Monday, December 2, 2013

War and Peace

Aerith <3
29/11/2013 - Friday

It was my birthday today and I had to work :( During work, My uncle sent me on an errand to Sunnybank to get him this Vietnamese Channel for the Tv which let you watch over 3000 different Vietnam movies. It took me a while to find the place but in the end, I found it ! 

After work, I got a called from Anh Phap to meet him at Trung Tam to prepare our game for funfest. We searched the whole store room and cupboards for equipment to use... but there was barely any luck so we had to go to bunnings to grab a few items. Came back to mine and did our game and it took a few tests to get it working. I think we went to like test #14 until it was good ! 

After our preparations, we rushed to Trung Tam to have an important Thieu nhi meeting with the BQT and the priet and Sr Nga. The meeting was....weird LOL. I didn't spoke much as I think I should stay quiet most of the time :L After the meeting we went out to Maccas to have dinner and talked about a few more things...

30/11/2013 - Saturday

Work was the same same. After work I went to watch a free movie since Anh Ken had like 15 tickets to Glory Be. The movie was about religion and fighting in Mexico. It was all right. Good life lesson though :) Have faith guys ! Went for dinner at Little Singapore after and the food was okayish.

1/12/2013 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was fun today since all I did for my kids was play games while the other classes had to do their exams. We played capture the flag and the kids love it :) I also got bitten by an ant... I hate you ! After Thieu Nhi, We had our choir practice then the important voting started for the next Thieu Nhi Term. Sadly, I am still one of the Big 5 :( Why do I have to be the treasurer again? WHY!? My brother is our next leader for next year.... Hopefully he does a good job and improve our Brisbane Thieu Nhi :) 

We all ate at Anh Long's place after to celebrate and I went shopping with Tham, Anh Phap and my cousin Khang for more toys. After shopping, I was really tired but I went out to play touch and TRL. Before church, we went back to mine to rest abit and watched anime. Church was so tired :( I tried to stay awake countless of times. Should had seen Andy too :L 

After church, my place was to go home and rest but Vivian asked me to take her home and I didn't answer back but then her parents came and told me to take her home safely.... I didn't know what to do but the responsibility of Vivian fell into my hands for some odd reasons... I told Kien to come out and eat with us :) We had dessert at Meet fresh and wow, I think I ordered waaai too much :/

2/12/2013 - Monday

Stayed home all day resting and watching anime... Nothing productive came out from my day today :( Went over to my aunty to deliverer food for my mum and talked to her for quite some time :) It's always fun talking to her ! Anh Andy and Chi Lan-Anh was over at mine when I came back and we talked for awhile too ! 

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