Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Battle Scars

Saturday - 01/09/2012 

Work was really boring. Saw a small fight there :L with the highschool kids lol. They took off their shirt during the fight LOL After work, I rush over to my aunty's place for a party with family and Tn. Two parties in one ! :) Just chilled and ate then Ping Pong. Rode bikes with my cousins around the street. Went into the kiddies room and got raped by them then they started to take the nerf guns out and shot me ! It hurt LOL My relatives from Canberra came and we slept over at my auntie's. Stayed up with my cousins watching movies until like 3 lol Pokemon was one of the movies lol

Sunday - 02/09/2012

Woke up and made breakfast and also HAPPY FATHER DAY ! Met up with the whole family at the cemetery to visit our grandpa and grandma. Also visited Tuannie. I went to youth with some of my cousins. Youth was the same old usual thing but my uncle( The priest came) and had a talk with them. Also Becca came to watch our TN youth.  After youth, my uncle took most of the kids out to Jong Ga (All you can eat KBBQ and Sushi) and ate until we were so full ! OMG YUM ! Headed back to my aunty's and help prepare for my grandma "gio (Death Anniversary dinner/mass) " Prepared then chilled there until the guest came over. A bishop also came over :) After the mass, we started to have dinner but the ones who went to eat at Jong Ga was so full and we just sat there LOL Downloaded the first Expandables for my cousins to watch then afterward, we went to Indro and watched number 2. I have already seen it but it was fun just to bond with them. Came home quite late and chilled with the parents and uncle and aunty and talked until like 1am LOL we always have talks like this.

Monday - 03/09/2012

Headed to tafe feeling abit tired. It was boring like always. Found out we have got a week to finish everything :( Came home and chilled with my cousins before they head back to Canberra. Took a nap after they left and I felt really really tired. Turns out, I was sick :(

Tuesday - 04/09/2012

Stayed home since I was lazy/tired to go to tafe. Went out to the bank with my uncle so he can give me his authority to use his bank account. I pretty much spent my day today resting. I feel alot better now. Pretty sure I can handle tafe tomorrow.

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