Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Empire State of Mind

Stayed up to watch heaps of Running Man LOL. I regretted it when I woke up for church though. Taught the kiddies at youth then had a short meeting about camp with the whole camp team. I was meant to stay back and had another meeting with the organizer team but I ended up leaving early to go to Ronnie's. Picked up Td and headed there. When I got there, I was placed into the Blue team. Ate a tiny little bit before we started to play Running Man.

There was three team and every team has four people with different super powers. The red team power was to suicide bomb when they die and yellow team was that they have two lives while my blue team one was the crappiest :( It was to sacrifice yourself for someone in jail LOL. So Shit ! I had one of the power in my team :) 

At first, the yellow and red team teamed up against us but suddenly someone betray each other and they broke out into a war LOL. I ran in and got a red out but I died cause of their suicide bomb :( I manaded to come back in with my power thanks to Tien and landed a sneak attack on them in jail :) Got three out ! YAAAY ! 

It was a draw between the blue and yellow team so we ended up having a chicken fight. The blue wooon ! YAAY ! WE CAME FIRST !! Afterward, we just chilled until pretty much everyone left except for a few. We played on top of the hill and Randy and I rolled down it and it hurts LOL. Just chilling and talking until Becca came with her dog :)

We all left for home to take a shower then went back to Ronnie's for games night ! It was fun but we had to end it early since Ronnie and his parents had to sleep early. 

First day of holidays ! YAAAY ! Was planning to spend my whole day relaxing in my bed but that didn't happen lol. Right after I cooked my lunch, Hoa gave me a text asking if I wanted to go eat steak again... since we still have the $20 for a main meal coupon, I was tempted to go and didn't touch the food I cooked :( I picked up Vy and Linda and headed to Morrison to meet up with the others Dt's.

I've decided to eat the 800 grams of rump and damn ! It was huge but I finished it easily and also help Linda and Vy eat their 300 grams :L We went back to Sunnybank Hill for dessert. JustSoy it is ! Haven't been there for awhile. It was nice ! Came home and took a nap zzzZZZzzZ. Woke up feeling so tired. 

I couldn't sleep last night since I took a nap :( WHY DID I DO THAT!? Work today was really boring ! There wasn't much customers today and time flew by so sloowww ! 

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