Monday, September 2, 2013

Spring of Legends

31/08/2013 - Saturday

Work was quite boring today :( After work, my uncle and I headed straight to the airport to pick up my uncle and aunty from Canberra who are coming to Brisbane for my Grandma 9th year death anniversary. When we got back to mine, pretty much everyone in the family was there and so we gathered to pray then eat.

We ate small fingers food before we started to eat hot pot. I was on the kids table and they finished early so I was just there alone eating hotpot :L The woman table was going to get their own pot out until I told them that they should use mine since I am just eating it bymyself LOL. So we carried my pot over to the woman table and combined the men's table together so everyone could talk together. I was the only kid in the room while all the other kids was in my room LOL.

After eating, I walked into my room and dammn ! It was so frikken hot since all the air from their laptops and games were heating up. It was like a free sauna :L While we were playing, Thu, Linh and I went to Forest Lake for deep fried ice cream. We headed back and the kids were still playing :L There were like four priests at my house for some reason LOL. 

After the party ended, I had to help clean up then my family just talked till like 2 in the morning LOL. 

01/09/2013 - Sunday

Yaaaay Spring ! It felt like Spring during Winter LOL oh wait, did we even have winter this year!? 

After church in the morning, most of my families went to visit my Grandma at Goodna Cemetary. After praying and visiting her, The kids and I rushed back to Thieu Nhi since Cha Quang came to visit us. We got back in time :) 

After Thieu Nhi, Anthony, Thang and I headed back to mine for a few minutes before we head out to Inala to get food. I ate sushi and we got Bubble teaaa ! Chilled with Anh Phap, Tham, Johnnie, Chi Quynh and Anh Tuyen at Anh Long's restaurant. 

When I got home, I caught up on some animes before I took a long nap :) It felt good ! oh and HAPPY FATHER DAY !! I hope all yous fathers out there are having a good and relaxing time and thank you for raising us kids ! I know we were a bunch of losers but thank you for making us legends instead of leaving us us as losers. 

My brother and I took my family and a couple of my aunties and uncles out for steak at Norman Hotel. It was so expensive but oh well, there is only one day like this once a year :) We ate so much ! Well, I ate more since most of the ladies couldn't finish their food so I had to help them :) The wait for the food was really long but it was so worth it ! Thank god we booked or else, we would still be waiting in line LOL.

Came back to mine and chilled. Talked for quite awhile. I tried to sleep early but they kept talking to like 1ish :( and since I was sleeping outside, I could hear them at 100% 

02/09/2013 - Monday

Woke up and drove daddy to work, while I was at Inala, I went to my uncle's butcher to buy a chicken breast, he ended up giving it to me for freee ! Thank you Uncle ! Came home and cooked my lunch before heading to tafe. Also, my aunty and uncle went back to Canberra this morning, Bye bye ! and Hello to my room again :) Tafe was quite boring today. All we did was revision all day. 

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