Saturday, September 14, 2013

Love More

Sorry guys ! I have been really super busy with assignments and haven't had time to blog :( Now, hell is pretty much over so I have the time of the world :) I am going to try to make everything as short and meaningful as I can ! Hope all goes well ! 

07/09/2013 - Saturday
Today my Family decided to fast since the pope asked us to fast for peace. Which means, we could only have three meals a day and no meat and junk food :( It was hard at the end but I made it through ! After work, I went to church with le family. The Thieu upcoming camp organizer team had a meeting and sadly, I was chosen to be apart of that team ! WHY!? 

We had a long and good meeting and felt like going out to get dessert afterward. We drove to Sakuraya and bought drinks. My brother and I waited until it hit midnight so we could drink it ! It was so hard looking at the drink and not being able to drink :( Rebbecca came out and chilled with us.

08/09/2013 - Sunday
Nothing excited happened at Thieu Nhi today. I just told my kids we had and exam today and you should had seen their faces :L There wasn't an exam, I just felt like fooling them ! I gotta write up the exam for them in two weeks time though. 

Afterward, Anthony and I was about to head to Inala to buy grocery but on the way, we drove past St Marks and found out they are having a festival so change of mind. We parked at my place and walked there. Met so many people there. The school hasn't change much :) Met two of my old teachers and had a long as talk to them ! They are so niceee ! I miss Primary School :( Mrs Daisy and Mr Biduff still looks the samee ! 

Hanged aronud there for awhile until Little Lam and I went to Inala before I drop him off home. Came home and took a nap and started to study abit for tafe.

09/09/2013 - Monday
It was a long day at tafe today. Spent all day doing assignments :( Since it was the last week of tafe and I haven't done any assignments, it started to hit me that I was running out of time ! 

10/09/2013 - Tuesday
Spent my whole day and night doing assignments too ! Also, I hate Running Man ! Biggest distraction :( 

11/09/2013 - Wednesday
Spent my whole day from 8 - 7 at tafe finishing off assignments and I was DONNEEE ! YAAAAY ! FINALLLY ! Came home and took a nap and watched running man :)

12/09/2013 - Thursday
Spent my day at home resting and watch Running Man. I also helped my daddy friend out with his comp. During the night, Vincent came over and we did some of out Personal Trainer Assignments. One after another hey ! When I am done with tafe, I gotta do PT LOL :( 

13/09/2013 - Friday
Work was alright I suppose. Afterward, a few of us went to eat Steak at Morrison since we had a coupon that let us get two mains for $39 ! It was so worth it ! I drove Hoc, Kiet and Tony while Hoa drove Td and Vinh. The wait for it wasn't long too ! 

Afterward, we drove all the way to Sunnybank to watch White House Down. Had a few games at funhouse before we went. Met Vy and Johnnie ;) Those two aye ! We played cards to see who gets to pick which seat in the cinema and I got the second best seat ! YAAY ! The movie was okay ish, it was pretty much the same as any other White House being Attacked movie. Some concept as Olympus has Fallen. 

14/09/2013 - Saturday
During work, I went to buy food with Ronnie and Randy for tomorrow BBQ. Spent my night watching Running Man, I think I am addicted to it now :( Also did a little bit of study. 

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