Saturday, December 28, 2013

Shopping - Checked !

OMG ! I'M SUPER SORRY FOR NOT BLOGGING ! I've been either, tired, sick, dead and busy ! This may be long but bear with mee ! I've simplified it alot... like ALOT ALOT ! 
23/12/2013 - Monday

Work was really boring and also felt abit sick at work but I managed. Afterward, I went out to a xmas work dinner with Anh Khoa, Hoa and Chuong. We ate at Haoke in Sunnybank Hills and we ate so so much ! Everyone was full and we also had to get some takeaway containers. 

After eating, I went home and chill before Mymy asked me if I wanted to go Cherside shopping with her. So I was like, might aswell since I haven't talked to her in like four months :L Johnnie picked us up and there we went ! It was mainly shopping for her as I wasn't planning to buy anything cause of boxing day sales soon :) 

We bumped into Pumba, Hoa and Td there and chilled with them for abit before we headed home. It was nice to catch up with Mymy. Came home and allnighted watching Vampire Diaries.... it was so good but it destroyed my sleep :`(

24/12/2013 - Tuesday

Went workie with mummy at the bakery and it was so tiring ! So much work to do as we are closing the shops for two weeks but I couldn't wait until I finished today since I won't be working until Saturday :) Yaay ! A few days to rest ! Felt so so sick while working but I mustn't give up. After we closed down the shop, I drove home first before mummy did. When I got home, I found out the milk bottle my mum told me to bring home has spilled all over my passenger seat floor... FML ! Cleaned it before I got ready to go to Xmas eve mass. 

We had to wear our full Thieu Nhi uniform to church and so we did. We all sat in the black with our uniform on :L I was so sick but I managed through mass :) Afterward, I went straight to bed when I got home. I was so so sick !

25/12/2013 - Wednesday

Woke up early in the morning to visit my Grandparents and Anh Tuannie at the cemetery. Went home and slept alot and just rested at home since I was sick :( Had mass at night and afterward, I went to Nam's house with Anthony and we went to look at Xmas light with his family before we went and picked up Thang at Sang's place since there was a party there. 

After we got him, we headed up to Anthony's Brother house for our Gold Coast trip ! YAAAY ! The drive there was quite fast and I wasn't speeding at all :) Yaay ! Got there and dammmn ! The house was amazing ! it was like a mansion  ! First of all, we got changed and went for a quick dive ! The swimming pool was amazing ! Swim all day, everyday ! After swimming, we cooked Lambs Cutlet and omnomnomnom ! It was yummy after a tiring swim. 

Thang went to bed early while the others and myself stayed up and talked before we watched a movie and went to bed. I stayed up most of the night and had an hour sleep cause I wanted to watch more movies LOL ! Y AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF!?!?

26/12/2013 - Thursday

Woke the guys up so we could get ready to head to Harbour Town early for our boxing day shopping ! We cooked a massive peace of rump steak and munched on it ! We got to Habour town at 7:30am and camped at the shops. All of the shops were meant to open at 9am but some opened at 8am so yaay ! Early shopping and skipping out the waiting lines :) 

We got so tired at around lunch time and it was so hot ! Met a few people we knew and it was fun ! Got a few clothes that I like ! :) Just to get out of the carpark, it took like 20 mins... in that heat ! Daaamn son ! When we got back to the house, we went for another swim since it was so hot ! It was so fun how we played all those balls game in the pool :) 

After swimming, we rested and cleaned up the house before we headed back to Sunnybank for Early Dinner. We were planning to eat Yum cha at Parklands but it was closed so we ended up eating at Coffee Square. On the way driving back to Inala, My eyes was dying ! I was fighting myself to stay awake ! Got home and ko'ed :(

Got woken up by family to go out and eat dinner at Inala. 

27/12/2013 - Friday

Spent most of my time chilling at home. I went out to the bakery with mummy to check if we turned off all the lights. Also went to give Linh some bread for her family chickens. Came home and more chilling and resting. I went to church tonight to find out I have dance practice. Practice was alright... better than last week practice :) Afterward, Chilled with the Thang, Van, Lam and Anthony there before I headed home.

Brother decided to go watch the Hobbit 2 with my cousins so I went with them all the way to Brown Plains. It was a good movie ! I love it ! Had always been a fan of LOTR and now this ! DAMMN ! 

28/12/2013 - Saturday

So finally, it's Saturday which means, I have work today zzzz It was boring LOL. During the night, I went over to Randy's place to play Lotr Bfme with him and it was fun ! Anthony also came and chilled with us.

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