Monday, October 31, 2011


 Happy Halloween !
One more week of normal classes at school to go. Can't wait til we finish this 12 years of boring crap. Td and I planned to go T&T tonight but we didn't have a car so we were kinda lazy to walk around Inala. We just stayed home instead.

In physics today, Jack and I found out a shorter/unique/awesome method to doing this equation. Turns out alot of people was against us for doing it this shortcut method and saying that it isn't the correct answer. Mr Hogan came and check and he had to reread the text book to see if it was correct to do it this way. We won, we proved that it was correct and was given full marks YAY. We are so gonna be the next Einstein.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Be Quiet

Took the Ns girls out today since I promised them. Td, Toan and Johnny tagged along. We cabbed it to Indro for Sushi. It was so yummy. Afterward we train/bus it back to Inala then went for bubble tea and maccas. Went over to Tanya's for movies again. This time we watched Orphan. It wasn't that scary but other people thought it was. Everyone cept Tanya, Toan and Loan walked to church. Ate at church and chilled around. Decided to go someone but we didn't have much money left so we all just went home.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Something about you

Went to help set up, prepare and carry stuff at 9. Ate Maccas for breakfast and also Bubble teaaa. Picked up stuff from all over the place haha. Ate Kfc for lunch and everyone went back to my house to rest/play.

Came there and helped cook abit then went and prepared for my gay dance. It was so embarrassing standing infront of everyone dancing. After we're done with dancing, I went back to the stalk and help out. Our food went out so fast at like 7ish. After we finish selling we started to clean up and let the oldies do some of the selling and we, all the youngies went off to Dodgems car. It was so fun. I purposely drove in reverse and bump into heaps of other car with a big impact YAY. Half of the fireworks came on when we were driving.

Afterward Hoc, Daniel groups and some of us Dt/Ht went to Maccas for some snacks then went to Super 8. Played pool for a while and I won a plushie. I'm so pro at the skill tester muhahaha.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Went to dance prac. Chilled around and played around. Afterward Td, Daniel, Linda, Vi, Tanya, Loan and Martin went to Tanya's place to watch movies. YAY MOVIE NIGHT! Saw Toan there but he left with 2dn to eat. Td and I didn't had money with us so we stayed back for movies. Watched Hall pass. Mymy came half way through the movie then Linda, Martin and Vi left since they had to. Finished Hall Pass and saw some disturbing things hahaha. It's a quite funny movie, I must say. Played around and got some KFC then watched Blade of glory.

Tomorrow is the multicultural festival and I have to perform :( Gonna be so embarrassing.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Get it in

Chilled at Inala with David Melera and Andrew then omw walking home I met Kle and Tiff so I went and chilled with them for a while. Walked Tiff to bus stop then Kle and I was on our way home but we met Hannah and Mande so we also chilled with them for abit. Afterward we used a coin to decided whether we should stay with them or go home. The coin says go home so it was decided that we walk home. 
Watched RM 60. LOL at Gary hahaha. Such shit skills at being a spy lol.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Tutor was so boring since I was by myself for an hour when my cousin left me. And also I didn't have my iPod with me cause of someone *stares* so no music and Tumblr made it soo long.

Akatsuki brings back memories of a group cosplay that I was in.

I'm Zetsu, the guy with the green leaf. I don't look like him but it's me LOL. This picture also brings back the pain I was in.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rain Drop

Guess who is back at my place tonight? My brother friends. This time they play with my dad aswell. oh Chinese Chess. How addicting can you get? This time they weren't on my bed . Yay ! I can sleep early tonight.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Winter Magic

Chilled at Inala after school. Walked Mande and her cute sis to the bus stop then came back to Tony's then walked Tiffany to bus stop then Kevin Le and I walked home.

My brothers friends came over after they went for dinner and everyone went into my room. I dunno why they did but they did. They were just playing cards and stuff on my bed. Why must it have to be my bed and not my bro's bed. WHY!?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The North Face


Today was just an usual day for me. Went to Youth, dance prac then took a nap at home and just stayed on my lappy and also no school work was done like always. Haven't had this kind of Sunday for some time. Good relaxation.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Love is move

Went to Paintball Skirmish today. Met up with the group at 7: 30am sharp then drove down to Top gun at Keppa. Played like 10 rounds. It hurts like shit when you get shot. 280km/h, that was how fast a bullet was flying at you. Got shot on the head twice. Head was bleeding but its okay now. The last round was the epic-est round ever. Most of the people sat out of it because it was the free-for-all round. The instructor told us to get to gather closer to him and then he gave us the rules of the round. The rules was
 1. No teaming up
2. The only way to get out is to surrender and raise your hands up
3. You can shoot as much as you want.

He then said okay, you have 5 seconds to hid, 5,4,3,2,1 then BAM ! I got shotted like from all sides. Hurt like shit since my ass got shot heaps. hahaha. We were all stinky, sticky and exhausted but it was super fun as. Got bruises all over my body now.

Nam and Td came over at night. We walked to KFC then went to Loan's to eat and watch a movie. Chilled there also.

Friday, October 21, 2011


We had dance practice today which was alright but so it was very hot. Wore my jumper for the whole lesson.
I now Remember most of the dances Yay.

At night I went to dance practice (Not the school one LOL). Afterward Walked to Maccas with Loan and Tanya. Ate then went back to my place. Thang, Nam, Anthony and Ai-Van was there. Played around in my room for awhile. Yea that was about it. That was all we did at mine.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Naeng Myeon

"Sometimes ppl might think I'm crazy, but that's OK, I enjoy making them happy". This dude is awesome. So freaking mad as.
This is what I called pro at gaming. God dammit he is so into the game. He is basically the game himself.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Boys

Well the three hours at tutor was spent not studying much. Spent heaps of my time chatting, texting, facebooking and also games. I need the motivation to study. Why is it so hard to concentrate on school work?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Say My Name

Came to school feeling like shit cause I was super sick but I don't wanna destroy my perfect attendance so I must stayed at school.

English tomorrow and I don't wanna do it. I'm quite scared. So much words to memorize. I can only remember the first line atm and I'm gonna sleep now. Nights guys. Good luck doing your English~

Monday, October 17, 2011


Today I woke up and found out I just got sick. Didn't really want to go to school to do a hospitality course but since I paid for it I wouldn't want to waste the money. Woke my bro up and he was kinda raging at me for waking him up so early. I had to wake him up for a lift. Got to Kiet house and waited for Alex Boss Dang to come.

Got to school at 8ish and everyone around the school was eyeing us since we were in our Uniform. People was saying to us that "You guys do know that today is a pupil free day" We were like sigh, and answered back with we came to school to do this hospitality course. Got to the Sport center and saw Lil-Yen and Nataliee.

 Learned to carry plates, pour wine in a unique way, carry drinks, open a wine bottle and also make cofffeeeee ! Yum ! Alex and I was feeling like shit most of the time since we had only like 3 hours sleep. Got kiet to drive us to inala after we finish the course. Everyone started to eye at me again. Sigh. Went into my uncle shop and got changed. Bum around at Inala for a while.

Gotta do English tonight so I can memorize the scprit tomorrow. I don't wanna stay up anymore since I have been staying up alot. Gonna try to finish this by 11:11 pm.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


After Youth group the Dt's (Which was Me, TD, Linda, Hoa, Mymy, Johnnie and Thang) planned to go to Sunny bank to eat all you can eat kbbq but we changed that plan since we were missing a driver cos she went to Gold  Coast. We decided to go swimming at South Bank since it was super hot. Found out that the Ht's also planned an event and invited us. So we planned to spit up and go separate ways then meet up later to chill and sing. As dt's, afterward making hard decisions ended up going to Forest Lake  to eat and swim and chilll around. I came there late since I have dance prac to go again. 

Played card, ate and decided not to go for a swim but instead watch a horror movie. So we went back to my place to grab some movies then walked to Mymy house and watch YAY. We watched Friday the 13 and Exocist of Emily Rose. It wasn't scary for me since I'm a boss but for others hahahaha. 

We were meant to meet at Chi Quynh house at 5 but we ended up calling the Ht's to pick us up at 7. Went there and sang and also played around. Also Birthday Cake for Chi Quynh. Played mini games, cards and also some did dance moves with fans. Was meant to go to Leon's now but I cbf now. Too tired.

Black Wizard

Happy Birthday TD !
Went to Td's. Chilled around there until most of the group went to Sunny Bank. I went in Hoc car with Alex, Leon and Denne. Played pool until midnight. There was like 40ish people from the party LOL. Went to Market sqaure for desert but when we just got to the front the shop closed. Walked around Sunny Bank looking for a place that is open but there wasn't much. Sigh. So we went and ate Maccas. Played hid and seek tag in the playground LOL. We are such kids. HAHAHA so much funny stuff happened while we play. Heaps of injuries aswell LOL. I'm finnally home now and it's time to study for me test tomorrow....Fun !

Friday, October 14, 2011

Birthday Boy

Went to Forest Lake maccas with Nam, Anthony, Tanya, Vi and Vivian. I shouted everyone .... I'm so broke now. Anyways we bought stuff to make a sparkler bomb. Walked to Vivian house to make it. While making it her mum called and said she is coming home now, so we quickly packed everything up before she got home. We talked and introduce ourself to her parents. Got them to go inside, so we quickly finish making the bomb. Went inside to grab the cooking fire starter but her mum was using it so we were screwed. 
Plan B was to go to Vi's place and do it, so we got Vivian dad to drive the girls to Vi's house while us boys ran there. We beat the girls YAYERS. Blew up the sparkler bomb. It was pretty awesome. Played with leftover sparklers. Nam threw one so we can see a shooting star and make a wish but it got stuck on a tree so Anthony jumped up and shoock the tree so it would fall down. Watta HERO !
  Played around for abit and home I went. When I got home I saw so many cars parked outside my house. I was like omg, please don't be another party but it was just my bro friends and some of our youth group teachers. Phew, no party today :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Went around Inala with Linda looking for something to get for TD's 18th. Found some stuff but it was expensive and our budget was very low so we ended up flipping a coin to see if we will get it or not. Ends up not getting it so we just bought a card for him. What cheapo's we are.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No No No No No

So cute !
So like at tutor, my cousin were going home at 8:30 and this other chick was also going home at 8 :30 and I was gonna be left along with my tutor. I lied to him saying that I had to go home with my cousin so I went home at 8:30 instead of staying to 9:30 YAY. Uncle took us to Maccas and I saw my brother..... I didn't know what to say to him cos he was meant to pick me up at 9:30 so I just said that the tutor had to go somewhere at 8:30 phew.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Do U Like Me

$6 to skip Maths B and watch this Shakespeare thingo = Quite worth it but the heat was ugh. Tumblr is quite addicting. I've also made a new twitter since I forgot my old twitter password.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Strength of a Thousand Men

Went to Office work with Hoa, Shane and David after school. Chilled at Maccas for a bit then Shane left us and drove off so we had to walk all the way to Bunnings. Went inside to look around then bus'ed it to Inala. Bum around there fir a while then home I went.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Super Dope

First day back at youth was kinda fun-ish. Went out to Pho99 with the teachers to eat and chill. Then off to Chi Quynh house to sing and play cards. Play thirteen and the person who loses 10 times have to shout everyone BMT & Bubble teeeaaa~ I loss twice out of like 25 match since I was pro hahaha. nah I was quite lucky or maybe it wasn't luck.

 Went over to Toannie to play for a bit then walked home. Cousins came over then we went to Pho99. Ate like a pig and came back home then other cousins came over. So many people coming over today and there is nothing special today wow.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Made a Tumblr today cause I was super duper bored. You can now can see the world though my eyes by looking at this epic thing
----------------> iDream <----------------

Today was one super boring day. Didn't really do anything cept Babysitting and staying on mah lappy.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Beautiful Day

 First week of school seems so long. It felt like two weeks already but reality its only been one. Must been long because I was so tired Monday - Thursday.

Dance practice was fast as today. Hanged around after and played around.
Went to another family party. All these kids running around is quite annoying now but oh well, they will grow up one day. Hopefully it will be the last for a while.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

It Will Rain

Went to Maccas at 1st Break with Hoc. Money well spent on Maccas instead of Tuckshop. It was so worth it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yorick the Jester

Happy Birthday Loser~ ! Jokes... Happy Birthday Bro !
Had a family dinner again at my place to say farewell to my uncle who is leaving to Brazil tomorrow. It was also my brother birthday so we also celebrated that. My aunty birthday is tomorrow so we also had a cake for her aswell.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Parents 25th

I have been quite busy so I haven't post up anything yet.
Gonna summarize what I did on certain days
2nd -October- 2011
Celebrated Parents 25th anniversary. Saw Hong working at Darra restaurant while we were decorating the place. Didn't expect to see her work there LOL. Went to mass then off to the restaurant. It was a pretty awesome night. I drank alot but I wasn't drank so all good.

3rd -October- 2011

1st day of school and I have a hangover. Felt like shit throughout the whole day at school.

Came home and went to Jong Ga Korean Japanese Restaurant (All you can eat KBBQ) with the whole big family YEEEEE ! The family decided to take shots of this Cointreau and some other wine + alcohol. It was so strong but tasted good as.

Slept late since the adults were taking so loud and I stayed awake to listen to them hahaha.
15 people sleeping at my place is so noises LOL
Takes ages to get your turn to shower, brush teeth, or even go pee.

4th -October- 2011
Woke up super early to say goodbye to Grandpa and step grandma. Came to school feeling so tired once again. Second day was so long. It feels like it's been a week at school already but it's only the second day. Big family came over and ate dinner.

Here are some pics of parents 25th anniversary.

 Whole family on mum side. (Dunno when this family will be able to gather again as a whole since some lives far away)

Everyone at the mass
 Youth group photo. Not gay at all LOL HAHAHAHA

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Better You

Another family party again. More cousin came to Brisbane from Canberra. Went to Sunny Bank for desert. Chilled and ate. 

14 people are sleeping at mah house tonight. Gonna be a rough night. cousin and me are sleeping at the living room. just on the floor like always.

Good Good Night

Happy Birthday Hannah !
Grandpa and step Grandma came to Brisbane today. Had a family lunch at my place like always. Went to Hannahs after. People were meant to be there at 3:30 but it was only Hannah, Mande and Me. Blew up so many balloons. Messed around with Hannah's Facebook and stick sticky notes everywhere.  Left Hannah's at six and went to family party at Hanh's. It was alright but was getting boring since I have been seeing the whole family like every single day. Got Hanh to drive me back to Hannah's at 8 :30. 

Came back and people started to cake each other. I got caked aswell. Helped clean up for abit then we went to lit up the sparkler bomb. It blew but it wasn't that high. Went back inside and played Truth or Dare. So many thing happened LOL. Played Murder in the dark. So funny when people bumped into things hahaha. I went home when they just started to play Just dance.