Thursday, September 27, 2012

This little light of mine

Got stuck under piles of cardboard :L
Hoa, Td, Linda came over and we did our banner for camp tomorrow :L Last minute shit again haha. We got to half way and it was tiring lol so we ended up resting for 20 mins, that 20 mins slowly turned into an hour ish LOOOL Took us so much effort to get back to work. Em Xau xi showed up for abit... ewwwww. After work, we met up with heaps of the youth group leaders at the church and prepared stuff to bring to the camp early morning. Help cleaned and prepared stuff. 

Went to Wonderland with Mymy while the others went to get Maccas. Saw so many unicorns at Wonderland. Went shopping at Mt Om and ate. Played Running Man in BigW LOL Went back to Bin dive at Harvey Norman and The Good guys, I was the one in diving cause I was the only one who could get into the big bin LOOL Got heaps of cardboard and I got stuck abit in the bin haha. 

Time to pack my bags for tomorrow Youth Camp ! I am part of the group who are going there super duper early to set up and everything before the kids and the rest of the guise get there :( Won't be blogging for like three to four days guys ! Sorry ! I will be back soon and I will be stronger  ! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ice ice baby

^ She's so kyoooot !
Went to the coast today with Tony, Ronnie, Anthony and Hieu. On the way there, we played a naming game :L it was fun ! Got there and we were hungry ! While we were walking to Hungry Jack's, we saw Hog breaths have a special lunch thingo on for $10 so we were like cool ! Went in, and sat down and that and we decided we could save our-self $5 and got pretty much the same thing at Hungry Jack's + a sundae. So we walked out and said sorry LOL. 

After eating at Hj's, It was TIMEZONE TIMEEE ! The only reason why we went LOL Got the three hours gaming pack for $25 each. Mostly played MT for like an hour and a half. Came there just to play MT LOOOL Bumper cars and laser force afterward was fun ! 

Chilled on the beach after. Chilled and talked pretty much ! It was nice. We hid Tony's thongs deep in the sand and when we told him where it was... It was the wrong place ! LOL We lost track of where we hid it so we had to dig like pretty much most of the sand around us to find his thongs. Thought we loss it haha 
It was a fun day

They dropped me off at my Youth Meeting while they went to have dinner. Meeting was long but it was worth it since we needed to know the plans for camp. Went to Maccas with a few of them just to have snacks. Went for a drive with Mymy afterward.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I am bored and lonely

Thanks for the title of this post ! :) Was lazy to think of one :L
Work today was quite chill. Pumba and Mymy came out to visit me for abit. Ronnie and Tony was out most of the day aswell. We recruited a new Inala person, She's Inala Queen now. Welcome to the Inala Kings and Queens, TIEN ! David came out later so the four Inala kings were together ! :) 

After work, Went over to Mymy's to watch Women in black with our second fambam. Linda was so scared LOL Had KFC and Pizza's since it was CHEAPER TUESDAY ! YEEEEH BOII ! Made caesar salads together and I played with Mymy's Nieces, they are so cute ! Blocked Hoa from getting home fast cause I was in the middle of the road, jogging home lol

Catch me

Work today was okay ! STORMM ! After work, some of the youth group came over to do the banner and made the bamboo's looks better at mine. Headed to Bunnings to get stuff then back to mine to work on it more. After enough amount of work for one night, Hoa and I went to Sunnybank to met up with Tony, Denis and Hieu. Played funhouse and it was so funny ! :L Went to get  chocolates at the claw machines, and I managed to get like 7 bars of chocolates for everyone :) I'm such a pro !

 Watched The Watch afterwards and it was okay ! On the way home with Denis, we almost die... LIKE OMG ! It was scary ! We missed our turn cause of roadworks and ended up going on Pallara way home. Going that way at night with a fogged up screen and the road was full on dark with smoke is something we are not gonna do anymore :S 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mighty California

Went to youth and all I did was clean up LOL Had to clean the BBQ's up with Td, so tiring and dirty ! Carried tables and chairs in the sun... it was so hot cause I took my shirt off LOL Afterward, we went to cut Bamboo and chop and chop like a boss 

Went to church afterward and chilled with youth. Headed to Just soy cafe with Mymy, Td, Tanya and Toan. It was busy tonight so we had to wait for awhile. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

She Wolf

Went to work once again it was alright, worked with uncle for half a day then aunty for the other half. Aunty is so fun to talk to :) We packed up early since we, both need to go help Thieu Nhi at the Multicutral Festival. Got there and started to help out straight away ! People bought so much foods ! We couldn't cook enough food in time :( Managed to sell everything at the end of the night though :) 

Got time to hang and play around. Went to bumper cars and it was FUN ! Then chilled and just play and made ourselves heaps of Bubble Tea since we had heaps left over. Good night ! Legs are sore LOL

Friday, September 21, 2012

You'll be mine

Work today so super duper BORING ! Arghh, I pretty much died out, didn't even touch my phone alot today. Just sat there like a loner. After work, I went to church since one of the guy I go to fishing with, his mother passed away :( After church, I helped out with Thieu Nhi (Youth). Just helped prepare the Corns, nem nuong and Bo la lot ! Tiring work LOL 

We tested the food and it isn't Poison-ness so, come buy some tomorrow at the Multicultural festival tomorrow guise ! They are so yummy since it was made by my small hands ! It was funny teasing the girls when they were spiders, snails and bugs on the leaf :L I wanted to go home earlier but my family was there helping out and if I went home earlier, they would call me a slacker and that so yeh LOL and soz for the people who talked to me on msn, I forgot I left it on available :( SORRY !

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Fierce

Work today was very very very BORING ! No one came out today :( Was pretty much a loner most of the time. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My heart is

I was so bored at maccas so a car was made
Went for a drive with Myvy, she is such a good driver LOL Drove around everywhere and we ended up at my Tafe then she drove back to Richlands maccas. Ate there and talked. Was a good talk today :) She's so clumsy with her food lol. Came home and I was so bored that I laid in bed just rolling around. Went for a driving lesson and I am starting to get the hand of manual :) 

Walked to Mymy's later on for a Youth Meeting. Meeting was quite long since it was about camp, Festival and Tuannie's wedding day. Ate & Chilled at Maccas after the meeting since everyone was so hungry ! 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Work today went quite fast. Worked with my aunty and she talks alot so time flew by quite fast :) Had a driving lesson in between and I was so good at reverse parallel parking :) Linda, Td and Mymy visit me :) Chilled with Tony, Thuan and Ronnie afterward so that was fun ! 

Went fishing at Colmsile with Tony, Thuan, Cindy and Hieu. It reminded me of Tuannie since that was the place he fell :( We came home empty handed :( Not one single fish were caught. At least we had maccas on the way back ! It was a good night ! 

Monday, September 17, 2012

That xx

Work today was really really boring ! Time went super slow ! Went for a driving lesson with an instructor :) Drove Manual and I didn't stall :) Haven't drove manual in two years man ! I am so beast ! Tien and Td came out to visit me at lunch then Tony, Alex, David Melara and Hoc came out in the afternoon.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This part was so sad !

Saturday - 15/09/2012
Took Ronnie out for his birthday with Neilson, Tony, Randy, Hong, David and Hieu ( he came late lol, soo late !) All we basically did was funhouse, ate at Hanwoori, Pool then back to funhouse. He wanted to go home at 3:30 but then we said, nah, let's go at 4 LOL when it hits 4, we stalled time by playing Mt and saying we have to waste our tokens. 

Got to the bus at 4:20 and it was a good time :) While walking to the bus, tony told him, that he would take Ronnie home but Ronnie didn't want tony to take him home and he said he was getting picked up :( I called Becca and told her that LOL Ronnie called Becca and his dad and they both said, they can't take him home LOL not sus at all ! On the bus, I got so many phone calls and texts saying to stall time and all that lol

We got to Inala and we stalled like 15 mins there saying Tony's needa go check his store and all that. One the way to Ronnie's we saw Hoa's car in front and Tony and I was like, oh shit on the inside. Someone in Hoa's car even waved at us.... :( I told Tony that we need petrol so we took a detour and got petrol so Hoa wouldn't stuff our plans up LOL Once we got to the house, they were so many cars and we were like, why was there so many cars? is it your aunty and that Ronnie? and he said, it probs were LOL

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RONNIE !!!! Party started ! Heaps of chilling and nomnom's at first ! Then DANCE DANCE DANCE ON DA DANCE FLOORS ! There was strobe lights, smoke machine and Dj ! I was playing with the Dj for awhile ! It's so fun ! Beer pong turned into Goon pong LOL GANGNAM STYLE FCK YEAHHH !  It was a good night at Ronnie's. Had to take care of Hieu LOL. 

After Ronnie's party, I head to Mymy's 21st party ! More chilling, drinking and dancing there ! Played cards and there was a jumper castle there but I missed out :( Stayed back and helped clean up

Sunday - 16/09/2012

Woke up early for church and only had like an hour sleep last night. Went to youth and taught there. Came home and daddy was fixing mah bed ! Finally ! Better sleep ! Tried out my bed that was fixed then bam, I fell asleep ! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My moment

Lam wants to hug you now ! Hug him back?
Went to the city with, Tony, Randy, Mande, Neilson, John and Tien to go get Korean boy a present. Played pool for awhile until John, Tien, Neilson have to go to uni. Went to eat sushi with Tony, Randy and Mande and chilled. Went and bought the gift with Tony and Randy. Funhouse'd after and shit happens :( :( FML Met up with Neilson, Ronnie and Alan and played pool again then back to funhouse :L Headed home then chilled with Ronnie at Inala until his store closes.

 Later on that night, Randy, Ronnie, Vinh, Neilson and I went over to Tony's to play monopoly. 4 hours game and only one person was backrupted. Not even half way through the game LOL Our brains started to die LOL It was good though :L

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Take the pain away

Pikachu wants a hug !
Work today went alot faster than yesterday :) Pumba and David came out late and chilled with me for abit. There was barely any customers today so my uncle went to sleep at the back for like 3 hours LOL Another day of work, another dollar $!$

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Let me love you

Instead of going to tafe today, I headed to work on the first day of mah term 3 holidays. Met Tien and took her around Inala lol then met Vi, Thy and Sandy and chilled with them for abit. Later on, Toan, Hieu and Tony came out and we just played card lol. Managed to clean most of my room tonight :) It's so clean and free now ! No more sharing it with anyone else ! :) 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Turn Around

Did two exams at tafe today, One was hard and the other one was easy LOL During the study breaks we had, I went back to inala to eat LOL then back to do the exam.  
Went to two of my aunty's place today with my mummy and step grandma. I was their driver lol Just chilled for like ages :L 
Not going to tafe tomorrow since I got work so it's holidays for meeee ! YAAAAY !

Monday, September 10, 2012


Just chilled at tafe today. Turns out, this week was our last week and most of our assignments are due tomorrow. FML haha No one is prepared to do all of this tonight lol Thought we finish next week but nope, we were wrong. At least we get 3 weeks holidays ! :) 

Went over to my cousin place to visit her since she just came back from the hospital. She's in better shape now but still can't leave the house. Hope you get even better !

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Breakdown


Friday - 7/09/2012

Went to work once again since my Aunty was still sick. After work, I went over to Linh's place and our two Big family, Tien's and Mine were together. We had mass there for Tien's Uncle and great Aunty I think. We are after and chilled. On that night, I also made a girlfriend that LOOOL She was 5 years old, and she was so clingy to me and kept telling me that she is my girlfriend LOL. So So clingy ! Only 5 years old aswell. Wonder what she will be like when she's older :L 

Saturday - 8/09/2012

Once again, work work work. David, Tony and I played cards again and we had to eat lemons when we lose. OMG, so sour LOL After work, came home and had a family gathering at mine. We ate Pho that my mummy made. I went to my uncle last mass in Brisbane. Came home and I was surprised LOL. My aunty from Canberra was at my place LOL She surprised everyone for not telling us she's coming :L Even my uncle was shocked. Funny as night ! 

That night, Half of the family, like 10 of us, took my uncle to the airport and stayed there with him until his flight came. He's going back to Brazil. Won't be seeing him for another 2 or 3 years. We chilled and had coffee :L Talked about back in the days when we were a kid :L We did so much rebel stuff LOL Said our goodbye to him and hugs. Have a safe trip to Brazil ! Got home and I was so hyper since coffee.... Haven't had coffee in like 4 months since I quit LOL So so hyper and couldn't sleep.

Sunday - 9/09/2012

Woke up and managed to go to TN (Youth) with an hour sleep. Just teach, teach and learn. Had a meeting about multicultural festival and camp which is coming up in the following 2-3 weeks. So much stuff to prepare  in so less time. But you know, I am beast so this is easy pesy 123abc.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day and Night

Such a pretty cosplay
Woke up in a hyper and good mood for some reason. Was just chilling at home then I got a call from my aunty and she was sick so I went out to work with my uncle. Today was so boring. My uncle even went to the back of the store and slept for two hours while I was at the counter slowly falling asleep LOL. Played thirteen with David and we have to eat lemons when we lose. I can handle the lemons but David hahahaha. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

All my love is for you

Went to tafe just to do 85 hours on my logbook then went home LOL Went to church later since my uncle was doing the preaching today. Hoa called and ask me where I was, I told him church then he suddenly came LOL He wanted to me to go out with him so I tagged along with him. We went to pick up Toan then went out to eat. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Battle Scars

Saturday - 01/09/2012 

Work was really boring. Saw a small fight there :L with the highschool kids lol. They took off their shirt during the fight LOL After work, I rush over to my aunty's place for a party with family and Tn. Two parties in one ! :) Just chilled and ate then Ping Pong. Rode bikes with my cousins around the street. Went into the kiddies room and got raped by them then they started to take the nerf guns out and shot me ! It hurt LOL My relatives from Canberra came and we slept over at my auntie's. Stayed up with my cousins watching movies until like 3 lol Pokemon was one of the movies lol

Sunday - 02/09/2012

Woke up and made breakfast and also HAPPY FATHER DAY ! Met up with the whole family at the cemetery to visit our grandpa and grandma. Also visited Tuannie. I went to youth with some of my cousins. Youth was the same old usual thing but my uncle( The priest came) and had a talk with them. Also Becca came to watch our TN youth.  After youth, my uncle took most of the kids out to Jong Ga (All you can eat KBBQ and Sushi) and ate until we were so full ! OMG YUM ! Headed back to my aunty's and help prepare for my grandma "gio (Death Anniversary dinner/mass) " Prepared then chilled there until the guest came over. A bishop also came over :) After the mass, we started to have dinner but the ones who went to eat at Jong Ga was so full and we just sat there LOL Downloaded the first Expandables for my cousins to watch then afterward, we went to Indro and watched number 2. I have already seen it but it was fun just to bond with them. Came home quite late and chilled with the parents and uncle and aunty and talked until like 1am LOL we always have talks like this.

Monday - 03/09/2012

Headed to tafe feeling abit tired. It was boring like always. Found out we have got a week to finish everything :( Came home and chilled with my cousins before they head back to Canberra. Took a nap after they left and I felt really really tired. Turns out, I was sick :(

Tuesday - 04/09/2012

Stayed home since I was lazy/tired to go to tafe. Went out to the bank with my uncle so he can give me his authority to use his bank account. I pretty much spent my day today resting. I feel alot better now. Pretty sure I can handle tafe tomorrow.