Monday, June 11, 2012


Le Bong Mang TNTT - 2012
 I am sorry, I was unable to blog for the past few days cause I haven't been home :L

Friday - 8/06/2012
Mum work me up early to go do some labor work with her. Carried huge pile of dirt's from neighbor place to the back of my place is a pain in the ass lol. Then carry a fridge over. My arms got so sore afterward. Hoa came over and we were about to go grab some cardboards for our event on Sunday. Walked outside my house and we saw Kevin Le trying to break into Hoa's car LOL. He asked if we needed the help, so he tagged along. Waited for Mymy to come over then we headed to Havery Norman first. Got there and it was time to bin dive LOL. Emptied the whole big then off to the Good Guys we went. More bin diving ! I got a huge wedgie when I was trying to get out of the big bin. One of the wire caught my pants and I got stuck there. Had to get Hoa to pull me up LOL So much pain urghh. We pretty much emptied both of the bins. Two full cars with cardboard LOL

Later on in the afternoon, Everyone (Most of the Dt's and Ht's) met up at my place and split up into groups to collect and do stuff. I went with the meat group(The strong guys) and went out to grab meat. Where as the veggies group (The girls) went to pick and cut down stuff. We all met up at the church afterward and spent most of the time cooking and carrying.  Thang and Toan wanted to go to casino and I didn't wanted to but it took them three whole hours to persuade me into going. All I did was took out off my money and my debit card and gave it to Mymy so I won't be spending lots. Just went there with my casino chip. Went over to Tam's and off to Casino we went. I won :) Was racing on the way back. Good race lol. 

Came back to the church and help out on more. Wait until 12ish until Bun bo hue was finished cooking so we can have dinner yay ! Played four kings with water. Had to drink a whole cup of water each time we had to drink. 25ish cups killed me. Everyone who played pretty much died and had to go pee the whole night LOL. Why must water be so beast for? The four of us, Thang, Hoa and Toan was too lazy to go home so we decided to sleep there slept there and keep a watch on the pho soup that was cooking all night LOL. Played cards til like 3 then I decided to go make a clubby house out of cardboard. Turns out, the other guys also copied me and built their owns. And my house actually kept me warm during the night.

Saturday - 9/06/2012
Woke up early then walked home in the cold with a pair of broken thongs to get ready for work :(. Work was so boring. After work, I went over to the church to help out more. Went with Mymy and Pumba to get Deep fried ice cream at Forest lake where Krist worked. She gave us free spring rolls yay ! Ice creamm <3. Drove over to Linda's later to pick her up then grab more desserts at Justsoy Cafe. My dinner today was just desserts LOL. Then did more decorating and played snakes with Mymy on her mac. That game was urghh, that second when you die, you just get so mad ! Mymy and Tham massaged me and it felt so good. Since I was so tired and that.  At midnight, we walked over to Bluefin and borrowed :L some bamboo's.... then played cards and decorated more. Slept over again LOL and this time, it was so cold cause we didn't have our clubby house and it was raining.

Sunday - 10/06/2012
Woke up early feeling so tired and did some cleaning up. Then youth started and we had to teach and prepare everything at the same time. I didn't plan anything to teach my class so all I pretty much did was revision and gave then free time lol/ Work more on the stage after youth finished then I went on and blew up ballons and decorate the poles. We all went home for like an hour to rest up since the Taekwondo people used the place. Met back up to do some finishing touches then church start and had to get the all the kids ready for everything. After church, our Van Nghe Event- Pho and Bun bo hue starts. It was quite good. There were quite some good acts and dance. My dance was the last and it was... epic ish LOL We didn't fail the last launching so that was good. Ai-van won the 3rd price in the raffle ticket so congrats her. Cleaned up after the event was over. Us boys mopped the floor like a baus. Went out to Sunnybank for desserts to celebrate with all the HT's and DT's.

Monday 11/06/2012
Some of the boys met up at my place then we went to clean up. Drove to the Dump then chucked out all the rubbish. Came home and took one of the best nap. I am so sick of Pho and bun bo hue now. Had it for like the past 3 days non-stop. It's great to get to sleep on my bed again.

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