Sunday, December 16, 2012

Live my life

15/12/2012 - Saturday

Work was alright, closed early though since I had to go with my whole family to Jupiter in the Coast. We ate at Food Fantasy. Onomnomnom YUMMY ! After eating, most of the kids went to timezone while the adults gambled lol. I loss but I managed to get myself back to even with the last round we played :) Didn't win nor lose any ching ching !  Chill at timezone afterward and chilled at the coast till late. Good old family bonding :) 

16/12/2012 - Sunday

After church, My family went to visit grandpa, grandma and Tuannie. Cleaned their graves aswell :) After visiting them, we went straight to Mt Om to get Xmas presents for the family. Saw Miss Xau Xi working lol. After getting the presents, we headed to DFO and went shopping there.

 I got a pair of shoes and man, I hate buying shoes cause I can't get anything from the man section.... had to go to the kids section LOL The guy who served me thought I was buying shoes for someone else lololol. Got home and went straight to dance practice at Ai-van's. We weren't very productive lol. Played hide n seek after ward and just talked while eating pizza's.

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