Sunday, January 6, 2013


I've been in Sydney for the past 10 days so get ready for a super long post ! Gonna try to simplfied it and make it super small :L I will try my best guise !

Btw, I will add more details to this tomorrow :)

24/12/2012 - Monday

Went to Christmas mass then after church, my whole family gathered at mine to celebrate Christmas. We ater and opened our presnts and talked as a family :) It was quite good :)

25/12/2012 - Tuesday

Went to mass and ate there then off to Thieu Nhi Chrismas party at Phap's place. Played Dirty Santa there and stayed there till 2am then off to Sydney we go on le Mini-Bus !

26/12/2012 - Wednesday

Pretty much spent most of our day on the bus lol. Took a few pit stops for toilets and food. The seat was so uncomfortable :( 16 hours bus ride from Brisbane to Sydney. We got to the Trung Tam in Bringelly in Sydney and the Sydney people greeted us :) They were so friendly ! Went to mass there and slept in the hall with a bunch of other youthies from all over Australia.

For most of the camp, I am gonna take away alot of details cause we did waii too much ! 

27/12/2012 - Thursday

Woke up and we official started our Nang Hong 13 National Camp ! All the Sydney Xu Doan (Branches) did a performance for each of the visiting Xu Doan :) It was quite good ! Our Xu Doan was is "Savio" and we are from BRISBANE ! BRISBANE FTW ! Before the camp starts, everyone did their exams. 

We got put into our groups of random's over youthies from all over Australia. My group name was called "Augestino". Auguestino FTW ! Did activites and so and so then had mass with the Cardinal. I finally met a Cardinal :)  

28/12/2012 - Friday

Learn and studied and such and such. Everyone performed their group skits and it was so funny :) Met alot of new youthies around Australia and became friends with them :) 

29/12/2012 - Saturday

They woke everyone up so early at around like 3 or 4 in the morning and made us walked blindfolded for 40 mins.... It was so a long walk. After the walk, we had breakfast and mass. Then just had lessons and such and such again. At night, we had our Lua Thieng night and did our campfire routine  Performed our group skits there.

30/12/2012 - Sunday

Woke up and we started our Big game ! It was so dirty though. had to swam in a mud pool and so. Ran everywhere since it was pretty much like amazing race in your group. It was really really fun though. But so so dirty ! After the game, everyone was desbreatlyed to take a shower. There wasn't enough showers for everyone so the boys took a hose and made their own out door shower lol. 

Later on during the night, Every Xu Doan did they best performace and OMG ! It was quite gooood ! 
Camp officially ended afterward but Savio ( My Xu Doan) Stayed back and slept there for one more night.

31/12/2012 - Monday

Woke up and help TN pack up the Tents and gateways. Cleaned up also ! After cleaning up, we headed to Bankstown for Lunch and Desserts ! Went back to the place we were staying and the condition of that house was too crappy so we ended up living in a Kindergarden. It was like the best place to play for a kid ! Little cutties toliets and ballpit :) 

At night, we walked to the train station as our Savio Brisbane team. Met up with a few other Xu doan's then went for a massive walk at Cliff-edge  It was such a long walk ! bought two trolleys full of food and drinks lol. We got to a riverbed part of the river and it was one of the best view for the New Years Fireworks :) Spent most of our time walking and waiting for a 13 mins fireworks lol. Came home at like 3 and everyone drop dead lol.

1/01/2013 - Tuesday

Woke up early for church then we headed to Cabramatta. Ate and shopped around there. During the night, We all went to the TN BBQ and it was packed as ! Fun though, Just ate and chilled.

2/01/2013 - Wednesday

Thank you for the Birthday Wishes ! 

Went to Bondi Junction to shopped at Westfield and OMG ! It's so so big ! Didn't managed to go shopping everywhere ! There were like 5 different floors and each floors has different kinds of stores. Like expensive stores at the top to cheap stores in the bottom level. There's a Food store for David Jones and a kg of a chocalate costed $120. DAMNN ! I would never buy something like that.

 After shopping we headed to the beach and played Ooooo since it was such a crappy cold weather :( It was super windy and cold ! After playing Oooo only 4 of us went for a quick dip in the beach. It was super cold but Yolo ! waited for the bus then we headed to the Opera house and went for a long walk to Darlning Harbour for some ribs at Hurricane. Walked back to the bus and headed to China town for a quick visit. Tried this N2 icecream and it was pretty weird how they used this machine to make it. All smoky and cool !

3/01/2013 - Thursday

Our group went to the Blue Mountain and only a few of us went for the walks while the rest played cards lol. It was quite a fun walk ! Got to the look out area and took the cable car and train down and up :) It was short but the view was good :) 

We went and ate some BBQ with Chi Ly's :) After bbq, half of the group went to Bowling while the other half went home. Bowling was alright, My shoe size were 2.... LOL.

4/01/2013 - Friday

Went to Paddy's market and shopped around ! After the markets, Anh Thanh took us to the fish Markets and OMG ! The fish and chips was the best I ever had before ! So gooood ! It was super fresh aswell ! Onomnomnomnom ! Yum yum Yummy ! after the markets, we came home and rested then half of the group went to Ice staking :) YAAY ! Ice staking ! It was quite fun ! 

After ice staking, everyone went to sleep except Martin, Mymy, Phap and Me. We stayed up talking. It hits 3am and we woke up everyone else so they could bring their lagguage to the bus so we could go back home to Brisbane :)

5/01/2013 - Saturday

Another long bus ride home :( Never again :L We stopped at Newcastle and went to a sanddune and played around :) which was fun ! then off to the bus ride again :( Got home and everyone was so happy to be back in Inala LOL. 

6/01/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and went to church, helped daddy fixed the garage and unpacked and washed my clothings. Went out with Ai-van's family for dinner and ice cream at night. 

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