Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Light me up


3/09/2013 - Tuesday

Spent half the day at tafe and I ended up skipping the other half to go watch a movie at Sunnybank with Hoa. We were complementing whether to watch "You're Next" or "Unbeatable". We gave the decision to be chosen by a coin. It chose "You're Next". We had two hours to kill before the movie started so we went around pretty much most of the shops and windowed shop.

During half way of the movie, we regretted watching this and should had watched "Unbeatable". At night, I started to expand my knowledge on magic. I love magic when I was small. Why did I stop? LOL. It was fun learning a few tricks and fooling my family :)

4/09/2013 - Wednesday

Spent my day at tafe finishing up assignments and we just got given out like two major assignments to do and next week is our last week :( Didn't really do much tonight. Just played some games of LoL and I also went back to watching Running Man :) I stopped eversince my gramps past away. 

Maaan ! It's still so funny ! I am glad I have still been downloading it !

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