Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Beneath Your Beautiful

Spent my day teaching my dad some new computer skills. Went over to my cousin to help him out and chilled for awhile. Came home and took  a nap since it was soo hot ! During the night, I went to Richlands Maccas to have a meeting with the camp team. It was quite a long meeting lol. Another day tomorrow then camp :( I am not sure I am ready for my holidays to be over like this :(

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


My day today was kinda productive-ish. First of all, I drove daddy to work then went over to Hoc's to drive him to the bus stop. Came quite early so I chilled there for away. Came home and did some chores and watched Running Man and anime. 

Later on during the night, I went to sports with my 2dn boys/girl. Met Teddy there ! He's such a funny dude ! So easy going too ! Sport was so fun ! First half was basketball and I think my team loss :( Second half was futsu and it was funny ! When my team scores a score, we run to the person and do what the people in world champion soccer does :L It was so funny ! 2 scores in like 2 mins LOL.

Everyone was sweating and super tired but all that cardio was worth it :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Dark Horse

Woke up and waited for Hoa to drive me to Qld Transport at Sherwood to replace my driver license. We dropped by Kevin Le's afterward to chill and fix his brake pads for his car. Ordered Pizza and I became the Delivery guy for them :L Tai shortly came over after seeing my car. We just chilled and talked. Also talked about the event. 

I checked out Tai's new place and it was looking good :) We are neighbors now ! Drove Kevin to the gym and did a good sesh there. Came home and spent my whole night playing games :/ I should had done something more productive ! Gotta be productive tomorrow ! I am glad I can drive again :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013



21/09/2013 - Saturday

Went to work and was feeling great since I thought this was the last day I would work until next week but when I got ready to pack up the store, I couldn't find my wallet but I only found my Ds and keys under the counter. I searched for it alot of times and still couldn't find it until it hit me that it has been stolen :( NUUU ! I have so much money there and all my cards and everything ! 

I am unable to drive until monday :( I've pretty much loss my identity T_T Oh well, I have learnt my lesson that Inala can be such a shit place after all LOLOL. Felt so devo ! Was planning to put the money in my bank aswell ! Came home and called up Com Bank to cancel my card. Later on, I wrote up the exams for my kids tomorrow ! It looks really easy :L Hopefully it was to them.

22/09/2013 - Sunday

Went to Thieu Nhi and made my kids sat the exam. I thought it was easy since I was planning to give them 20 minutes to do it but I had to extend that to 35 minutes. Was planning to play some games with the left over time but nope ! It was quite hard for them :L 

Had a short camp meeting afterward and trained abit on touch with the Thieu Nhi Touch Team. Afterward, Td, Anthony and I headed to DFO since Adidas has a 40% sale :) Bought a few stuff but I was planning to buy more but all my money got stolen FFS ! 

Came home and finally used my new Oroton Wallet my Aunty gave me for my Birthday last year. Sadly, the wallet has no card and money whatsoever :( 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Starry Eyed

Spent my day playing Kingdom Heart at work again. It was so good ! Until batteries died again but right after it died, I had heaps of work to do which was good ! After work, I rushed to church. Hang out with the Tn people for abit to hang out Moonfest lollies to the kids. 

Went over and picked Hannah up to go to games night at Ronnie's. It was the orignal members and we had a few guest. The guests this week was, Danchi, Neilson, TonyP, Simon, Jessie, Tiffany and Brandan. We played a short game of Articulate since Hannah was there and played "Who's the Killer". It was fun but I pretty much died first both games :( NUUUUU ! Dead people can't do anything ! 

Games night are so fun ! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dream Drop Distance

Spent all day playing Kingdom Heart - Dream Drop Distance at work until it ran out of battries then my life was over :( I LOVE KH SO MUCH ! One of the best games ever ! Spent my night playing Kingdom Heart, LoL and also watched a few eps of Running Man. No work was done :( 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I Left My Herat In Tokyo

Work was really boring ! Working weekdays is really easy but really boring at the same time since there are rarely any customers. Bumped into Linh again when we both went to the same place to get lunch :L Another three days of work then official holidays ! HERE I COME ! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Empire State of Mind

Stayed up to watch heaps of Running Man LOL. I regretted it when I woke up for church though. Taught the kiddies at youth then had a short meeting about camp with the whole camp team. I was meant to stay back and had another meeting with the organizer team but I ended up leaving early to go to Ronnie's. Picked up Td and headed there. When I got there, I was placed into the Blue team. Ate a tiny little bit before we started to play Running Man.

There was three team and every team has four people with different super powers. The red team power was to suicide bomb when they die and yellow team was that they have two lives while my blue team one was the crappiest :( It was to sacrifice yourself for someone in jail LOL. So Shit ! I had one of the power in my team :) 

At first, the yellow and red team teamed up against us but suddenly someone betray each other and they broke out into a war LOL. I ran in and got a red out but I died cause of their suicide bomb :( I manaded to come back in with my power thanks to Tien and landed a sneak attack on them in jail :) Got three out ! YAAAY ! 

It was a draw between the blue and yellow team so we ended up having a chicken fight. The blue wooon ! YAAY ! WE CAME FIRST !! Afterward, we just chilled until pretty much everyone left except for a few. We played on top of the hill and Randy and I rolled down it and it hurts LOL. Just chilling and talking until Becca came with her dog :)

We all left for home to take a shower then went back to Ronnie's for games night ! It was fun but we had to end it early since Ronnie and his parents had to sleep early. 

First day of holidays ! YAAAY ! Was planning to spend my whole day relaxing in my bed but that didn't happen lol. Right after I cooked my lunch, Hoa gave me a text asking if I wanted to go eat steak again... since we still have the $20 for a main meal coupon, I was tempted to go and didn't touch the food I cooked :( I picked up Vy and Linda and headed to Morrison to meet up with the others Dt's.

I've decided to eat the 800 grams of rump and damn ! It was huge but I finished it easily and also help Linda and Vy eat their 300 grams :L We went back to Sunnybank Hill for dessert. JustSoy it is ! Haven't been there for awhile. It was nice ! Came home and took a nap zzzZZZzzZ. Woke up feeling so tired. 

I couldn't sleep last night since I took a nap :( WHY DID I DO THAT!? Work today was really boring ! There wasn't much customers today and time flew by so sloowww ! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Love More

Sorry guys ! I have been really super busy with assignments and haven't had time to blog :( Now, hell is pretty much over so I have the time of the world :) I am going to try to make everything as short and meaningful as I can ! Hope all goes well ! 

07/09/2013 - Saturday
Today my Family decided to fast since the pope asked us to fast for peace. Which means, we could only have three meals a day and no meat and junk food :( It was hard at the end but I made it through ! After work, I went to church with le family. The Thieu upcoming camp organizer team had a meeting and sadly, I was chosen to be apart of that team ! WHY!? 

We had a long and good meeting and felt like going out to get dessert afterward. We drove to Sakuraya and bought drinks. My brother and I waited until it hit midnight so we could drink it ! It was so hard looking at the drink and not being able to drink :( Rebbecca came out and chilled with us.

08/09/2013 - Sunday
Nothing excited happened at Thieu Nhi today. I just told my kids we had and exam today and you should had seen their faces :L There wasn't an exam, I just felt like fooling them ! I gotta write up the exam for them in two weeks time though. 

Afterward, Anthony and I was about to head to Inala to buy grocery but on the way, we drove past St Marks and found out they are having a festival so change of mind. We parked at my place and walked there. Met so many people there. The school hasn't change much :) Met two of my old teachers and had a long as talk to them ! They are so niceee ! I miss Primary School :( Mrs Daisy and Mr Biduff still looks the samee ! 

Hanged aronud there for awhile until Little Lam and I went to Inala before I drop him off home. Came home and took a nap and started to study abit for tafe.

09/09/2013 - Monday
It was a long day at tafe today. Spent all day doing assignments :( Since it was the last week of tafe and I haven't done any assignments, it started to hit me that I was running out of time ! 

10/09/2013 - Tuesday
Spent my whole day and night doing assignments too ! Also, I hate Running Man ! Biggest distraction :( 

11/09/2013 - Wednesday
Spent my whole day from 8 - 7 at tafe finishing off assignments and I was DONNEEE ! YAAAAY ! FINALLLY ! Came home and took a nap and watched running man :)

12/09/2013 - Thursday
Spent my day at home resting and watch Running Man. I also helped my daddy friend out with his comp. During the night, Vincent came over and we did some of out Personal Trainer Assignments. One after another hey ! When I am done with tafe, I gotta do PT LOL :( 

13/09/2013 - Friday
Work was alright I suppose. Afterward, a few of us went to eat Steak at Morrison since we had a coupon that let us get two mains for $39 ! It was so worth it ! I drove Hoc, Kiet and Tony while Hoa drove Td and Vinh. The wait for it wasn't long too ! 

Afterward, we drove all the way to Sunnybank to watch White House Down. Had a few games at funhouse before we went. Met Vy and Johnnie ;) Those two aye ! We played cards to see who gets to pick which seat in the cinema and I got the second best seat ! YAAY ! The movie was okay ish, it was pretty much the same as any other White House being Attacked movie. Some concept as Olympus has Fallen. 

14/09/2013 - Saturday
During work, I went to buy food with Ronnie and Randy for tomorrow BBQ. Spent my night watching Running Man, I think I am addicted to it now :( Also did a little bit of study. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Pikahat !

Work was really boring today. I pretty much sat still waiting for time to go past slowly. 
During the night, Hoa, Td and Thang popped up at my house. We just chilled and did some magic tricks then played abit of LoL with my LoL team :L. Funny night haha ! Didn't go to the Taiwan festival tonight :( 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

True Love

Stayed home all day to do my assignments. I procrastinated alot and watched like three episodes of Running Man but I managed to finish a few assignments. I still have heaps to do but I guess I will manage to finish them before Wednesday. Also did some chores while at home and cleaned abit of my room.

I think I am addicted to Running Man again :( It's sooo goood ! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Light me up


3/09/2013 - Tuesday

Spent half the day at tafe and I ended up skipping the other half to go watch a movie at Sunnybank with Hoa. We were complementing whether to watch "You're Next" or "Unbeatable". We gave the decision to be chosen by a coin. It chose "You're Next". We had two hours to kill before the movie started so we went around pretty much most of the shops and windowed shop.

During half way of the movie, we regretted watching this and should had watched "Unbeatable". At night, I started to expand my knowledge on magic. I love magic when I was small. Why did I stop? LOL. It was fun learning a few tricks and fooling my family :)

4/09/2013 - Wednesday

Spent my day at tafe finishing up assignments and we just got given out like two major assignments to do and next week is our last week :( Didn't really do much tonight. Just played some games of LoL and I also went back to watching Running Man :) I stopped eversince my gramps past away. 

Maaan ! It's still so funny ! I am glad I have still been downloading it !

Monday, September 2, 2013

Spring of Legends

31/08/2013 - Saturday

Work was quite boring today :( After work, my uncle and I headed straight to the airport to pick up my uncle and aunty from Canberra who are coming to Brisbane for my Grandma 9th year death anniversary. When we got back to mine, pretty much everyone in the family was there and so we gathered to pray then eat.

We ate small fingers food before we started to eat hot pot. I was on the kids table and they finished early so I was just there alone eating hotpot :L The woman table was going to get their own pot out until I told them that they should use mine since I am just eating it bymyself LOL. So we carried my pot over to the woman table and combined the men's table together so everyone could talk together. I was the only kid in the room while all the other kids was in my room LOL.

After eating, I walked into my room and dammn ! It was so frikken hot since all the air from their laptops and games were heating up. It was like a free sauna :L While we were playing, Thu, Linh and I went to Forest Lake for deep fried ice cream. We headed back and the kids were still playing :L There were like four priests at my house for some reason LOL. 

After the party ended, I had to help clean up then my family just talked till like 2 in the morning LOL. 

01/09/2013 - Sunday

Yaaaay Spring ! It felt like Spring during Winter LOL oh wait, did we even have winter this year!? 

After church in the morning, most of my families went to visit my Grandma at Goodna Cemetary. After praying and visiting her, The kids and I rushed back to Thieu Nhi since Cha Quang came to visit us. We got back in time :) 

After Thieu Nhi, Anthony, Thang and I headed back to mine for a few minutes before we head out to Inala to get food. I ate sushi and we got Bubble teaaa ! Chilled with Anh Phap, Tham, Johnnie, Chi Quynh and Anh Tuyen at Anh Long's restaurant. 

When I got home, I caught up on some animes before I took a long nap :) It felt good ! oh and HAPPY FATHER DAY !! I hope all yous fathers out there are having a good and relaxing time and thank you for raising us kids ! I know we were a bunch of losers but thank you for making us legends instead of leaving us us as losers. 

My brother and I took my family and a couple of my aunties and uncles out for steak at Norman Hotel. It was so expensive but oh well, there is only one day like this once a year :) We ate so much ! Well, I ate more since most of the ladies couldn't finish their food so I had to help them :) The wait for the food was really long but it was so worth it ! Thank god we booked or else, we would still be waiting in line LOL.

Came back to mine and chilled. Talked for quite awhile. I tried to sleep early but they kept talking to like 1ish :( and since I was sleeping outside, I could hear them at 100% 

02/09/2013 - Monday

Woke up and drove daddy to work, while I was at Inala, I went to my uncle's butcher to buy a chicken breast, he ended up giving it to me for freee ! Thank you Uncle ! Came home and cooked my lunch before heading to tafe. Also, my aunty and uncle went back to Canberra this morning, Bye bye ! and Hello to my room again :) Tafe was quite boring today. All we did was revision all day.