Monday, October 27, 2014

Don't Touch My Girlfriend

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25-10-2014 - Saturday

Work was pretty boring and slow today for some reason. I went to Linh's 18th Birthday Party tonight and it was pretty good :) I drank with Kim and my Aunty (Mo Lan) alot and omg, we took so much at the start that both of them had to go and sleep :L There was so many drinks and we also have a good bartender :) 

I wasn't meant to drink at all since I drove but my Uncle and Aunty insisted on me drinking so I was like why not, YOLO ! I left my car there and got driven home by my uncle. Came home and pretty much instant fell asleep :L

26-10-2014 - Sunday

Woke up really early and watched alot of anime before my uncle came over to take me to my car. Thieu nhi was the usual today. Afterward, I came home and pretty much watched movies for the whole day :L 

27-10-2014 - Monday

Omg, it was so hot today ! I didn't really do much today since I tried to study and didn't get much into my head :( Gotta work harder tomorrow.

 Groupie !

 Tina !

Another groupie !

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