Monday, December 30, 2013

MAC :(

Spent most of my day at home chilling with mummy. After lunch, I went over to Kevin's place to fix his hard drive and also tried to fix mine but :( his works and mine was still in repairing, guess I'll have to try to fix it again some other time. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Burned Pants

Those eyes ! 
Went shopping with my Daddy and bro at Harvey Norman to get daddy a laptop. We looked around and I managed to choose for them the ASUS Brand since I just loved that brand ! After we got the laptop, my family just chilled at home in air-con ! It was so hot outside like omgawd ! Went over to Anthony's for a LAN party and just driving there was insane for me ! That heat man, that HEAT ~!

The lan party was pretty much a failed since we kept lagging when playing since something was wrong with Anthony net... :( Next time, we shall have a true party ! Went to church later at night and spent the rest of my night at home. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Shopping - Checked !

OMG ! I'M SUPER SORRY FOR NOT BLOGGING ! I've been either, tired, sick, dead and busy ! This may be long but bear with mee ! I've simplified it alot... like ALOT ALOT ! 
23/12/2013 - Monday

Work was really boring and also felt abit sick at work but I managed. Afterward, I went out to a xmas work dinner with Anh Khoa, Hoa and Chuong. We ate at Haoke in Sunnybank Hills and we ate so so much ! Everyone was full and we also had to get some takeaway containers. 

After eating, I went home and chill before Mymy asked me if I wanted to go Cherside shopping with her. So I was like, might aswell since I haven't talked to her in like four months :L Johnnie picked us up and there we went ! It was mainly shopping for her as I wasn't planning to buy anything cause of boxing day sales soon :) 

We bumped into Pumba, Hoa and Td there and chilled with them for abit before we headed home. It was nice to catch up with Mymy. Came home and allnighted watching Vampire Diaries.... it was so good but it destroyed my sleep :`(

24/12/2013 - Tuesday

Went workie with mummy at the bakery and it was so tiring ! So much work to do as we are closing the shops for two weeks but I couldn't wait until I finished today since I won't be working until Saturday :) Yaay ! A few days to rest ! Felt so so sick while working but I mustn't give up. After we closed down the shop, I drove home first before mummy did. When I got home, I found out the milk bottle my mum told me to bring home has spilled all over my passenger seat floor... FML ! Cleaned it before I got ready to go to Xmas eve mass. 

We had to wear our full Thieu Nhi uniform to church and so we did. We all sat in the black with our uniform on :L I was so sick but I managed through mass :) Afterward, I went straight to bed when I got home. I was so so sick !

25/12/2013 - Wednesday

Woke up early in the morning to visit my Grandparents and Anh Tuannie at the cemetery. Went home and slept alot and just rested at home since I was sick :( Had mass at night and afterward, I went to Nam's house with Anthony and we went to look at Xmas light with his family before we went and picked up Thang at Sang's place since there was a party there. 

After we got him, we headed up to Anthony's Brother house for our Gold Coast trip ! YAAAY ! The drive there was quite fast and I wasn't speeding at all :) Yaay ! Got there and dammmn ! The house was amazing ! it was like a mansion  ! First of all, we got changed and went for a quick dive ! The swimming pool was amazing ! Swim all day, everyday ! After swimming, we cooked Lambs Cutlet and omnomnomnom ! It was yummy after a tiring swim. 

Thang went to bed early while the others and myself stayed up and talked before we watched a movie and went to bed. I stayed up most of the night and had an hour sleep cause I wanted to watch more movies LOL ! Y AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF!?!?

26/12/2013 - Thursday

Woke the guys up so we could get ready to head to Harbour Town early for our boxing day shopping ! We cooked a massive peace of rump steak and munched on it ! We got to Habour town at 7:30am and camped at the shops. All of the shops were meant to open at 9am but some opened at 8am so yaay ! Early shopping and skipping out the waiting lines :) 

We got so tired at around lunch time and it was so hot ! Met a few people we knew and it was fun ! Got a few clothes that I like ! :) Just to get out of the carpark, it took like 20 mins... in that heat ! Daaamn son ! When we got back to the house, we went for another swim since it was so hot ! It was so fun how we played all those balls game in the pool :) 

After swimming, we rested and cleaned up the house before we headed back to Sunnybank for Early Dinner. We were planning to eat Yum cha at Parklands but it was closed so we ended up eating at Coffee Square. On the way driving back to Inala, My eyes was dying ! I was fighting myself to stay awake ! Got home and ko'ed :(

Got woken up by family to go out and eat dinner at Inala. 

27/12/2013 - Friday

Spent most of my time chilling at home. I went out to the bakery with mummy to check if we turned off all the lights. Also went to give Linh some bread for her family chickens. Came home and more chilling and resting. I went to church tonight to find out I have dance practice. Practice was alright... better than last week practice :) Afterward, Chilled with the Thang, Van, Lam and Anthony there before I headed home.

Brother decided to go watch the Hobbit 2 with my cousins so I went with them all the way to Brown Plains. It was a good movie ! I love it ! Had always been a fan of LOTR and now this ! DAMMN ! 

28/12/2013 - Saturday

So finally, it's Saturday which means, I have work today zzzz It was boring LOL. During the night, I went over to Randy's place to play Lotr Bfme with him and it was fun ! Anthony also came and chilled with us.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Welcome back

Anthony came over in the morning to chill for the whole day. We played a few games before Thang came over and watched "Battle of the year" with us. We thought this movie was going to be good since Chirs Brown, Dtrix and Victorking was in it but it was a :( The storyline was so crappy ! Only watched it for the dance lol. 

After the movie, we went to the Sunday touch group Bbq/Pinic since it was our mid season break. Ate and chilled pretty much. Also played a quick game of touch. We just power-walked and to be touched, you gotta touch them on the ass LOL. After a while, the real game started :L 

After touched, I rushed home to get change to go to church. Made it just in time :) After church, we had confession and omg, the line was sooo long ! It even created a maze of people :L After confession, I stayed back to play shutter cock for awhile and also, Mymy came back from Korea ! Walked her home before I walked myself home :L

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mini Volleyball

Work was omg, I died again. After work, I picked my cousin up from Indro before I headed to church. After church, I stayed back and played abit of volleyball with the kids in the hall. It was a mini-made up volleyball but it was still fun. Cha Truc also joined in :) 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Kids Soccer

Worked at my uncle today and I died :( It was so boring ! After work, I went to dance practice and it wasn't good :( Vi got angry at Anthony and left.... So we only practiced for like 20 mins or so. After church, there was a Thieu Nhi meeting to plan out what is happening next year. After the meeting, Thang and I stayed back to play soccer with the little kids while the rest of the Thieu Nhi group went out to eat. 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

No Curse

Before I went to work with Hoa today, I picked up his Tyres with him at the Post Office and omg, the line was super long ! It went all the way to the other shop lol. Worked at Beepfone today and it was fun ! Fixed a couple of phones and iphones are a bitch lol. Chuong also came out to work to chill with us :)

Later on during the night, I went laptop shopping with my dad and brother. We just checked out prices for now. Daddy wants a laptop :L After shopping, Martin came over to chill for abit. Haven't caught up with him in awhile. It was nice. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tyre Changer

Today, I went to work at my uncle and omg, it was so boring ! Time went so slow after my phone died :( Today was Wednesday so that means, I had touch tonight. We loss again but it was still fun :) After our game, I helped Vincent change his tyre.... I think Tyre changing is a regular job for me now LOL 

I'm working all week again :( I can't wait until I have a full day off to just spend my day at home resting and cleaning up. Can't waiiit ! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Until The End

Yuffie <3

13/12/2013 - Friday

After work, I went to Trung Tam to practice my Traditional Vietnamese dance that I had to perform for a Xmas Concert. After the practice, I drove over to Chi Quynh's place for our Thieu Nhi Christmas Party. It was a BBQ party :) We played Tekken, chill, mucked around and what not. Also did Dirty Santa and I was the second last person to pick a present :) Won a headphone that apparently cost $40 :)

After the party, Anthony and I went to the gym and smashed our chest :) Came home and played a few games before we headed to bed. 

14/12/2013 - Saturday

Work today was the old same same. After work, Tien, John and Tony picked me up and we went to Morrision's got Tony P's Birthday. We thought we were late but we got there earlier than alot of others lol. The steak was so good ! After the dinner, we headed to casino to play. I didn't want to play so I just watched them. 

15/12/2013 - Sunday

Today, a few of us Ht's took the Ns out for their first outting this year. First of all, we went bowling and it seems they enjoyed it :) I didn't play since my right arm is still injured. We were running out of time so we headed to Maccas to have lunch there before we drove to Ice Staking. I love ice staking ! Met Craig there and he taught me how to brake more better ! 

After the outting, I went with a few of the Ht's to visit Tham's farm. We just chilled, ate and talk there. Also played with the slingshots and tried to shoot the ducks :L 

16/12/2013 - Monday

I went to work with Hoa and Anh Khoa at Beepfone. It was so chillax ! Just fixing and repairing phones all day :) It was fun ! After work, I had a family Christmas Dinner at the Lions Club. $3 STEAAK ! The adults gave the presents out to the kids :) After dinner, Thu and Linh went back to mine to chill. So we went over to Huy's to chill even more there until it hit like 11 o clock and we decided to go eat Midnight Yumcha with Huy's family LOL It was my aunty idea to go. 

Didn't expect to go home so late though :( 

17/12/2013 - Tuesday

Went to work at the Bakery for my mummy since she was busy. After work, I came home and fell asleep for ages. Woke up and had to go to Mass for the Vietnamese Refugee. After the mass, they had a farewell party and they also sang and cried and all those sad things that happens at the farewell party. We also pray for them aswell ! It was quite touching and sad ! One of the refugee is my far far nephew... LOL He has the same Last and Middle Name as me. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Barett <3
Work today was really boring since the weather was really gloomy. After work, I took a quick shower before going to pick Nam up then we headed over to pick Anthony up to go shopping at Garden City. Omg, the traffic to there was insane.... also it took me 30 mins to find a parking spot...zzzz I hate shopping for Christmas. After we bought our Secret Santa pressies, we went around shopping until we got hungry and ended up eating at Grill'ed. We ate so messy haha ! 

Anthony came back to mine to sleep over until Saturday and now, we are just here playing LoL and chilling.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tafe Graduation !

So Today is my big day and I spent it really productive :) Firstly got woken super early to drive my daddy to Bunnings. Afterward, I came home and took a quick nap before I headed to work. During work, My uncle told me to take his car and flat tyre to the mechanic and fix it. I stayed at the mechanics while they were fixing it. I finished work early today and headed home to find out our new Tv came in :) Daddy and I took a couple of mins to set it up.

Afterward, Leon dad picked me up to head to Tafe for our Graduation. Tram was in the car with us and we also picked up KT on the way. Got there and we thought we were late since everyone was already in the room... but, we weren't :) The spech didn't go on for long :) They handed us with our Certificate and congratulate us. We chilled and took photos with the classmate and teachers. Kiet and Td also came :) 

Went back to Leon's to chill for abit before I headed home. Anh Phap came over tonight to help my brother with some stuff and we also talked abit. Our touch game tonight was canceled due to the rain :( Y U HAVE TO RAIN 4!?!? 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Another Incident

Vincent Valentine <3
So today during work, my uncle asked me to go pick his son up from centenary state high school. I didn't have a car with me so I took his 4WD. I got there like 30 mins early since I didn't really know the way there but it was pretty easy. Waited and slept for awhile until the school kids came out. Drove my cousin and his friend to Mt Om to grab some munchies before we headed home. After I dropped off his friend, the car was making this weird yet familiar sound so I pulled over and checked it out. 

My eyes was like, wtf ! Why would it happen to me again? It has only been three days that I had a flat tyre and now, I had another one but with a different car LOL. Luckily we close to home so I left the car there and walked home with my cousin. Borrowed my brother car to go out to work then drove my uncle to his flat tyre 4WD to change the tyre. The key for the lock didn't work so it took us ages to cut the lock open just to get the spare tyre out. And apparently, I ran into a nail.... FML

Chilled at home until I went to chuck on my new tyre with mah daddy. We also went for a test drive and it was smoother than before :) That $105 was worth it LOL.

Graduation tomorrow and I am not really that excited for it.

Monday, December 9, 2013


The Banner that we did :)

Holy crap ! I have been abit busy over the week and I thought I was free :( Don't worry ! I should be free from now on to blog every single day again :)

3/12/2013 - Tuesday

Work today was alright, played on my iPad most of the time though. 

4/12/2013 - Wednesday

Work again today :( We loss another touch game tonight :( Why are the other asians so good ? We better win the next game ! After touch, I took Teresa to gym and met Kevin Le and Kiet there. I hasn't been to the gym in a while and it was nice meeting them :) 
5/12/2013 - Thursday
So I spent my day helping my mum at the bakerly in Runcorn since she was tired and needed help. Afterwards, I picked Randy up and we headed over to Hoa's to do my Thieu Nhi banner for my funfest game. Our plan was to finish it then go to gym but it took longer than we planned. While doing it, Denne and Lien came over to chill aswell. 

6/12/2013 - Friday

After work, I headed to mass and it was an important mass today. We had choir practice after then we prepared our funfest games and tested it out. I headed over to Nam's place afterward since I had dinner there. My uncles from Melbourne came for the wedding tomorrow and it was nice meeting them. It has been ages since I last saw them ! 

7/12/2013 - Saturday

Today was the day my cousin got married. Thang came over to chill before we headed to mass. While we were there, they only had one person to do the Altar serve so Thang, Nam and I was like Yolo ! Let's do it ! We didn't know what to do but we managed :) It was pretty hot wearing those robes. 

After mass, we went to Anthony's place to have lunch and I met this dickhead there..... He seems quite old but faaark ! My cousins and I wanted to punch him. His step son was cool and he really hated that dickhead too ! After lunch, we went back to Nam's to chill and play LoL before we got ready for the reception. 

While driving to Sunnybank, my car had a flat tyre.....zzzz Out of all the times, it had to be this time LOL So I ended up calling Chuong to come and change my tyre and drive us to the wedding since we were late. Thanks guys !  The reception was alright... wasn't really that fun so we ended up playing pool for like 30 minutes. 

While going home, we saw a fight and it was people from the wedding. I ran in to help but the fighter girlfriend stopped me and told me to get away from him since he would kill me.... scary ! I only wanted to help the other guy stopping him. 

8/12/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and went to Thieu Nhi to prepare for funfest. Sorted out the prizes for each stations then set up as fast as we could since we were running out of time. The game that I did was a big slingshot that shoots water balloons and the targets was me and a couple of other teachers and older kids. 

It was fun ! I got fully wet and also got shot in the balls..... ouch ! During Lunch time, I was drying myself outside since we have our Thieu Nhi Mass right after. I was in the Thieu Nhi choir at mass and damn, so much singing :L 

Afterward, we went out to Inala to eat then Anh Andy, Chi Quynh and I went to steal Mango's... it was alright, the heat was crazy though. We went back to mine to watch One Piece before we headed out to touch but we fell asleep and got lazy :L 

9/12/2013 - Monday

Stayed home and cleaned my room today. After lunch, I went to Trung Tam with Td to unpack some of the funfest items and then went to order myself a new tyre at Darra. Td is going to pick it up tomorrow. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

War and Peace

Aerith <3
29/11/2013 - Friday

It was my birthday today and I had to work :( During work, My uncle sent me on an errand to Sunnybank to get him this Vietnamese Channel for the Tv which let you watch over 3000 different Vietnam movies. It took me a while to find the place but in the end, I found it ! 

After work, I got a called from Anh Phap to meet him at Trung Tam to prepare our game for funfest. We searched the whole store room and cupboards for equipment to use... but there was barely any luck so we had to go to bunnings to grab a few items. Came back to mine and did our game and it took a few tests to get it working. I think we went to like test #14 until it was good ! 

After our preparations, we rushed to Trung Tam to have an important Thieu nhi meeting with the BQT and the priet and Sr Nga. The meeting was....weird LOL. I didn't spoke much as I think I should stay quiet most of the time :L After the meeting we went out to Maccas to have dinner and talked about a few more things...

30/11/2013 - Saturday

Work was the same same. After work I went to watch a free movie since Anh Ken had like 15 tickets to Glory Be. The movie was about religion and fighting in Mexico. It was all right. Good life lesson though :) Have faith guys ! Went for dinner at Little Singapore after and the food was okayish.

1/12/2013 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was fun today since all I did for my kids was play games while the other classes had to do their exams. We played capture the flag and the kids love it :) I also got bitten by an ant... I hate you ! After Thieu Nhi, We had our choir practice then the important voting started for the next Thieu Nhi Term. Sadly, I am still one of the Big 5 :( Why do I have to be the treasurer again? WHY!? My brother is our next leader for next year.... Hopefully he does a good job and improve our Brisbane Thieu Nhi :) 

We all ate at Anh Long's place after to celebrate and I went shopping with Tham, Anh Phap and my cousin Khang for more toys. After shopping, I was really tired but I went out to play touch and TRL. Before church, we went back to mine to rest abit and watched anime. Church was so tired :( I tried to stay awake countless of times. Should had seen Andy too :L 

After church, my place was to go home and rest but Vivian asked me to take her home and I didn't answer back but then her parents came and told me to take her home safely.... I didn't know what to do but the responsibility of Vivian fell into my hands for some odd reasons... I told Kien to come out and eat with us :) We had dessert at Meet fresh and wow, I think I ordered waaai too much :/

2/12/2013 - Monday

Stayed home all day resting and watching anime... Nothing productive came out from my day today :( Went over to my aunty to deliverer food for my mum and talked to her for quite some time :) It's always fun talking to her ! Anh Andy and Chi Lan-Anh was over at mine when I came back and we talked for awhile too !