Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Grown Up Chirstmas List

YAAAY ! We didn't die !

\21/12/2012 - Friday

Went and film our video clip for our camp in Sydney. Td and I was the main actors in it. I crossplayed as a girl LOL. Oh man, I had boobies LOLOLOL. Took us a while to film at the park. It was so embarrasing though but idgaf LOL All this kids were looking at me.... hahaha. Afterward, I went over to the Parish to fix the priests computer.

 I went to church then practiced dance abit with the group before heading to Vy's 19th Birthday. Got there and ate and drank. Dance dance dance dance on the dance floor ! It was fun meeting new people ! It was like we already knew each other ages ago since we were tipsy LOL Chilled and talked alot. After the party, Mymy, Vincent, Pumba and I went to the Manor to have Yum cha. Ate and talked there. There were quite alot of people there even though it was 2 at night. 

22/12/2012 - Saturday

Another boring day at work. After work, went to church then performed our dance on stage. Again, I hate that smoke machine LOL It kept distracting me LOL Stayed at the Christmas concert for the whole night watching all the performance  Afterward, most of us went back to mine to work on our skit for Sydney. Then we changed house to Ai-van's place. Td and I slept over there and pulled an allnigter editing the video and songs. I was so tired since I haven't slept for two nights already but I managed to pull another allnigher haha.

23/12/2012 - Sunday

Woke up really tired and ate breakfast at Ai-van's. Went to the church for our Youth group meeting/voting for our new Leader for a one year term. There's five people in the main leading group and I was chosen to be one of them :( I was chosen to be the treasurer of the Youth group. I am a rich man now LOLOLOL jokes. After voting, we had a meeting about our camp trip for Sydney. 

I went home afterward and took a nap before heading to church.

Friday, December 21, 2012


19/12/2012 - Wednesday

Work work work again :( After work, dance practiced again and we went back to Mymy's to fix up our songs. Chilled there then off to a maccas run !
20/12/2012 - Thursday

Work was really boring like always. After work, went to dance practiced again then everyone came back to mine to chill and record our voice for our camp skit. Headed to Chermside at like 11 and shopped for 3 hours lol. Met so many people I knew. OMG ! It was sooo big ! Took us like 3 hours to walked through the whole place. Got home late and I couldn't sleep at all cause all that coffee I drank there :( 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The morning

Work today was really hot ! Vivian came and visited me then Vi afterward. Got Soft serve for Hannah and Ken but they were to busy working so it melted LOL Was standing in front of the air-con for most of the day at work. OMG ! SO HOT ! 

Dance practice was quite productive tonight. Alot of planning was done :)

Monday, December 17, 2012


Woke up and help dad mow the lawn. It was so tiring and hot ! afterward I helped Vy's get alchy with pumba and hoa at Mt Om. Ate Maccas there cause we didn't know what else to eat LOL Went back to Vy's place and chilled. Ai-van came over and we practiced our dance abit. 

I've been playing Flyff private sever and omg ! It's so easy ! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Live my life

15/12/2012 - Saturday

Work was alright, closed early though since I had to go with my whole family to Jupiter in the Coast. We ate at Food Fantasy. Onomnomnom YUMMY ! After eating, most of the kids went to timezone while the adults gambled lol. I loss but I managed to get myself back to even with the last round we played :) Didn't win nor lose any ching ching !  Chill at timezone afterward and chilled at the coast till late. Good old family bonding :) 

16/12/2012 - Sunday

After church, My family went to visit grandpa, grandma and Tuannie. Cleaned their graves aswell :) After visiting them, we went straight to Mt Om to get Xmas presents for the family. Saw Miss Xau Xi working lol. After getting the presents, we headed to DFO and went shopping there.

 I got a pair of shoes and man, I hate buying shoes cause I can't get anything from the man section.... had to go to the kids section LOL The guy who served me thought I was buying shoes for someone else lololol. Got home and went straight to dance practice at Ai-van's. We weren't very productive lol. Played hide n seek after ward and just talked while eating pizza's.

Friday, December 14, 2012


13/12/2012 - Thursday

All I did was work then went shopping with Mummy and my brother. We went to Mt Om for abit then we had to go all the way to the airport to pick up my daddy ! Got there and turns out the flight got delayed like 5 times. Sat in the car for like 2 hours waiting :( Ate Ice cream at Milano while we wait. It was so yummy :) Picked daddy and uncle up and got stuck in roadworks traffic :( Another half an hour wait :( Came back to uncle house and chilled there. Got home at like midnight ish... sighh what a waste of a night but I guess it's good to pick up my dad with my family :)

14/12/2012 - Friday

Work today was pretty much the same as yesterday lol After work, I went to church and chilled with some of the guys/girls there. All we did was talked lol. Was meant to practice my dance but I got so lazy to lol. Played OMGPOP with a few friends again and wow ! So much fun :) 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Work today was quite boring. After work, I brought Big Tam to the Gym. It's so good that he joined ! YAAAY ! I am gonna train him hard ! Looking forward to it :) Went over to Vy's to dance for abit and that was about it. Quite chillaxing night. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Girl on fire

I've finally finished Tafe for this year :) Went there with Leon to do our last exam :) YAAAY ! Pretty much stayed home today and helped mum with cleaning the house. Took a very very good nap :) At night, I went to dance practice at Vy's. We pretty much did our skit today. Holidays ! HERE I COME FOR YA !

Monday, December 10, 2012


07/12/2012 - Friday 

Stayed home and rest until I went to church. After church, we chilled and ate abit. I headed to Ai-van's place for a family party. I was only there to get food then we went back to the church for our Youth group meeting/orals. After the orals, we chilled there. Most people went home to sleep but some of us stayed back and slept over at the church. I rushed home to pack my bags lol. Took me a min to pack it haha. Went for a maccas run then chilled with the others at the church.

We decided to go Mango's picking... cough cough more like Mango's stealing LOL We went to the old church and jumped over the fence. Went to my neighbours house aswell LOL. Went everywhere around Inala :L We got a whole box of Mangoes for freeee :) Came back and ate. Chilled then slept.

08/12/2012 - Saturday

Woke up early and Hoa and I went for a Maccas run. We got 12 meals.... The worker asked us if we were doing some epic meal shit LOL. We drove to the ferry and got on it. It was so funny when we were on the ferry. Made so many jokes. Got to Straddie and I went to pick clams and oyster  Got quite alot. Got to the camp site and set up our tents there. Ate then we went to the beach for a swim. 

Chilled while most of the people were talking naps. Went back to the beach to chill and walk on the shore. Ate dinner and did more orals presentations then went out to the beach at night for night time activities. 

09/12/2012 - Sunday

Woke up and took down the girls tent while Linda was sleeping LOL I am such a rebel :L Ate then went to the point lookout and walked around there. Went back to the beach again :) I am so blaccck now :( We rushed and ate lunch so we could get back to the ferry at two. On the way to the ferry, we got blocked by a bush fire, we were like the first car to get there and they told us it would be a couple hours so we pretty much bought food out and sat on the side of the road. Played and ate LOL

 Got the policeman to come to the group and he ate with us :) His name was Daniel :) He was so coool ! Was waiting there for 2 hours until we got told to move back since the fire was getting bigger :( We went back to the park and chilled there. Went back to the bush fire after 2 hours and we were still waiting.... :( Wait for like an hour and yaaaay ! We get to go now ! Got on the ferry and we started to muck around again LOL We were the loudest there hahaha. Got back to Inala and unpacked at the church and ate. Got home and tried to stay up but I failed LOL

10/12/2012 - Monday

Woke up early for tafe... got ready abit then I was like fck it. Stayed home and caught up on my anime. Went to Sunnybank with Td and Linda and chilled there for abit. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

When we say

5/12/2012 - Wednesday

Did an exam at tafe then Leon, Daut, Mark and I trained it to the city. We were getting off at south bank while mark and I hoped off and Daut was about to get off but he forgot his phone on the train so he went all crazy and didn't know what to do since the door was closing LOL Basically Leon and Daut was on the train while Mark and I was at south bank LOL We met up at City and walked around shopping. It was time to go  home so Leon and I was going to train it home. We missed our train twice... omfg ! We were sitting down and waiting for 15 mins until we saw the train come... but we didn't know that it was our train until it started moving.... We had to bus it home later on. 

Later out in the arvo, Leon, Tai and I went and worked for Duc at Oxenford in Gold Coast. We were working from 5:15pm to 12:30am. All we did was walked around the streets putting flyers into mailboxes. It was like the best job ever ! Ate pizza during our break and chilled. $100 each ! Such a good job !

6/12/2012 - Thursday

Went to work in the morning and chilled with Hannah most of the time. Duc wanted us to work again but Tai and Leon was busy tonight so I got Hannah and Denis to come with me to make some money. Hannah and Denis chilled at mine for abit before we left to our night work. It was pretty much the same thing us last night. Talked about Vietnam for the whole car trip ride there :L Worked then we went into Helensvale shopping centre (A shopping centre that neither of us knew about LOL) to eat during our breaks. Ate Jap food there then off to work ! 

I pretty much worked from 9am - 12am LOL. Another day, another dollar !

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

When I Was Your Man

Went to tafe early in the morning and the teacher wasn't there... so we just chilled for like 3 hours until we got so bored and went to Sunnybank. Ate and chilled around there until there was nothing else to do so we watched a movie. Watched Red Dawn and it was quite good ! Good action movie is better than a girly movie yesterday :) 
After the movie we met up with 2dn in Landmark. They were having Yum cha. Went back to tafe with Leon to drop the tafe boys off then we headed to Kevin Le and chilled there. Went to Vy's place for dance prac afterward. We learnt a few moves then planned which dance we should do first and such and such. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

So Cruel

Wifey and Hubby !
Leon woke up late so we ended not going to Tafe since we missed out on our exams already lol. Went out with my cousins to Indooroopilly to watch Perks of a wallflower. The movie was really really boring to me. There was only like five males in the cinema.... lol Before there movie, I went exploring Indooroopilly shopping centre since they changed quite alot of it. Kinda got lost ish when I found out Target was on the second level instead of the first level :( 

After the movie, we went to Cold Rock and had ice cream, was lazy to walk back to the shopping centre so we trained it to Richlands then bus'ed it home. Went to dance prac later on, we all met up at Vy's place but turns out she wasn't at home.... so half of us ended up at Mymy's and we practiced abit though. Just a chilled night I guess, I have to go to tafe tomorrow though, aren't skipping another day :L

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Princess of China

It was the last day of Thieu Nhi today for 2012. We had fun and play games, the kids also got free food and lollies. Handed out awards and trophics to the good students who did good on their exams :) After Thieu Nhi, we had a meeting about our camp in a week time, I totally forgot about it :/

After everyone left, Thang, Td, Mymy, Ai-van, Vy and I stayed back and practice our dance for the Chirstmas event. I didn't wanna do it but I had to... Steven came and made a choreography for us. It was quite good ! We learnt so fast compared to learning by our-selves :L

Came home and just chilled on my computer, caught up on animes. Finished like 5 assignments just then :) Felt good finishing it but I had two exams tomorrow and I am so lazy to stay up and study for them :( I will probs just study on the way to tafe LOL 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Wanna let her know

Just a normal working day at work today. Chilled with Hannah, Tony and Ken most of the time. Two more weeks of tafe... sighhh !