Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I am bored and lonely

Thanks for the title of this post ! :) Was lazy to think of one :L
Work today was quite chill. Pumba and Mymy came out to visit me for abit. Ronnie and Tony was out most of the day aswell. We recruited a new Inala person, She's Inala Queen now. Welcome to the Inala Kings and Queens, TIEN ! David came out later so the four Inala kings were together ! :) 

After work, Went over to Mymy's to watch Women in black with our second fambam. Linda was so scared LOL Had KFC and Pizza's since it was CHEAPER TUESDAY ! YEEEEH BOII ! Made caesar salads together and I played with Mymy's Nieces, they are so cute ! Blocked Hoa from getting home fast cause I was in the middle of the road, jogging home lol

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