Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Niem Tin VII

Wow ! 
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20-09-2014 - Saturday

Had work today and then IDK :( -I am going to leave this blank cause I don't know what I did at night time :( I don't remember ! Sorry ! -

21-09-2014 - Sunday

Had the usual Thieu Nhi today. Later on at Night, I went over to my cousins to celebrate his 13th Birthday and it was pretty fun :) I left early though for mass. Today Mass was the celebration of some of our NS promoting to DT. I was asked to hand out the certificate to the priest during mass. It was pretty funny when I got to Anthony and his side badge thingo didn't come off so I had to rip it off :L

After the promotion, I went back to Tai's Birthday and we celebrated more. After the party, us cousins wanted to do a post-party so we headed to Sunnybank for dessert at Berry Me then had some fun at funhouse :)

22-09-2014 - Monday

I don't recalled what I did today :( Felt sick so I think I rest alot. 

23-09-2014 - Tuesday

Same with Tuesday too ! I don't remember ! It probably wasn't anything exciting since I felt sick.

24-09-2014 - Wednesday

After work, I went over to Trung Tam to help some of the TN guys do the paper work stuff and I stayed back abit to play Handball until Vivian and Vi wanted to come over to mine to chill.

25-09-2014 - Thursday

Woke up quite early to park my bags for Thieu Nhi Camp. Afterward, Hoa and I went to Bunnings to get some extra stuff we needed for camp. We went to Trung Tam afterward to meet up with Loc, Chuong and Paul. While we were there, we started to load up all the equipment and tent that we were required to bring up to the camp site. 

I took my car up there and damn, the road was pretty crappy at the camp place haha. The worker there was really nice and he showed us around :) We decided to unload as fast as possible since we heard news that there will be a big storm coming.

We were waiting for Anh Phap, Tham, Andy and Chi Lan-anh to get there so we just started to learn songs and talk about Tn :L The others left while Hoa and I stayed back by ourselves. Phap and that came up with food later during the night and yaay ! FOOD ! After feasting ourselves, we started to do some work on the gate and damn, we spent most of the night doing it. 

26-09-2014 - Friday

There is just too much that happened during camp so I'm going to simplify it alot. 
We woke up quite early to set up Jesus tent and also the gate up before the kids and everyone else arrives. I had my first lesson today and I had to teach the Blue Kids about Mat Thu. Td helped me out :) The kids had there skit night tonight and it was pretty funny !

27-09-2014 - Saturday

Today was a busy day for me. I helped Anh Phap with his Treasure hunting activities and I was in-charge of one of the station. The game at my statoin was pretty hard and I punished the kids alot haha. I even made up a story about the game. Apparently, I was the water god :L Later on at night, It was the Lua Thieng (Special Fire) and I was in charge of it. I did so much work on it and it turns out to be a good night :) 

28-09-2014 - Sunday

Last day of camp and we woke up early to do the CCL (Big Game) I was also incharge of the water station and I pretty much wet all of the kids muahahaha I am evil. We had a few more games and activities until we had to pack up and head back to home. Also cleaned the store room when we got back and that was hard work man so a few of us went out to Inala to reward ourselves with a good meal :) 

29-09-2014 - Monday

I surprisingly woke up early today since my parents were talking too loud in the morning :( Life of an asian kid zzz I didn't do much today except for catching up on sleep that I missed out during camp. Later on at night, I took Vivian out since I promise her that I would take her to Bungle Bungle. I have postponed it so many times already :L Jason and Anthony came along and we ate the delicious chicken there :) Afterward, we went to eat dessert at sweet treats and Vivian and I had creme Brulee which was yummy !

We chilled at the Maccas and bumped into Toan there. Our last stop was the lake and we were there for awhile just talking.

30-09-2014 - Tuesday

I had work with my mummy and Huy today at Inala since my Uncle and Aunty was busy. It was pretty fun since I got to talk to my cousin all day haha. We talked alot about Pokemon and LoL though.

1-10-2014 - Wednesday

I had work during the day. At night, I went to Hannah's 20th Birthday at Morrison and had a good catch up with some of the Corinda people that I haven't seen in awhile :) After celebrating her Birthday, Randy and I headed to Hung's place to celebrate his birthday. Wow, so many birthday parties in a night :( I hate it when this happen. So hard to decide which one to go so why not go to both :L

When I got there, I was asked to take Linh home since she was sick. Came back afterward and the freshie there pretty much drank all night while I was just watching them haha.

2-10-2014 - Thursday
I didn't really do much today. Just chilled at home and did some cleaning up. 

3-10-2014 - Friday

I had an outting today where some of the new Dt's in Thieu Nhi took some of the Tn kids out. I was asked to come aswell. First up, I went to pick up Jasmine and Nhi and we headed to Sunnybank to grab some breakie before meeting up with the others at Ice Staking.

We only skated for like two hours until we all went to the city to have lunch up there. I drove Vivian, Jasmine and Nhi up to QUT since that was the cheapest parking I could have gotten :L We had Starbucks while we waited for the boys to come up to city via bus.

Our destination for lunch was at Maru Maru and omg, there was so much food that I didn't even finished my chicken dish. We went and played Pool and I also did some shopping with the girls.
Afterward, we all have to headed home for church.

I had dinner with the Bishop after mass and most of the higher ups people were there :/ it was kinda awkward so right after I finished, I left to go down and check on the flower dancing girl group.
Later on during the night, Martin and I went to watch "Drucula, The Untold Story" and it was pretty good, I liked it :)

4-10-2014 - Saturday

I went to work for half the day today since I had to go home to go to this important early mass at Trung Tam. Mass started at like 3:30 and went on until 6ish. At first, it was really hot then it started to get really windy and cold :( After mass, the whole community had a bbq and we ate alot.

After filling our tummy with meat, a couple of us went to Fusion Cafe and Dessert for desserts. It was really fun ! We talked about alot of funny things. Afterward, I took Vivian and Vi to the temple to meet up with some of the others there and Anna was there ! This was one of my first time out with her. Yaay !

5-10-2014 - Sunday

Yaay No Thieu Nhi today but we had a catholic lesson with Seour My. A couple of us leaders were there to learn. The lesson was pretty much a guide on what and how to teach the kids in term 4. After the lesson, BQT had a short meeting regarding my uncle's 10th year of becoming a Priest.

When we finished, we had lunch at Inala and Andy and Myself went back to mine to watch One Piece and took a quick nap before church. After church, I went to a family dinner and celebrated my Brother Birthday. I went home after we had the cake so Mymy could pick me up for Chuongs 21st Birthday. 

Tbh, the party was kinda boring and I didn't stay for long but it was nice company with most of the Thieu Nhi people.

6-10-2014 - Monday

I got woken up to mow the lawn with my brother today. Omg, it was so hot ! My body was burning ! After we finished, I went over to one of the the Uni dude house to work on our group assessment. It was boring and hard work but when I man gotta do an assignment, he gotta do it. 

7-10-2014 - Tuesday

I got woken up early again and Hoa asked me to pick him up at Richlands since he was getting his car fixed. Afterward, I fell asleep while watching anime. Season 6 of Vampire Diaries and Original came out ! Yaay ! 

At night, I went grocery shopping with my family and we went over to my Aunty's to chill :)

8-10-2014 - Wednesday

I didn't really do much today other than work. And my uncle came back from Hawaii gave me a figt :) Thank you ! 

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