Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Start and end your day with God. 

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10-10-2014 - Friday

I was fasting today so I can only have two meals in the day and no meat at all :( The Pope said to fast so I gotta obey him haha. I finally went back to University today and it was pretty boring since I was a loner again haha. Came home and had dinner before I headed to the usual Friday Mass. Afterward, I took Vivian and Vi to Indooroopilly to go watch Annabelle. We got there and missed out on the 7:10pm session so we waited until the 9:30pm session. 

While waiting, we went to eat at Harajuku Gyoza and the girls had dumplings while I sat there watching them :( I was so hungry ! We met up with Ai-van and Khang after to grab dessert and there I was again, just watching them eat ! I really wanted to eat aswell ! 

The movie started and it wasn't as scray and good as "The Conjuring" but it has a pretty good storyline so it was okay. 

11-10-2014 - Saturday

Work was okay today, didn't do much out there. I was meant to go to Leon's but I had no money so I stayed home and planned my lesson for tomorrow class.

12-10-2014 - Sunday

I woke up really early so I chilled and watched a few episodes of anime before Thieu Nhi. We started our new Giao Ly (Religion) lesson today which means, I have more to teach now. After Teaching, We all headed to Canossa (Souer place) in Oxley to have our BQT voting for the next two years. 

After the voting, we had a little water fight which was fun :) And yaaay ! I am no longer in BQT next year :) Less work to do :) After the voting process, a couple of us headed back to mine to plan a skit that we will be performing soon. 

Later on in the night, I went to Sakura Sushi with Joseph to have dinner there since we were craving Sushi. Linda and Kristy came up afterward and we headed to Sakuraya for dessert. The girls left home early so Joseph and I went around Sunnybank just having some good talk and we stopped by Maccas for another feed before heading home. 

13-10-2014 - Monday

I got my wisdom tooth taken out today at QEII and omg, it was a pretty painful exprience :( They didn't put me to sleep so I saw everything that was happening ! It was funny how they asked me questions like "Tell us if there is pain" I couldn't even talk at all so I told them I had pain by showing them my face expression but they just kept going so I was like fml, dgaf anymore and tanked everything haha. 

I came home and omg, I was bleeding non-stop from 3pm - 1am :( It was pretty painful. I couldn't rinse my mouth out or anything. I was pretty much a vampire with blood coming out of my mouth haha. 

14-10-2014 - Tuesday

I stayed home today and pretty much drank alot of milk since I couldn't eat much. I ate heaps of Congee though. I pretty much rested today and didn't do much at all. I can't wait until the day I get to eat again. I am craving so many foood right now. 

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