Sunday, October 16, 2011


After Youth group the Dt's (Which was Me, TD, Linda, Hoa, Mymy, Johnnie and Thang) planned to go to Sunny bank to eat all you can eat kbbq but we changed that plan since we were missing a driver cos she went to Gold  Coast. We decided to go swimming at South Bank since it was super hot. Found out that the Ht's also planned an event and invited us. So we planned to spit up and go separate ways then meet up later to chill and sing. As dt's, afterward making hard decisions ended up going to Forest Lake  to eat and swim and chilll around. I came there late since I have dance prac to go again. 

Played card, ate and decided not to go for a swim but instead watch a horror movie. So we went back to my place to grab some movies then walked to Mymy house and watch YAY. We watched Friday the 13 and Exocist of Emily Rose. It wasn't scary for me since I'm a boss but for others hahahaha. 

We were meant to meet at Chi Quynh house at 5 but we ended up calling the Ht's to pick us up at 7. Went there and sang and also played around. Also Birthday Cake for Chi Quynh. Played mini games, cards and also some did dance moves with fans. Was meant to go to Leon's now but I cbf now. Too tired.

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