Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Grown Up Chirstmas List

YAAAY ! We didn't die !

\21/12/2012 - Friday

Went and film our video clip for our camp in Sydney. Td and I was the main actors in it. I crossplayed as a girl LOL. Oh man, I had boobies LOLOLOL. Took us a while to film at the park. It was so embarrasing though but idgaf LOL All this kids were looking at me.... hahaha. Afterward, I went over to the Parish to fix the priests computer.

 I went to church then practiced dance abit with the group before heading to Vy's 19th Birthday. Got there and ate and drank. Dance dance dance dance on the dance floor ! It was fun meeting new people ! It was like we already knew each other ages ago since we were tipsy LOL Chilled and talked alot. After the party, Mymy, Vincent, Pumba and I went to the Manor to have Yum cha. Ate and talked there. There were quite alot of people there even though it was 2 at night. 

22/12/2012 - Saturday

Another boring day at work. After work, went to church then performed our dance on stage. Again, I hate that smoke machine LOL It kept distracting me LOL Stayed at the Christmas concert for the whole night watching all the performance  Afterward, most of us went back to mine to work on our skit for Sydney. Then we changed house to Ai-van's place. Td and I slept over there and pulled an allnigter editing the video and songs. I was so tired since I haven't slept for two nights already but I managed to pull another allnigher haha.

23/12/2012 - Sunday

Woke up really tired and ate breakfast at Ai-van's. Went to the church for our Youth group meeting/voting for our new Leader for a one year term. There's five people in the main leading group and I was chosen to be one of them :( I was chosen to be the treasurer of the Youth group. I am a rich man now LOLOLOL jokes. After voting, we had a meeting about our camp trip for Sydney. 

I went home afterward and took a nap before heading to church.

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