Friday, March 29, 2013

Pimp my horse

28-03-2013 - Thursday

Went to tafe to do an exam I missed out then we just chilled there watching movies lol. Finally finished everything at tafe ! YAAAY ! Went to the last super church and it was quite long. Sat with Thieu nhi. After church, a few of us went to eat Korean BBQ at sunnybank. I had to take Vy, Vi and Vivian LOL. It was so hard talking to them in the car when I just say vi, everyone answered back LOL. After our dinner, we went for desserts at Market square but every dessert place either have a long as line or is full so instead, we went to Maccas for dessert and we just chilled and talked there for ages :L 

29-03-2013 - Friday 

Woke up early then Mymy came over to mine then off the the lake we went. Met Vi there and jogged a lap then Andy who was meant to come to mine slept in but he came out late so Mymy, Andy, me and Chi Lan Anh did another lap :) It was good ! getting more fit :) After jogging, we rushed home then went to the station of the cross. Afterward, I went to check on a Celica that was on sale. Got a few good friends to come with me. The car looks okay, there were a few damages that needed to be fixed up so we told them that we would get it for $9k but the seller wanted it for $10.5K so we thought it wasn't worth it so we didn't get it. 

Afterward, I went out to Inala to visit Ronnie's store. It was okay. Couldn't eat anything today since I was fasting but oh well. Took a nap then went to Good Friday church and omg, I was so hungry ! No meat and no eating really was killing me haha. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Neva End

Did so much work today at tafe since I have to catch up on most of the exams I missed out. Later on during the day at tafe, Mark and Giovani and me watched ghost and demon stuff on youtube. Most of them were fake and wasn't scary :( 

Came home and went to eat Dinner with Linh & Hanh family. We ate at Minh Trang in Inala, the food there is okay... After eating, drove them to the airport so they can go have fun in Europe. Drove home but on the way home, I missed a turn and got lost in the city LOL. Managed to get home by driving around everywhere ! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Never For Nothing

OMG our teacher trolled us today, he said there was an exam today in our last period so everyone pretty try to study for this hard exam... turns out, there isn't an exam and there is a really hard assignment to do in 4 hours.... It was not that hard ish but so many numbers everywhere ! Everyone pretty much got a headache from it :( We managed to finish right before it was time to go home which was good ! 

Gotta do some exams tomorrow that I've missed out since I skipped a few days of tafe, hopefully it will be easy cause I have no idea what the test is about lolol.  Another two days of tafe until Holidays ! Can't wait :) 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Thousands Pound

22-03-2013 - Friday

Woke up really early to go Jogging with Andy, Mymy and Chi Quynh. They met at my house then we took one car out to the lake. Did a good non-stop one lap, was gonna do two but the others was tired so we didn't. After our tiring jog, we went to have breakfast at the Coffe Club. It was good ! Ate alot ! 

After having breakfast, I went straight out to work without showering or resting. Work was quite tiring since I was sleepy for most of the day. Came home and had to go to church. After church, I took Vivian and Tanya to Sunnybank to eat Berry Me. After having our dessert, we went to funhouse and I met Rebecca, Hong anh, Linh and the kids there. Played with the kids on Mt and sadly I loss cause I didn't wanna use my car instead I used a stock car haha but it was fun ! 

23-03-2013 - Saturday

After work, I went to church and stayed there for awhile, Andy told me to go have dinner with him but since I am saving money, I went home to eat first before meeting up at Andy's place in Springfield. Drove there and met up with the rest of the group. We started to cut down palm leaves for tomorrow. After chopping them down we chopped jack fruits and ate them ! So good ! 

Chilled then gambled playing 13. I won $18 :) Took everyone money hehe I was the only person who gained money that night hehehe. Moneeeey ! 

24-03-2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and headed to Trung Tam to set up and rehearsed our play. Didn't finishing rehearsing and we had to perform for the kids already. I was Jesus and I had so many layers on me and it was so hot ! I was pretty much in every scene :( Had no rest lol. Hate being Main character ! After youth, I went home while everyone else went out and ate and had fun. 

Came home and there was no food at all so I had to eat Migoreng :(  Anthony and I was so bored at home so we went to Inala for Bubble tea and air-con LOL Pretty much just sat there for an hour in cool air :) 
Came home and andy came over to rest at mine before we headed to church. Lined up for confession but it took forever so I gave up lol It was pouring so much and we pretty got wet-ish. 

After church, I did confession then home I went. Got home and there was alot of people at mine studying to become a Catholic so I had to play with the little kids. I didn't even know them but it was fine ! I told them my name was Master haha ! I am master guys ! 

After they went home, a few guests stayed back to have dinner. My parents told me and my brother to Sacrafice our dinner and go get dinner somewhere else. Brother went to Maccas while I stayed home and not it ! So hungry so I just slept it off lol

25-03-2013 - Monday

Leon went to tafe late so I pretty much skipped today. Just watched heaps of movies today. Watched Fast and Furious 1,2,3,4,5 and also Captain America and some others. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Did a really hard exam at tafe :( Hope I pass with all that guessing with the multiple choices. Came home and went shopping for mummy while picking daddy up. Ate dinner as fast as I could before the youth meeting held at my house began.

It was a meeting for planning our play for this sunday and we also rehearsed and did it. Since I am like ze best actor, I was chosen to be the main character ! Everyone say hi to JESUS ! :L I hate being the main actor in most play :( 

After the funny play, Andy and I jogged from my house to Maccas while Mymy, Chi Quynh, Toan and Choung drove there. We ate and chilled there until Andy, Mymy and I jogged back home. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


^ used to be me :L
Today Hoa and I was waiting for Leon to wake up so he could drive us to tafe/uni but he fell asleep until late so we both decided to go to city and watch a movie. When we about to leave to inala, Leon woke up and we told him we were going to watch a movie so he joined as. Bus it and I am so glad that I just got enough on my Go card to get to the city and back :) We got there and ate first. Since I've prepared food for tafe, I ate my sandwich while watching the other two's eating yummy nomnoms :( 

After watching, we headed to the casino with $10 each since that was the only money we had LOL. When we got in, Hoa wasn't allowed in cause he forgot his license at home LOL. I managed to doubled Hoa and my $10 :) YEEE BOI ! Got enough money to last at the city now :L 

We had like two hours spare until the movie started so we headed to Cyber Lounge and played LoL, WoW and CoD there LOL Haven't been there in ages and my account from grade 8 still works and I still have time on it :) Free gaming ! :) 

Once it hit the time to go watch 21 and over, we rushed over to the Cinema and got our tickets. Vinh callled and we told him to come meet us there so he also joined our team. The movie was okay, most of the time, I was snacking on my food that I brought from home lol. After the movie, we headed home. 

Came home and I went over to my Aunty's with my mum to chill for awhile.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Last Immortal

Boring tafe day ever ! Did an exam and passed lol. Didn't even know what the exam was about and I did good :) The second half of the day at tafe, We had our old teacher back and he's the crappiest and boring-est teacher ever ! Everyone pretty much died out lol. 

Went to church with my family then afterward, my aunty family went to eat at the new restaurant that opened at Inala today. It was okay... since it was their first day opening ! Hoping that the food gets better later on.

Monday, March 18, 2013


^ Want 

17-03-2013 - Sunday
Youth was okay today. Quite tiring since it was hot but it was okay I guess. After youth, most of the HT team went out to Inala to try Anh Long's new restaurant  The food was okay. Just chilled and talked. After filling out hungry tummy with foods, half of us went over to Chi Quynh's to chilled and hang around I guess. We started playing 13 and gambled LOL I loss $10 :( FML. Practiced abit of dance with Thang then just sat and talked. Came home with Hoa and Td and they took my beeed ! I wanted to take a nap ! Woke them up and we headed to church.

After church, we stayed back at church and ate abit then a few of us, Andy, Hai, Mymy, Phap, Tham, Tuyen and Chi Quynh went to have coffee at Corinda. ICE CREAM AND COFFEE <3. We talked about our relationship talk again LOL It was so funny ! I dropped my brother and Anh Tuyen off then Mymy and I went over to Phap's place to chill and continue our talk. Chilled there until late then home we went. On the way home, I followed Phap's car and stalked him hehe.

18-03-2013 - Monday
Skipped Tafe today since Hannah needed me to do a favor for her. Went over to her place then the car that we were gonna pick up got delayed so I went home. Later on, Hannah and her mummy picked me up then off to Sherwood we went to pick up Hannah's new car ! It was a manual so I have to be there to drive it home for her. 

Go there and the seller was so nice ! Drove the Swift home safely :) it was uninsured so I drove quite slowly at times lol. Came home and took a nap until Mymy came over to chill with me. Went to pick my dad up but when I opened my garage, my mum also came home and pressed the garage which close it. Both of us then kept pressing the remote and the garage went up and down continually LOL Then she stopped and let me press it but at that time I also stopped and let her press it LOLOL 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Colourful Life !

15/03/2013 - Friday

Work was the same same. At night, The Mafians had games night at Randy's so we gathered and played. Pretty much play quite a few different games, it was quite funny at times. Funny how Randy's toilet doesn't have a lock LOL 

16/03/2013 - Saturday

Another day at work, It was quite boring ! and tiring since I did most of the carrying job. Spent my night staying at home and being super bored LOL Watched a few animes and that's about it. Dunno what to do :(

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Moon Light

Another day of doing exams at tafe. Nothing excited happened today. Just an ordinary day lol oh I have been watching X Hunter X again. It feels so good to keep watching without waiting for the next episode to come out :L That long wait of not watching it finally pay out :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One In a Million

Another day of exams and I managed to pass with 100% and finish first again LOL Daut came to visit and yaaay ! We are all reunited again haha It was fun talking to him again. Tonight, I got so confused while dealing with Thieu Nhi money... I hate this job ! :( Someone kill me before I have to see more money that doesn't belong to meee ! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Feel Me

Went to tafe today and did two exams that Leon and I had no clue on since we didn't go to tafe yesterday... I aced it and finished first in the class LOL 100% baby ! Didn't even study or went to any of the classes for these exams. During the exam, I went around helping others who were doing the exam. Pretty much helped the whole class pass LOL 

At around 2ish, class was so boring so Leon and I went to Sunnybank and met up with Hoa, Kiet and Denne. Sat down and chilled there for awhile. Was gonna watch a movie but we didn't know what movie to watch :L so we just ended up going home.

Monday, March 11, 2013


Didn't go to tafe today since Leon was sick. Stayed home and re-watched most of Fairy Tail's epic parts and fighting scenes and also Reborn scenes :) So good and emotional ! Also watched Mr & Mrs Smith and Batman, the dark night rises again. Just a normal day watching movies ! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Taller, Strong, Better !


 9/03/2013 - Saturday

Went to Springfield lakes for Tony's Birthday. Chilled, ate and played there. Got a surprise birthday cake for him. Played Tenis and the playground. It got quite boring afterward and the majority of us went home while some stayed back. 

Later on during the night, we all went to Sunnybank to celebrate Neilson's and Tony's birthdays. Got there and met up with Neilson OT friends and we are at Little Singapore  I got him a surprise cupcake with candles :) He was so surprised lol It was a good idea to share two dishes with Hannah and Randy.

After having our dinner, we all went back to Tien's to party ! Drank and sang to our hearts content ! I didn't drink since I was driving haha. It was quite fun ! Same people got quite drunk... *Looks at Neilson* lol. Our group had to wait until Neilson got sober and came out of the toilet till we can go home lol. Took a while waiting for him and it didn't work so we pulled him into the car at like 1ish. Drove to Neilson and got him on his bed. Came home and I stayed up for awhile until I got my wonderful sleep ! 

10/03/2013 - Sunday

Woke up and headed to church, after church, got all the props for the skit in the car then headed to maccas for a light breakfast before youth. Got there and it was so busy ! With enrollment, uniform, the skit stuff and everything ! Today was our Savio day so the kids had free yummy food and drinks/desserts and they pretty much had fun all day ! Barely any teaching ! Did my skit and the kids loved it :) After youth, I can home and took a nap. 

Later at night, mummy told me to go on an errand for her. I drove to my uncle's place to deliever stuff to him. Came in and chilled with them lol.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Vroom Vroom

Work today was quite fun and fast ! Went shopping with Tony and Ronnie for the bbq tomorrow. Bought heaps of food LOL It was meant to be a healthy bbq but that was so hard to do :L Got heaps of snacks hehe. Bulking brah ! 

Ordered takeaway steak from Blue Fire grill since Tony and I have to eat at our stores :L Ate and chilled with them two. Also got a haircut today ! It's so short compared to before ! 

Later during the night, Hoa, Mymy, Thang and Linda came over. We planned and rehearshed our skit abit for Sunday then the four of us, excluding Thang went to Harvey Norman and The Good guys to bin dive for cardboards again LOL It is always me who dive for it :( 

Came back to mine and started to make our cars :L It was so funny when we made it hahaha. Mine is a convertable four wheel drive LOOOL Watched this viet movie which was soohh funny ! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Did an exam that I thought was hard when I first saw it but I was the first one to finish it in the class and got full marks for it LOL. I guess it wasn't so hard after all. Went to church with my family then headed to the gym after. 

Got a called to go to a last minute youth minute with a small group to prepare for our  29th Anniversary. Thought I was late so I rushed there but we were still waiting on others who were also more late than me LOL After the long meeting, I went back to the gym to finish up. Also Kevin and Dante is so funny at the gym hahaha I lol'ed so much ! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Back Against The Wall

Nothing great happened today. Just a usual normal Wednesday I suppose... oh Nam can over to grab his stuff from mine, Forgot about that then we headed to Officeworks to chill there. 

 I really should start counting money for youth and studying for tomorrow exams but I'm so lazy and tired atm. Good thing I start late tomorrow so I should be able to have some good time for those study sesh. Hopefully I don't sleep in tomorrow  Better work on me alarm ! 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Twin Blades
Tafe today was alright, was the same cept that our teacher had to go to the doctors in the last period so we get to go home early. Yaay ! Going home early without skipping class :L Came home and took a long nap LOL I was just watching anime then bam ! Woke up and it's dinner time ! haha Love walking up to food ! :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Colourful Waterfall

Class was so boring today ! Integral is so easy and boring ! Should had stayed home. Woke up and I finally see the sun but then it was just trolling me... nek minnut, it rains.... I hate you rain !

 Went to gym today and our gym group was there cept for Brandan lol. It has been awhile since we were all together :L It was funny at times lol I should sleep now but my hair is still wet :(

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fair Lady

Nothing really excited happened today. After Youth, I fixed the garage with Dad then spent most of my night watching My Fair Lady. Finished it and it was such a good drama ! Loved it ! Such a cute and romantic ending :) Recommend you guys to watch it when you're bored ! 

I really can't skip any more days of tafe... Hopefully I will be able to find transport there tomorrow :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Happy Birthday Hime-Sama !!
Work today was so crappy since the rain. We even closed earlier than usual lol. After work, came home and cooked dinner for the family :) Went out for Mande's Birthday so we Mafians went to eat Hotpot at Cube Hotpot. It was a buffet hotpot lol. We were meant to go back to Richlands and play bowling but we didn't make it on time for our bowling booking so we didn't go there but instead, went to Berry Me for dessert ! So gooood ! Chilled at Funhouse afterward then drove around :L

Suit and Tie

^ I wish
Oh my god, I thought I didn't have work today so I allnighted last night watching drama and only had 2 hours sleep until my dad woke me up for work :( work was okay I guess, got really tired at one point. Later on in the night, Went over to Ronnie's with Randy and Denis to chill and talk :L good talk !