Monday, March 25, 2013

Thousands Pound

22-03-2013 - Friday

Woke up really early to go Jogging with Andy, Mymy and Chi Quynh. They met at my house then we took one car out to the lake. Did a good non-stop one lap, was gonna do two but the others was tired so we didn't. After our tiring jog, we went to have breakfast at the Coffe Club. It was good ! Ate alot ! 

After having breakfast, I went straight out to work without showering or resting. Work was quite tiring since I was sleepy for most of the day. Came home and had to go to church. After church, I took Vivian and Tanya to Sunnybank to eat Berry Me. After having our dessert, we went to funhouse and I met Rebecca, Hong anh, Linh and the kids there. Played with the kids on Mt and sadly I loss cause I didn't wanna use my car instead I used a stock car haha but it was fun ! 

23-03-2013 - Saturday

After work, I went to church and stayed there for awhile, Andy told me to go have dinner with him but since I am saving money, I went home to eat first before meeting up at Andy's place in Springfield. Drove there and met up with the rest of the group. We started to cut down palm leaves for tomorrow. After chopping them down we chopped jack fruits and ate them ! So good ! 

Chilled then gambled playing 13. I won $18 :) Took everyone money hehe I was the only person who gained money that night hehehe. Moneeeey ! 

24-03-2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and headed to Trung Tam to set up and rehearsed our play. Didn't finishing rehearsing and we had to perform for the kids already. I was Jesus and I had so many layers on me and it was so hot ! I was pretty much in every scene :( Had no rest lol. Hate being Main character ! After youth, I went home while everyone else went out and ate and had fun. 

Came home and there was no food at all so I had to eat Migoreng :(  Anthony and I was so bored at home so we went to Inala for Bubble tea and air-con LOL Pretty much just sat there for an hour in cool air :) 
Came home and andy came over to rest at mine before we headed to church. Lined up for confession but it took forever so I gave up lol It was pouring so much and we pretty got wet-ish. 

After church, I did confession then home I went. Got home and there was alot of people at mine studying to become a Catholic so I had to play with the little kids. I didn't even know them but it was fine ! I told them my name was Master haha ! I am master guys ! 

After they went home, a few guests stayed back to have dinner. My parents told me and my brother to Sacrafice our dinner and go get dinner somewhere else. Brother went to Maccas while I stayed home and not it ! So hungry so I just slept it off lol

25-03-2013 - Monday

Leon went to tafe late so I pretty much skipped today. Just watched heaps of movies today. Watched Fast and Furious 1,2,3,4,5 and also Captain America and some others. 

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