Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Another Incident

Vincent Valentine <3
So today during work, my uncle asked me to go pick his son up from centenary state high school. I didn't have a car with me so I took his 4WD. I got there like 30 mins early since I didn't really know the way there but it was pretty easy. Waited and slept for awhile until the school kids came out. Drove my cousin and his friend to Mt Om to grab some munchies before we headed home. After I dropped off his friend, the car was making this weird yet familiar sound so I pulled over and checked it out. 

My eyes was like, wtf ! Why would it happen to me again? It has only been three days that I had a flat tyre and now, I had another one but with a different car LOL. Luckily we close to home so I left the car there and walked home with my cousin. Borrowed my brother car to go out to work then drove my uncle to his flat tyre 4WD to change the tyre. The key for the lock didn't work so it took us ages to cut the lock open just to get the spare tyre out. And apparently, I ran into a nail.... FML

Chilled at home until I went to chuck on my new tyre with mah daddy. We also went for a test drive and it was smoother than before :) That $105 was worth it LOL.

Graduation tomorrow and I am not really that excited for it.

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