Friday, December 14, 2012


13/12/2012 - Thursday

All I did was work then went shopping with Mummy and my brother. We went to Mt Om for abit then we had to go all the way to the airport to pick up my daddy ! Got there and turns out the flight got delayed like 5 times. Sat in the car for like 2 hours waiting :( Ate Ice cream at Milano while we wait. It was so yummy :) Picked daddy and uncle up and got stuck in roadworks traffic :( Another half an hour wait :( Came back to uncle house and chilled there. Got home at like midnight ish... sighh what a waste of a night but I guess it's good to pick up my dad with my family :)

14/12/2012 - Friday

Work today was pretty much the same as yesterday lol After work, I went to church and chilled with some of the guys/girls there. All we did was talked lol. Was meant to practice my dance but I got so lazy to lol. Played OMGPOP with a few friends again and wow ! So much fun :) 

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