Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Until The End

Yuffie <3

13/12/2013 - Friday

After work, I went to Trung Tam to practice my Traditional Vietnamese dance that I had to perform for a Xmas Concert. After the practice, I drove over to Chi Quynh's place for our Thieu Nhi Christmas Party. It was a BBQ party :) We played Tekken, chill, mucked around and what not. Also did Dirty Santa and I was the second last person to pick a present :) Won a headphone that apparently cost $40 :)

After the party, Anthony and I went to the gym and smashed our chest :) Came home and played a few games before we headed to bed. 

14/12/2013 - Saturday

Work today was the old same same. After work, Tien, John and Tony picked me up and we went to Morrision's got Tony P's Birthday. We thought we were late but we got there earlier than alot of others lol. The steak was so good ! After the dinner, we headed to casino to play. I didn't want to play so I just watched them. 

15/12/2013 - Sunday

Today, a few of us Ht's took the Ns out for their first outting this year. First of all, we went bowling and it seems they enjoyed it :) I didn't play since my right arm is still injured. We were running out of time so we headed to Maccas to have lunch there before we drove to Ice Staking. I love ice staking ! Met Craig there and he taught me how to brake more better ! 

After the outting, I went with a few of the Ht's to visit Tham's farm. We just chilled, ate and talk there. Also played with the slingshots and tried to shoot the ducks :L 

16/12/2013 - Monday

I went to work with Hoa and Anh Khoa at Beepfone. It was so chillax ! Just fixing and repairing phones all day :) It was fun ! After work, I had a family Christmas Dinner at the Lions Club. $3 STEAAK ! The adults gave the presents out to the kids :) After dinner, Thu and Linh went back to mine to chill. So we went over to Huy's to chill even more there until it hit like 11 o clock and we decided to go eat Midnight Yumcha with Huy's family LOL It was my aunty idea to go. 

Didn't expect to go home so late though :( 

17/12/2013 - Tuesday

Went to work at the Bakery for my mummy since she was busy. After work, I came home and fell asleep for ages. Woke up and had to go to Mass for the Vietnamese Refugee. After the mass, they had a farewell party and they also sang and cried and all those sad things that happens at the farewell party. We also pray for them aswell ! It was quite touching and sad ! One of the refugee is my far far nephew... LOL He has the same Last and Middle Name as me. 

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