Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ice ice baby

^ She's so kyoooot !
Went to the coast today with Tony, Ronnie, Anthony and Hieu. On the way there, we played a naming game :L it was fun ! Got there and we were hungry ! While we were walking to Hungry Jack's, we saw Hog breaths have a special lunch thingo on for $10 so we were like cool ! Went in, and sat down and that and we decided we could save our-self $5 and got pretty much the same thing at Hungry Jack's + a sundae. So we walked out and said sorry LOL. 

After eating at Hj's, It was TIMEZONE TIMEEE ! The only reason why we went LOL Got the three hours gaming pack for $25 each. Mostly played MT for like an hour and a half. Came there just to play MT LOOOL Bumper cars and laser force afterward was fun ! 

Chilled on the beach after. Chilled and talked pretty much ! It was nice. We hid Tony's thongs deep in the sand and when we told him where it was... It was the wrong place ! LOL We lost track of where we hid it so we had to dig like pretty much most of the sand around us to find his thongs. Thought we loss it haha 
It was a fun day

They dropped me off at my Youth Meeting while they went to have dinner. Meeting was long but it was worth it since we needed to know the plans for camp. Went to Maccas with a few of them just to have snacks. Went for a drive with Mymy afterward.

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