Sunday, June 3, 2012

Die In Your Arms

Nope ! I expect you to keep my money for me !
Work today was quite busier than usual. Must be cause of the Vietnamese singing outside the store. Tonight, Denis went to picked me up then we drove over to Mande's and finding out that she was eating/showering so we had to wait in the car for like 25 mins LOL.. Pretty good talk with Denis :) Drove to ice staking and met up with the others. I had finally fell down today since ages ago. It was funny though how I fell :L Saved Hannah's life :D My good deed is done for today lol. 

We were hungry so we drove to KFC afterward to find out that they don't have any chickens left......Off to Sunnybank we went ! Went around looking for a restaurant to eat but most of them are closed or out of food so we just went to Malaya Corner. Tony, Hannah and I shared our food on three different plates of food.... Bad idea ! We hardly finished it :( Such a waste of money. My day today was quite good overall, just work was boring LOL

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