Tuesday, September 24, 2013


My day today was kinda productive-ish. First of all, I drove daddy to work then went over to Hoc's to drive him to the bus stop. Came quite early so I chilled there for away. Came home and did some chores and watched Running Man and anime. 

Later on during the night, I went to sports with my 2dn boys/girl. Met Teddy there ! He's such a funny dude ! So easy going too ! Sport was so fun ! First half was basketball and I think my team loss :( Second half was futsu and it was funny ! When my team scores a score, we run to the person and do what the people in world champion soccer does :L It was so funny ! 2 scores in like 2 mins LOL.

Everyone was sweating and super tired but all that cardio was worth it :)

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