Monday, December 9, 2013


The Banner that we did :)

Holy crap ! I have been abit busy over the week and I thought I was free :( Don't worry ! I should be free from now on to blog every single day again :)

3/12/2013 - Tuesday

Work today was alright, played on my iPad most of the time though. 

4/12/2013 - Wednesday

Work again today :( We loss another touch game tonight :( Why are the other asians so good ? We better win the next game ! After touch, I took Teresa to gym and met Kevin Le and Kiet there. I hasn't been to the gym in a while and it was nice meeting them :) 
5/12/2013 - Thursday
So I spent my day helping my mum at the bakerly in Runcorn since she was tired and needed help. Afterwards, I picked Randy up and we headed over to Hoa's to do my Thieu Nhi banner for my funfest game. Our plan was to finish it then go to gym but it took longer than we planned. While doing it, Denne and Lien came over to chill aswell. 

6/12/2013 - Friday

After work, I headed to mass and it was an important mass today. We had choir practice after then we prepared our funfest games and tested it out. I headed over to Nam's place afterward since I had dinner there. My uncles from Melbourne came for the wedding tomorrow and it was nice meeting them. It has been ages since I last saw them ! 

7/12/2013 - Saturday

Today was the day my cousin got married. Thang came over to chill before we headed to mass. While we were there, they only had one person to do the Altar serve so Thang, Nam and I was like Yolo ! Let's do it ! We didn't know what to do but we managed :) It was pretty hot wearing those robes. 

After mass, we went to Anthony's place to have lunch and I met this dickhead there..... He seems quite old but faaark ! My cousins and I wanted to punch him. His step son was cool and he really hated that dickhead too ! After lunch, we went back to Nam's to chill and play LoL before we got ready for the reception. 

While driving to Sunnybank, my car had a flat tyre.....zzzz Out of all the times, it had to be this time LOL So I ended up calling Chuong to come and change my tyre and drive us to the wedding since we were late. Thanks guys !  The reception was alright... wasn't really that fun so we ended up playing pool for like 30 minutes. 

While going home, we saw a fight and it was people from the wedding. I ran in to help but the fighter girlfriend stopped me and told me to get away from him since he would kill me.... scary ! I only wanted to help the other guy stopping him. 

8/12/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and went to Thieu Nhi to prepare for funfest. Sorted out the prizes for each stations then set up as fast as we could since we were running out of time. The game that I did was a big slingshot that shoots water balloons and the targets was me and a couple of other teachers and older kids. 

It was fun ! I got fully wet and also got shot in the balls..... ouch ! During Lunch time, I was drying myself outside since we have our Thieu Nhi Mass right after. I was in the Thieu Nhi choir at mass and damn, so much singing :L 

Afterward, we went out to Inala to eat then Anh Andy, Chi Quynh and I went to steal Mango's... it was alright, the heat was crazy though. We went back to mine to watch One Piece before we headed out to touch but we fell asleep and got lazy :L 

9/12/2013 - Monday

Stayed home and cleaned my room today. After lunch, I went to Trung Tam with Td to unpack some of the funfest items and then went to order myself a new tyre at Darra. Td is going to pick it up tomorrow. 

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