Monday, December 3, 2012

So Cruel

Wifey and Hubby !
Leon woke up late so we ended not going to Tafe since we missed out on our exams already lol. Went out with my cousins to Indooroopilly to watch Perks of a wallflower. The movie was really really boring to me. There was only like five males in the cinema.... lol Before there movie, I went exploring Indooroopilly shopping centre since they changed quite alot of it. Kinda got lost ish when I found out Target was on the second level instead of the first level :( 

After the movie, we went to Cold Rock and had ice cream, was lazy to walk back to the shopping centre so we trained it to Richlands then bus'ed it home. Went to dance prac later on, we all met up at Vy's place but turns out she wasn't at home.... so half of us ended up at Mymy's and we practiced abit though. Just a chilled night I guess, I have to go to tafe tomorrow though, aren't skipping another day :L

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