Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Awakening


I think you're hot, you should take of that shirt

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I skipped half of work today to go to a Catholics workshop and it was pretty good. I learnt alot about teaching children and different activities and ways to approach the kids :) After we finished, I rush out to work and it was pretty boring. My gum started to ache again :(

Tonight, I went to Td's 21st Birthday to celebrate it with him and it was pretty alright even though I couldn't eat or drink. During the party, I took Hoa's car home and got picked up by Mymy. Randy went with me and we chilled at Biota for abit before she picked us up so we could go back to the party. 

Afterward, Nam and Anothy went back to mine to chill for awhile until Nam went home. Anthony is staying over at mine tonight and we are gonna have so much fun ;) jokes. We are just gonna sleep.

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