Wednesday, March 20, 2013


^ used to be me :L
Today Hoa and I was waiting for Leon to wake up so he could drive us to tafe/uni but he fell asleep until late so we both decided to go to city and watch a movie. When we about to leave to inala, Leon woke up and we told him we were going to watch a movie so he joined as. Bus it and I am so glad that I just got enough on my Go card to get to the city and back :) We got there and ate first. Since I've prepared food for tafe, I ate my sandwich while watching the other two's eating yummy nomnoms :( 

After watching, we headed to the casino with $10 each since that was the only money we had LOL. When we got in, Hoa wasn't allowed in cause he forgot his license at home LOL. I managed to doubled Hoa and my $10 :) YEEE BOI ! Got enough money to last at the city now :L 

We had like two hours spare until the movie started so we headed to Cyber Lounge and played LoL, WoW and CoD there LOL Haven't been there in ages and my account from grade 8 still works and I still have time on it :) Free gaming ! :) 

Once it hit the time to go watch 21 and over, we rushed over to the Cinema and got our tickets. Vinh callled and we told him to come meet us there so he also joined our team. The movie was okay, most of the time, I was snacking on my food that I brought from home lol. After the movie, we headed home. 

Came home and I went over to my Aunty's with my mum to chill for awhile.

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