Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Breakdown


Friday - 7/09/2012

Went to work once again since my Aunty was still sick. After work, I went over to Linh's place and our two Big family, Tien's and Mine were together. We had mass there for Tien's Uncle and great Aunty I think. We are after and chilled. On that night, I also made a girlfriend that LOOOL She was 5 years old, and she was so clingy to me and kept telling me that she is my girlfriend LOL. So So clingy ! Only 5 years old aswell. Wonder what she will be like when she's older :L 

Saturday - 8/09/2012

Once again, work work work. David, Tony and I played cards again and we had to eat lemons when we lose. OMG, so sour LOL After work, came home and had a family gathering at mine. We ate Pho that my mummy made. I went to my uncle last mass in Brisbane. Came home and I was surprised LOL. My aunty from Canberra was at my place LOL She surprised everyone for not telling us she's coming :L Even my uncle was shocked. Funny as night ! 

That night, Half of the family, like 10 of us, took my uncle to the airport and stayed there with him until his flight came. He's going back to Brazil. Won't be seeing him for another 2 or 3 years. We chilled and had coffee :L Talked about back in the days when we were a kid :L We did so much rebel stuff LOL Said our goodbye to him and hugs. Have a safe trip to Brazil ! Got home and I was so hyper since coffee.... Haven't had coffee in like 4 months since I quit LOL So so hyper and couldn't sleep.

Sunday - 9/09/2012

Woke up and managed to go to TN (Youth) with an hour sleep. Just teach, teach and learn. Had a meeting about multicultural festival and camp which is coming up in the following 2-3 weeks. So much stuff to prepare  in so less time. But you know, I am beast so this is easy pesy 123abc.

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