Sunday, February 17, 2013

You're oddish but I don't care

Went to Officeworks to grab some stationary for youth then off I went there. Since today was the first day of the year, we had to do enrollment so the Ht team split into 3 groups, Enrollment group, Uniform group and taking care and keeping the kids occupied. I was put into the Enrollment team with the Ban Quan Tri. So many parents asking for this and that lol. Made quite alot of kids attend on the first day :) 

Played a game with my group of kids and also taught them the basics for now :) Headed to Inala afterward and chilled there. Got home and had to help my dad set up or brand new table and chairs. After that, Anthony and I went on a road trip. We were meant to go to Mt Om but I wanted to explore abit so we went to Summer park and then kinda got lost but I didn't wanna use the GPS yet so we just drove around and around. 

Nek Minnut, took the GPS out and we were at Goodna LOLOLOL. So we decided to go visit my Grandparents and Tuannie there. Off to home we went, on the way home, we felt like Mt Om again so I drove there and got there. Walked in and the shops were closing :( Drove to Jindalee afterward and the shops there was also close :( No shopping was done :( Got home and went to church. 

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