Thursday, February 28, 2013

Right here

^ One day ! 
Leon and I didn't had anyway of going to tafe today so we skipped again... Cannot wait until I get a car ! Spent most of my day watching "My Fair Lady" It's quite interesting and good :) Went and mow the lawn for my aunty today and I am starting to think that it isn't worth $50 since there are so much grass area to cover ! Cousin came over and chilled with me while I was just watching drama lol.

It has been so boring since I have decided to decline alot of invites to go out. But I guess it's worth it not to go out as much anymore :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Crew love

Skipped Tafe today and I think I missed out on two exams but ohwell, I can do that some other time with Leon. Pretty much slept the whole day lol Finally got to catch up on my sleep that I was missing these two weeks. Feels so good :) I feel awake now :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


23/02/2013 - Saturday

Work again :( After work though, came home to see my Step-grandma and my relatives from Canberra. Chilled with the family over at mine then went to church. Got pulled out of church half way ..... sighh since I needed to go up with Hanh's to set up her function up in Westend at the achive bar. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY Haanh ! It was her friends party so there were drinkers and so and so. Party was alright and I was so hungry so I ate alot oops LOL Time to get fat hehe After the party, I got home and set up the laptops for tomorrow family party.  

24/02/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and got ready for church, after church, it was youth. Since I got moved to teach a different class, it was boring cause I am teaching the same people I taught last year lol. Went and took my cousins out to Sunnybank to have dessert and funhouse. Just playing Mt dere :L My cousin won a major prize from the box game :)

 Came home and was meant to rest but I dropped one of my cousin off and bumped into the adults and parents while they were shopping so I got stuck with them and had to help them out. :( I wanted rest ! had to go to the restaurant with them and helped set up the decorations and the laptop/TV. I am always the tech guy LOL.

 Went back home to shower then party time ! Got there and just chilled and ate. It was Cau Minh 50th birthday and Hanh's 21st combined together. We even got a belly dancer to come in and dance. A few of use got pulled out by her and had to dance with her LOL It was so funny ! baby videos of Hanh :L Aww such a cutie ! Gave Hanh $50 worth in 5 cents LOL She's gonna have fun counting it hahaha Managed to steal my brother keys and so I moved his car LOL Then my uncle also did the same thing and moved his car :L We pretend that our car was stolen haha It was so funny when you see their reactions on their face when they don't see the cars hahaha. 

After the party, a couple of us young-ins headed to Mt Cootha but it started pouring so we went to Milton instead to have coffee and just to chilled. Spent like 3 hours there just playing Icon pop on the phone LOL It's such a fun game when you're in a group. Came home and the adults were still awake at 1am watching vidoes of them when they were young :L I saw my baby self haha. Blonde/Brown hair ftw ! Why can't my hair be that light now :( 

25/02/2013 - Monday

Just went to tafe and did a few easy exams then chilled at Sunnybank then went back to go to sleep at tafe LOL Classes are so boring ! 

26/02/2013 - Tuesday

Drove to tafe and did an exam I had no clue of... it was easy though :) Did another exam then I just went home cause the teacher is teaching such an easy topic. 

Friday, February 22, 2013

You don't need a reason to help people

Work today was okay. Same old thang ! Went to go get Hanh's 21st Birthday present. You will find out what it is tomorrow :L Nam's family came over to chilled at mine for awhile. Nothing much happened today I guess :( 

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Oh man, Leon and I spent like over an hour studying at tafe for the exam that we were going to do. Sat the exam and our faces was like wtf. This isn't the stuff we studied on.... FML The whole class pretty much cheated anyways so this was like our first time cheating so much LOL We were like whispering answers together when they teacher was busy talking to another students :L But this exam was sooo hard ! We both managed to pass :) 

After tafe, I went over to my uncle's place to fix his phone, came home and I had guest at my house since my Step-Grandma is back in Brisbane.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

When I was your man

Woke up early and cooked food and got ready to go to tafe until Leon told me he can't go today therefore I had no way of getting there so I wagged and went over to Mande's place to chill LOL We just pretty much chilled and watched dance videos and listened to music. 

Met up with Ronnie then headed to city since Ronnie needs to go buy shoes then we just shopped and chilled at the city trying to waste time. Went to Funhouse and omgawd ! New MT machine and wow ! So cool how the card works and they had another system in the middle. Graphics are so good now ! I am in love once again ! 

Hannah came then we watched Sliver Lining. At first, I thought it was gonna be a boring movie but turns out, it was alright. Good meaning and storyline behind it. It was funny at times too ! 

A day of tafe for a chill session - Quite a good sacrifice :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You're in my top percentage

During our hour break at tafe, Leon and I spent the whole break trying to sleep LOL. It was good but I was woken up every 5 mins or so since the most of the class was in the room talking. I wish I was the type that sleep easily.  

The time went by really really slow today. Thought it went by an hour when it only was 10 mins... So slow ! Spent my night cleaning and watching Pokemon movies :) oh how I still love Pokemon :) 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Nothing could Tauros apart

Tafe today was quite alright, almost fell asleep in one of the class but managed to stay alive lol. Talk to Nikolas in class and turns out that he used to be in the army and he went to war. His stories are so sad and awesome at the same time. If I was forced to go to war, I would be really really scared :( Probs piss my pants. 

While it rain, our main carpark is always taken up by cars so there was a sub-car park that only has a road that you use to enter and exit. That road was really easy to get flooded and so it got flooded today lol. People cars were stuck over there and the water was quite high. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

You're oddish but I don't care

Went to Officeworks to grab some stationary for youth then off I went there. Since today was the first day of the year, we had to do enrollment so the Ht team split into 3 groups, Enrollment group, Uniform group and taking care and keeping the kids occupied. I was put into the Enrollment team with the Ban Quan Tri. So many parents asking for this and that lol. Made quite alot of kids attend on the first day :) 

Played a game with my group of kids and also taught them the basics for now :) Headed to Inala afterward and chilled there. Got home and had to help my dad set up or brand new table and chairs. After that, Anthony and I went on a road trip. We were meant to go to Mt Om but I wanted to explore abit so we went to Summer park and then kinda got lost but I didn't wanna use the GPS yet so we just drove around and around. 

Nek Minnut, took the GPS out and we were at Goodna LOLOLOL. So we decided to go visit my Grandparents and Tuannie there. Off to home we went, on the way home, we felt like Mt Om again so I drove there and got there. Walked in and the shops were closing :( Drove to Jindalee afterward and the shops there was also close :( No shopping was done :( Got home and went to church. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Give Me A Chansey?

It was raining at work today and i got quite wet taking the rubbish out but oh well, it is work :) After work, Tien's group and the Mafians group went and played bowling :) It was fun since it was team against team and my team, we clearly won fosho :L Good game ! Also good catch up sesh :)

After bowling, half of us went to Mt Cootha and the other half went to Gym LOL. First time going to gym with a big group :L It was fun since Tony, Brandan and I was pretty much training the others :L Funny and fun :L Good work team ! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

You're Shockingly Cute

Work today went by alright. Time was slow at times but at other times, it was fast. Tonight, I went over to Mymy's place for a long as youth meeting since we're starting on Sunday. Was meant to go movie night with the Mafians but I was too tired for that so I just went home. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I choose you Valentine

Happy Valentine day ~! Spent it with my Pikachu :)
Tafe was okay however the last class was really really boring and long ! After tafe, I drove to Inala to go buy myself a brand new shelf :) Went over to Hannah's and chilled for abit until we went to gym. After gyming, I went over to Mande's to pick her and her sister up then drove back to Hannah's to drop her sister there then  off to grab Randy and Anthony. Yaay !

 Jogging sesh ! Drove to the lake and started jogging :) Managed to do a lap while the others were lagging behind lol. I was gonna do another lap but i didn't want to disappaer from the others so I just waited for them. After everyone met up again, we did another lap. Met Huy and jogged with him for awhile :) 

After jogging, we headed to go late night shopping at Forest lake lol. Shopped for abit and chilled then home we all went. Got home and ate dinner then omw to building my shelf ! :) After buidling, cleaned my room and now, I am a happy chap ! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My love is inextinguishable

Went to tafe and did two exam today, fell asleep for a quarter of a class today, woke up and had no idea what was going on and I had to do an exam when I woke up lol. It was easy :) Finished one of them in less than a min lol. So easy !

 Came home and went to Ash Wednesday church. Went over to Kevin Le's to chilled and catch up with him :) Can't eat meat today and I can only have 3 meals today... I am so hungry right now, Can't wait till 12 when I get to have a feast :) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Don't ever change

Got picked up by Hoa in the morning with Leon, Kevin and we headed to Corinda to drop off Hoa's little bro Binh. After that, we headed to Sunnybank Maccas to get food and wait for Kevin's seller so he could buy his iPod from the seller. 

After that, Leon and I was meant to go to tafe but we ceebs so we ended back at Hoa's to play Monopoly and oh god, no one landed on free parking throughout the whole game D: Hoooow is that possible !? Went home after caught up on Nikita :) 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Never ending battle

Went to Tafe in the morning and did an early exam. When we finished, Leon and I headed back to the Mechanic at Inala to check up on Leon's car. Afterward, we both went home and was meant to go back to tafe but we were too lazy LOL. I instead went to pick up my brother then went over to Jack's to grab my money off him. Drove him to Inala and we chilled for abit then I headed to pick Hannah up for gym. Came home and had guest over then had to go to church. I am not too sure if I have an exam tomorrow or not :( 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Happy Lunar New Year ! YEAR OF THE SNAKE ! 

8/02/2013 - Friday

Work was okayish... after work though, I went to church then off to Family party at Huy's. We got there and ate food that each member of the family brought then the adults gambled downstairs while the kids were gambling upstairs. I started a game while we were playing and it was to talk viet until someone say an English word. The first person who speak in English has to pay 50 cents to everyone :) We continued this game like for the whole night. I loss like twice and it was soo funny ! There's always a person who doesn't say much cause he/she doesn't know much viet :L 

Afterward, we had our family raffle ticket and my ticket won first prize :D Then we each grab a li xi from the tree and used that money to gamble with when we played Bo Cua Ca Cop, I managed to doubled my amount of money I played with :) Bingo was next and I loss all the money I won from Bo Cua Ca Cop ! It was such a fun night like always :) Family <3 

Oh yeh, the party also felt like there was something missing :( Most of my cousins also said that. We were missing our grandpa :( It felt so much different compared to the other years.... But oh well, he's always with us, in our heart :)

9/02/2013 - Saturday

Went to work again and it was boring and long ! After work, we had Tet Church which was quite big. Fire Crakers, Awesome Fireworks then had a party there. We just ate and chilled. When I just got home, Randy asked me to take the group to the Temple in Oxley. I was so tired but they needed a lift so I went to picked up Mande first then was only meant to pick Randy up afterward but Ant and Ronnie needed a lift also so I picked them up aswell. Also poured $10.02 worth of petrol for my brother since I am generous to him :L What a nice little brother I am :D

We got to the temple and wow ! It felt weird to me since it's like my first time to a Temple festival... There was so many people I don't recognized compared to Church where everyone knows me and that lol. We just chilled there and met up with Hong and Lynn for abit then we saw Sang. Just chilled and eating their vegetarian food. The fireworks came on at like 10:30 ish but it wasn't good as the church one :( Met up with Becca and her friends then chilled until 12:30 ish. I was so tired but didn't wanna left the group there. 

On the way home, the police followed me for awhile lol. They stopped following me when I got close to my house.... dem cops are stalker ! 

10/02/2013 - Sunday

Went to the cemetary with my whole big Family to Visit Grandpa & Grandma and also Tuannie ! Met Phap out there :) We just prayed and wished them a Happy New Year :) Afterwards, I headed to the Trung Tam to meet up with a couple of my youthies then we headed to Chuc Tet people on behalf of Thieu Nhi. 

Everyone pretty much went into my car and andy's and I had to drive them around everywhere LOL I whole day spent chuc tetting and driving ! After we were done, everyone went home except for Andy, Chi Quynh and my brother. Headed to Inala to eat at Bluefire grilled at 4 since we haven't had lunch yet. It was so good since we were super hungry ! Then I came home and had to go over to Uncle place by myself to Chuc him tet lol. After that, headed to church and was so tired ! Almost fell asleep in church :L 

I really don't wanna start my week of tafe again :( Someone take over me and study for meee ! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Where have you been?
Was woken up really early today to mow the lawn of Ai-van's house... zzz I wanted me sleeeep ! After mowing, I just chilled at home until it was time to go to tafe. Tafe went by fast today since we started late :) 

After tafe, got home and picked up daddy from work then I went to Trung Tam to listen to this talk. It was ago. After the talk though, I hopped in Mymy's car with Pumba since she was gonna drive me home which was only a min walk away LOL Turns out, I went with her to drop Pumba off.... I could had gone home earlier ! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Tafe today was boring like usual but at lunch, we finished watching "That's my boy" and it was really funny :L  I am so glad that we start tafe at 1 on Thursday :)After tafe, I took Hannah to the gym and made her work out on her legs :L After our legs workout, we went to Subway at Forest Lake and we were about to eat there but we walked out finding that there was no tables outside so we went over to Mande's to eat there lol. After all three of us ate, we just chilled for awhile.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Went to tafe and did our first exam for this year and wow, It was so easy ! I finished it in 2 mins LOLOL then for the rest of the time, I just slept :L Nearing the end of tafe, a couple of us pretty much died out and was so tired ! We couldn't even pay attention to the teacher anymore.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Soak it up

1/02/2013 - Friday

Woke up really early to go and help wrap the roses up for Tet tonight :) It took us hours to wrap 250 roses but we eventually did it :) Afterward, we headed out to Inala for lunch then Hoa and I drove to this guy house to buy stuff :) Was a long drive but it was worth it. Came back to mine then napped for abit then everyone met up at mine before leaving to Tet.

 We got there and started setting up and making money ! YAAAY ! Sold pretty much all of our roses tonight and heaps of balloons ! MONEY MONEY MONEY ! Played Bingo for abit and loss :( When we were about to pack up, it started storming so frikken fast ! Like it BAM ! Storm came down sooo faaaast ! Everyone rushed to the pho tent and I got fully soaked :( Cause my team was telling me to go save the balloons so I jumped over tables to get it and save it LOL. Typical me !

We all went back to mine to meet up and roughly count the money. Everyone chilled at mine for abit and played cards at like 1... LOL.

2/02/2013 - Saturday

Went and did my P's and YAAAAY !  I passed ! SO HAPPY ! No more depedning on parents or brother to drive me around :) Just need to go get a car now lol Was so friggen tired when I did it though LOL Later on during the day, everyone met up at mine then off to tet we went again. We sold quite a fair bit this night but unfortunately we ran out of Helium and finished up early. Everyone pretty went off and hang out with their friends.

 I hanged with Ronnie, Mande and Hannah. We spent most of the time playing Bingo LOL. we pretty much gave up after playing like 10 games then off to get food. Came back for the second last game which was a bonus game where you win two prizes and Hannah Won ! YAAAY ! FOOD PROCESSOR ! Everyone then came back to meet at Ai-van's then mine but before we left Ai-van's... Johnnie drove his car over a tree that fell down in Ai-van's massive front yard and got stuck... :( We then called everyone back to Ai-vans then helped get the car out LOL

"What would Jesus do guys"
"He lifts LOL"
Alot of us came up with ideas to getting the car out and we tired different ideas every time we failed. At the end, we all helped lift the car up and Yaaay ! We got it out ! Thank you Jesus :L I was meant to go Yum Cha with the rest but my parents were at Ai-van's so I ended up going home instead and since I was so so tired !

3/03/2013 - Sunday

Went to Thieu Nhi HT Training day and we pretty much just studied and play abit for the whole day. Made a logo for our Xu Doan Savio aswell :) Church afterwards then I just hanged around with Mymy and Johnnie instead of going to Darra to eat.

4/03/2013 - Monday

Went to Sherwood with Hoa to get my license then off to tafe I went. It was so boring and tiring as always... wanted to go home but I can't haha. When I got home, I went and picked up my dad :) First time driving by myself ! YAAAY ! Picked Nam and Tam up for the Gym aswell :)