Tuesday, February 26, 2013


23/02/2013 - Saturday

Work again :( After work though, came home to see my Step-grandma and my relatives from Canberra. Chilled with the family over at mine then went to church. Got pulled out of church half way ..... sighh since I needed to go up with Hanh's to set up her function up in Westend at the achive bar. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY Haanh ! It was her friends party so there were drinkers and so and so. Party was alright and I was so hungry so I ate alot oops LOL Time to get fat hehe After the party, I got home and set up the laptops for tomorrow family party.  

24/02/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and got ready for church, after church, it was youth. Since I got moved to teach a different class, it was boring cause I am teaching the same people I taught last year lol. Went and took my cousins out to Sunnybank to have dessert and funhouse. Just playing Mt dere :L My cousin won a major prize from the box game :)

 Came home and was meant to rest but I dropped one of my cousin off and bumped into the adults and parents while they were shopping so I got stuck with them and had to help them out. :( I wanted rest ! had to go to the restaurant with them and helped set up the decorations and the laptop/TV. I am always the tech guy LOL.

 Went back home to shower then party time ! Got there and just chilled and ate. It was Cau Minh 50th birthday and Hanh's 21st combined together. We even got a belly dancer to come in and dance. A few of use got pulled out by her and had to dance with her LOL It was so funny ! baby videos of Hanh :L Aww such a cutie ! Gave Hanh $50 worth in 5 cents LOL She's gonna have fun counting it hahaha Managed to steal my brother keys and so I moved his car LOL Then my uncle also did the same thing and moved his car :L We pretend that our car was stolen haha It was so funny when you see their reactions on their face when they don't see the cars hahaha. 

After the party, a couple of us young-ins headed to Mt Cootha but it started pouring so we went to Milton instead to have coffee and just to chilled. Spent like 3 hours there just playing Icon pop on the phone LOL It's such a fun game when you're in a group. Came home and the adults were still awake at 1am watching vidoes of them when they were young :L I saw my baby self haha. Blonde/Brown hair ftw ! Why can't my hair be that light now :( 

25/02/2013 - Monday

Just went to tafe and did a few easy exams then chilled at Sunnybank then went back to go to sleep at tafe LOL Classes are so boring ! 

26/02/2013 - Tuesday

Drove to tafe and did an exam I had no clue of... it was easy though :) Did another exam then I just went home cause the teacher is teaching such an easy topic. 

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