Sunday, June 24, 2012


 You lived such a sad life when you were small :( Good talk though.
 Saturday -23/06/2012
Went to Youth Dinner at Andy's and we had Lau. I was so hyper when we were hunting for fire wood at the park. Ate then chilled. Did my oral presentation then we all gathered to watch the performance of our LBM night awhile back. It was good LOL. Gathered around and made a camp fire with roasted Chicken and corns. Had a fire competition on which group can make the best camp fire :L

Sunday -24/06/2012
Celebrated Grandpa 77th Birthday at my place. Just ate and had more Lau LOL. Just chilling with my cousins for most of the time then we took out the game logos quiz on my phone and then the parents helped us LOL. Family Logos quiz gathering !! :)

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