Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tafe Graduation !

So Today is my big day and I spent it really productive :) Firstly got woken super early to drive my daddy to Bunnings. Afterward, I came home and took a quick nap before I headed to work. During work, My uncle told me to take his car and flat tyre to the mechanic and fix it. I stayed at the mechanics while they were fixing it. I finished work early today and headed home to find out our new Tv came in :) Daddy and I took a couple of mins to set it up.

Afterward, Leon dad picked me up to head to Tafe for our Graduation. Tram was in the car with us and we also picked up KT on the way. Got there and we thought we were late since everyone was already in the room... but, we weren't :) The spech didn't go on for long :) They handed us with our Certificate and congratulate us. We chilled and took photos with the classmate and teachers. Kiet and Td also came :) 

Went back to Leon's to chill for abit before I headed home. Anh Phap came over tonight to help my brother with some stuff and we also talked abit. Our touch game tonight was canceled due to the rain :( Y U HAVE TO RAIN 4!?!? 

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