocked into anime again :( I guess I will have to try to clean it on Monday then hopefully I will. Went to Fusion360 and it was quite good. Too bad they ran out of deep fried ice cream :( :( :( but overall it was good.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Some Summer Paradise

Today was meant to be my cleaning day but sadly, I didn't clean much :( I guess, tomorrow will be the cleaning day. Dammn you anime ! Stopped me from cleaning today.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Finished my last exam today and it felt great ! Finally, Holiday ! I love you !! Why can't you stay with me longer? :( Walked with grandparents to their house and it was so roomy ! Probs cause there was nothing in the house LOL Went ghost huting in the back yard and it was so dark !

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wide Awake

 HBD Grandpa~
YAY ! Got 100% on my exam when I thought I didn't do good lol. Can't wait til 3 tomorrow when my holiday starts ! CAN'T WAIT ! A few more hours to gooo !

Monday, June 18, 2012

Wild Ones

 Met Tony, Dens and Vinh at Inala and we were making plans on how we could be rich LOL Planning to make a movie but that's so hard LOL. Then Vinh didn't want to go home and he wanted to be 7km away from Inala. So we blind folded him and drove 12.5 km to Runcorn in a random street and dropped him off there. It was funny but it was also sad :( dunno why he would want to do that. Weird.... Denis and I stayed back for like 10 mins to see if he wants to give up but he didn't. So we let him walk home alone from Runcorn LOL.

Went for a drive tonight and it was okaay. So hard to see in the dark.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Youth today was okayish. I just played games with the kids most of the time. Came home and watched RM on mah bed then suddenly, I fell asleep ! Haven't done something like that in ages. Woke up to heaps of guests at my place. Assignment and exam tomorrow hmmm fck study. I will do it tomorrow LOL.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Sorry guys if I haven't been blogging much lately. I had been coming home late and was too tired to blog. So here goes (Gonna be quite a long post again)

Work work work work - boring ! Later on, I went to Pho Bar with a couple of people and some of the guys took on the challenge. We came there at like 7ish and ate our normal bowl of pho. We had to wait until like 9:30ish until the superbowl came out. They were having some problems *Stares at the Council people* So they didn't cook the superbowl pho until 9ish. The challenge is waii too hard to take on. All that soup you had to drank was wow. Woo go Hoa ! Closest to finish it out of the boys. Went to Casino afterward with some of the guys :L and we..... LOL sigh. Soft serve always cheer us up :)

Denis and Hieu came out to Inala while Tony and I was working and most of the time, we made plan on how to win our money back LOL Plan didn't work out much. Casino is always beating us haha. Played baccarat with fake money. 

YAY ! Movie Night again ! Haven't had one in awhile. Also made our own home-made pizza's ! Taste quite good LOL We watched Colombiana. Movie was quite good I must say. Heaps of actions. Chilled with Mymy and Linda afterward until quite late LOL Just playing around with the webcam functions again :L :L

Linda came to visit me at work then we went to the library and just read manga LOL. Myvy and Mymy also visited me for like a sec lol Played 13 with Tony and this Random old Viet dude at Inala. . It was actually fun and time flew so fast.

^ Fck that ! :L

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Don't Wake Me Up

A Chinese lady talked to me during while we were waiting for the bus. She told me her life stories and stories about her son :`( It was so sad. And she had an alright English. She thought I was Chinese so she called me over but sadly I was Viet LOL 

In class today, we were filming like a professional movie star would be filming. It was for like our Tafe to have introduction clips about it. We even had the 3,2,1 Action ! and Cut ! The camera was so beastly. I want one ! They also had lighting and all of that ! So cool ! Other than that, class was quite boring and I had a stupid headache for the whole day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We'll Be Strong

Went to the big house with Tony and Denis. $2.50 saved me $20. We were up sigh should had stop but oh well. Wheel of Fortune is so fun. Soft serve always make our day.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Le Bong Mang TNTT - 2012
 I am sorry, I was unable to blog for the past few days cause I haven't been home :L

Friday - 8/06/2012
Mum work me up early to go do some labor work with her. Carried huge pile of dirt's from neighbor place to the back of my place is a pain in the ass lol. Then carry a fridge over. My arms got so sore afterward. Hoa came over and we were about to go grab some cardboards for our event on Sunday. Walked outside my house and we saw Kevin Le trying to break into Hoa's car LOL. He asked if we needed the help, so he tagged along. Waited for Mymy to come over then we headed to Havery Norman first. Got there and it was time to bin dive LOL. Emptied the whole big then off to the Good Guys we went. More bin diving ! I got a huge wedgie when I was trying to get out of the big bin. One of the wire caught my pants and I got stuck there. Had to get Hoa to pull me up LOL So much pain urghh. We pretty much emptied both of the bins. Two full cars with cardboard LOL

Later on in the afternoon, Everyone (Most of the Dt's and Ht's) met up at my place and split up into groups to collect and do stuff. I went with the meat group(The strong guys) and went out to grab meat. Where as the veggies group (The girls) went to pick and cut down stuff. We all met up at the church afterward and spent most of the time cooking and carrying.  Thang and Toan wanted to go to casino and I didn't wanted to but it took them three whole hours to persuade me into going. All I did was took out off my money and my debit card and gave it to Mymy so I won't be spending lots. Just went there with my casino chip. Went over to Tam's and off to Casino we went. I won :) Was racing on the way back. Good race lol. 

Came back to the church and help out on more. Wait until 12ish until Bun bo hue was finished cooking so we can have dinner yay ! Played four kings with water. Had to drink a whole cup of water each time we had to drink. 25ish cups killed me. Everyone who played pretty much died and had to go pee the whole night LOL. Why must water be so beast for? The four of us, Thang, Hoa and Toan was too lazy to go home so we decided to sleep there slept there and keep a watch on the pho soup that was cooking all night LOL. Played cards til like 3 then I decided to go make a clubby house out of cardboard. Turns out, the other guys also copied me and built their owns. And my house actually kept me warm during the night.

Saturday - 9/06/2012
Woke up early then walked home in the cold with a pair of broken thongs to get ready for work :(. Work was so boring. After work, I went over to the church to help out more. Went with Mymy and Pumba to get Deep fried ice cream at Forest lake where Krist worked. She gave us free spring rolls yay ! Ice creamm <3. Drove over to Linda's later to pick her up then grab more desserts at Justsoy Cafe. My dinner today was just desserts LOL. Then did more decorating and played snakes with Mymy on her mac. That game was urghh, that second when you die, you just get so mad ! Mymy and Tham massaged me and it felt so good. Since I was so tired and that.  At midnight, we walked over to Bluefin and borrowed :L some bamboo's.... then played cards and decorated more. Slept over again LOL and this time, it was so cold cause we didn't have our clubby house and it was raining.

Sunday - 10/06/2012
Woke up early feeling so tired and did some cleaning up. Then youth started and we had to teach and prepare everything at the same time. I didn't plan anything to teach my class so all I pretty much did was revision and gave then free time lol/ Work more on the stage after youth finished then I went on and blew up ballons and decorate the poles. We all went home for like an hour to rest up since the Taekwondo people used the place. Met back up to do some finishing touches then church start and had to get the all the kids ready for everything. After church, our Van Nghe Event- Pho and Bun bo hue starts. It was quite good. There were quite some good acts and dance. My dance was the last and it was... epic ish LOL We didn't fail the last launching so that was good. Ai-van won the 3rd price in the raffle ticket so congrats her. Cleaned up after the event was over. Us boys mopped the floor like a baus. Went out to Sunnybank for desserts to celebrate with all the HT's and DT's.

Monday 11/06/2012
Some of the boys met up at my place then we went to clean up. Drove to the Dump then chucked out all the rubbish. Came home and took one of the best nap. I am so sick of Pho and bun bo hue now. Had it for like the past 3 days non-stop. It's great to get to sleep on my bed again.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Trimmed my hair and I think I cut it too short but oh well, it will grow back sooner or later. Walked to Inala with Grandparents and the walk took ages but was worth it. Old people sure walks slow lol. Chilled out there for awhile then got picked up by Mymy. Went shopping around for stuff that we could wear for our dance and also clothings that we needed. Went to Indro then DFO and last of all, Mt Ommanely lol. What a fun trip around all the stores lol we are such cheapos :L Got home and slept then I woke up from my cousins pulling on my legs and hands..... Not cool lol. I wanted my sleep ! Dance prac today was so productive....... lol not even, we didn't do much. oh btw, I got new shoes ! yay ! :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Happy Birthday Daddy !
Grandparents came back to Brisbane ! yay ! Caught up with gramps for quite alot. We went to Sunnybank and ate since grandparents are here and it was also my daddy birthday ! Happy Birthday to him ! He's so old though LOL I really do suck at OMGPOP Pool now. I think it's cause I haven't been playing it in awhile :L

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Launch !

It was so cold and windy today and I didn't bring a jumper :/ The exam was okayish I guess. That's what happens when I don't study much LOL The dance crew came over my place and I didn't even know LOL I got out of the shower than everyone just came :L We set out the plan for the decorations and what we will need to do and get ! Time to go steal cardboard boxes from bins LOL Dance sesh was so hilarious LOOL We fell over so much and talked about funny thing. Gotta practice heaps more on our final move though. WE CAN DO IT~!

Monday, June 4, 2012


Our teacher took two hours teaching us how to use a calculator.....nice! He showed us the instructions sheet. Barely any of  us have that type of calculator. Teach us something about the course we are learning for god sake :L It was so boring tonight so I had to consult to Dota 1 LOL Haven't played in ages. I guess, it was alright. A exam tomorrow hmmm nah fck study ! I got this shit.....

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Big Bang new song is quite good but their hairstyle is just ewww LOL
Dance practice today was quite alright-ish Just need to polish up some stuff up and we will be fine to hit the stage. Drove to Jindalee afterward with Hoa, Pumba and Mymy for Deep fried ice cream since I was crazing for it so much but sadly the restaurant was close :( so we just bought ice cream from coles and ate that. oh well, deep fried ice cream next time then. Went window shopping at DFO and just checked up on stuff that we could wear for our dance night.

Die In Your Arms

Nope ! I expect you to keep my money for me !
Work today was quite busier than usual. Must be cause of the Vietnamese singing outside the store. Tonight, Denis went to picked me up then we drove over to Mande's and finding out that she was eating/showering so we had to wait in the car for like 25 mins LOL.. Pretty good talk with Denis :) Drove to ice staking and met up with the others. I had finally fell down today since ages ago. It was funny though how I fell :L Saved Hannah's life :D My good deed is done for today lol. 

We were hungry so we drove to KFC afterward to find out that they don't have any chickens left......Off to Sunnybank we went ! Went around looking for a restaurant to eat but most of them are closed or out of food so we just went to Malaya Corner. Tony, Hannah and I shared our food on three different plates of food.... Bad idea ! We hardly finished it :( Such a waste of money. My day today was quite good overall, just work was boring LOL

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hello & Goodbye

I am not gonna be a super lazy bum anymore, Gotta get a bit more organised like I used to be. 
So long Lazy bum me~!
Work today was quiet. The rain made it so boring but Anna Mai came in the store since she was locked outside her house. Just talked with her for abit and caught up on stuff. Miss those primary school days :`( Then I took a break from work and went shopping around Inala with Mande. David was sick so I didn't talk much to him. 

Dancing tonight was okayish, we didn't really do much LOL Such a waste of time though. Walked home in the rain like a boss :L oh and did I mention, I started to use my Formspring once again LOL So ask me anything you guise want~ *Click here for questioning time*