Wednesday, February 20, 2013

When I was your man

Woke up early and cooked food and got ready to go to tafe until Leon told me he can't go today therefore I had no way of getting there so I wagged and went over to Mande's place to chill LOL We just pretty much chilled and watched dance videos and listened to music. 

Met up with Ronnie then headed to city since Ronnie needs to go buy shoes then we just shopped and chilled at the city trying to waste time. Went to Funhouse and omgawd ! New MT machine and wow ! So cool how the card works and they had another system in the middle. Graphics are so good now ! I am in love once again ! 

Hannah came then we watched Sliver Lining. At first, I thought it was gonna be a boring movie but turns out, it was alright. Good meaning and storyline behind it. It was funny at times too ! 

A day of tafe for a chill session - Quite a good sacrifice :)

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