Monday, March 18, 2013


^ Want 

17-03-2013 - Sunday
Youth was okay today. Quite tiring since it was hot but it was okay I guess. After youth, most of the HT team went out to Inala to try Anh Long's new restaurant  The food was okay. Just chilled and talked. After filling out hungry tummy with foods, half of us went over to Chi Quynh's to chilled and hang around I guess. We started playing 13 and gambled LOL I loss $10 :( FML. Practiced abit of dance with Thang then just sat and talked. Came home with Hoa and Td and they took my beeed ! I wanted to take a nap ! Woke them up and we headed to church.

After church, we stayed back at church and ate abit then a few of us, Andy, Hai, Mymy, Phap, Tham, Tuyen and Chi Quynh went to have coffee at Corinda. ICE CREAM AND COFFEE <3. We talked about our relationship talk again LOL It was so funny ! I dropped my brother and Anh Tuyen off then Mymy and I went over to Phap's place to chill and continue our talk. Chilled there until late then home we went. On the way home, I followed Phap's car and stalked him hehe.

18-03-2013 - Monday
Skipped Tafe today since Hannah needed me to do a favor for her. Went over to her place then the car that we were gonna pick up got delayed so I went home. Later on, Hannah and her mummy picked me up then off to Sherwood we went to pick up Hannah's new car ! It was a manual so I have to be there to drive it home for her. 

Go there and the seller was so nice ! Drove the Swift home safely :) it was uninsured so I drove quite slowly at times lol. Came home and took a nap until Mymy came over to chill with me. Went to pick my dad up but when I opened my garage, my mum also came home and pressed the garage which close it. Both of us then kept pressing the remote and the garage went up and down continually LOL Then she stopped and let me press it but at that time I also stopped and let her press it LOLOL 

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