Monday, February 4, 2013

Soak it up

1/02/2013 - Friday

Woke up really early to go and help wrap the roses up for Tet tonight :) It took us hours to wrap 250 roses but we eventually did it :) Afterward, we headed out to Inala for lunch then Hoa and I drove to this guy house to buy stuff :) Was a long drive but it was worth it. Came back to mine then napped for abit then everyone met up at mine before leaving to Tet.

 We got there and started setting up and making money ! YAAAY ! Sold pretty much all of our roses tonight and heaps of balloons ! MONEY MONEY MONEY ! Played Bingo for abit and loss :( When we were about to pack up, it started storming so frikken fast ! Like it BAM ! Storm came down sooo faaaast ! Everyone rushed to the pho tent and I got fully soaked :( Cause my team was telling me to go save the balloons so I jumped over tables to get it and save it LOL. Typical me !

We all went back to mine to meet up and roughly count the money. Everyone chilled at mine for abit and played cards at like 1... LOL.

2/02/2013 - Saturday

Went and did my P's and YAAAAY !  I passed ! SO HAPPY ! No more depedning on parents or brother to drive me around :) Just need to go get a car now lol Was so friggen tired when I did it though LOL Later on during the day, everyone met up at mine then off to tet we went again. We sold quite a fair bit this night but unfortunately we ran out of Helium and finished up early. Everyone pretty went off and hang out with their friends.

 I hanged with Ronnie, Mande and Hannah. We spent most of the time playing Bingo LOL. we pretty much gave up after playing like 10 games then off to get food. Came back for the second last game which was a bonus game where you win two prizes and Hannah Won ! YAAAY ! FOOD PROCESSOR ! Everyone then came back to meet at Ai-van's then mine but before we left Ai-van's... Johnnie drove his car over a tree that fell down in Ai-van's massive front yard and got stuck... :( We then called everyone back to Ai-vans then helped get the car out LOL

"What would Jesus do guys"
"He lifts LOL"
Alot of us came up with ideas to getting the car out and we tired different ideas every time we failed. At the end, we all helped lift the car up and Yaaay ! We got it out ! Thank you Jesus :L I was meant to go Yum Cha with the rest but my parents were at Ai-van's so I ended up going home instead and since I was so so tired !

3/03/2013 - Sunday

Went to Thieu Nhi HT Training day and we pretty much just studied and play abit for the whole day. Made a logo for our Xu Doan Savio aswell :) Church afterwards then I just hanged around with Mymy and Johnnie instead of going to Darra to eat.

4/03/2013 - Monday

Went to Sherwood with Hoa to get my license then off to tafe I went. It was so boring and tiring as always... wanted to go home but I can't haha. When I got home, I went and picked up my dad :) First time driving by myself ! YAAAY ! Picked Nam and Tam up for the Gym aswell :)

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