Monday, October 20, 2014


Blood makes you related, Loyalty makes you Family.
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Omg, it was so hard to teach today at Thieu Nhi. Every time I talked, it was like a fork poking into my mouth. The kids even though I was crying hahahaha. They have behaved alot now which is good :) oh and we also got two new students :) we had a short meeting afterwards then we did some short skit practicing too !

Afterward, Joseph came over and we practiced our parts some more :) Took a good nap while watching One Piece and suddenly woke up and remembered that Tien's Birthday was on tonight. We went to Skyzone and do some cardio :) I stayed out on all the games and watch the groups items cause I couldn't do any jumping movement cause of my Wisdom Tooth. It looks like everyone had fun :) 

After doing their short working out, we all headed to Fusion and ate there. I had the Creamy Chicken Soup and it was pretty good :) Finally something that taste good :) but then again, I was really craving for that steeeeeak ! 

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