Sunday, March 10, 2013

Taller, Strong, Better !


 9/03/2013 - Saturday

Went to Springfield lakes for Tony's Birthday. Chilled, ate and played there. Got a surprise birthday cake for him. Played Tenis and the playground. It got quite boring afterward and the majority of us went home while some stayed back. 

Later on during the night, we all went to Sunnybank to celebrate Neilson's and Tony's birthdays. Got there and met up with Neilson OT friends and we are at Little Singapore  I got him a surprise cupcake with candles :) He was so surprised lol It was a good idea to share two dishes with Hannah and Randy.

After having our dinner, we all went back to Tien's to party ! Drank and sang to our hearts content ! I didn't drink since I was driving haha. It was quite fun ! Same people got quite drunk... *Looks at Neilson* lol. Our group had to wait until Neilson got sober and came out of the toilet till we can go home lol. Took a while waiting for him and it didn't work so we pulled him into the car at like 1ish. Drove to Neilson and got him on his bed. Came home and I stayed up for awhile until I got my wonderful sleep ! 

10/03/2013 - Sunday

Woke up and headed to church, after church, got all the props for the skit in the car then headed to maccas for a light breakfast before youth. Got there and it was so busy ! With enrollment, uniform, the skit stuff and everything ! Today was our Savio day so the kids had free yummy food and drinks/desserts and they pretty much had fun all day ! Barely any teaching ! Did my skit and the kids loved it :) After youth, I can home and took a nap. 

Later at night, mummy told me to go on an errand for her. I drove to my uncle's place to deliever stuff to him. Came in and chilled with them lol.

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